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Space Cowboy

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Everything posted by Space Cowboy

  1. Space Cowboy

    windows XP wont boot

    hi guys..im having a headache over here..wifes pc wouldnt boot because system32\config\system was corrupt or missing error..i fixed that thru recovery console..now.pc wont boot at all..gets to the point like it wants to boot,but i see a glimpse of a BSOD then she reboots.and keeps this cycle up.i have tried to reseat the cpu..it has 3 sticks of 128.i tried swapping and running with just one of each at a time..still no go..wont boot safemode or anything ((( is there anyway to look at the log without getting into windows? or a way to turn off auto reboot so i can see the error.. any help would be appreciated...because she has to ebay.and i dont wanna give up my baby to her hehe
  2. Space Cowboy

    SB Live 5.1 and XP

    well,im having a small problem..i built a new pc for my uncle specs: Windows XP Pro P4 1.8 sock 478 Soyo P4I Dragon Mobo 512 pc-2100 DDr ram SB Live 5.1 yatta yatta yatta the problem is,i installed the whole shooting match from the cd that came with the card,insalled the patch thats out for multi users on XP,and then installed the XP 5.1 driver from creatives site..anytime i try and play music,and then try and adjust volume..XP freezes..so i uninstalled all sb live drivers..removed card from device manager,put in a diff slot..reloaded the default XP drivers..same thing..again uninstalled everything..and loaded the XP driver from creative...still freezes whenever i try and adjust volume,windows volume control,or wmp's volume control..any ideas??
  3. Space Cowboy

    SB Live 5.1 and XP

    I just wanted to add,its a intel chipset mobo and has latest intel chipset drivers loaded..i also have same chipset,but have the sb live x-gamer with liveware 3 loaded,and have never had any probs
  4. Space Cowboy

    what settings for NIC ?

    Hi guys.i have a question for the board,i have cable connection,and 2 pc's 2 IP's,in the past i have always used a 10/100 HUB with seeminlgy no problems..but in the last 4-5 months my cable provider has really put the screws on us (att)and capped us hard..hence.when both pc's access the net it slows both down..if im gaming online..and daughter opens a site.my ping goes from 30-40ms to 200ms and laggy as hell..the cable guy tells me my problem is that i have a hub,that i need a switch..and to set both NICS in pc's to 10 instead of auto sens..i bought the switch.is he correct?? should i mess with NIC settings as well??..from what i read about switches,he was correct..the swicth will clear any bottlenecks for sure..thx in advance:D
  5. Space Cowboy

    what settings for NIC ?

    uboofer,you hit the nail on the head..i told the sap its because they capped me so freakin tight..i went from 6-7 mb downs and 5xx k up(actual upload speeds showed 120k in browser)down to 1.5 and 129k thats when i started having the problems i am now..i can get dsl.but i dont know if it will be any faster,altho i live only like 2 city blocks away from swicth station... but your right,they rule the bandwidth..and are tighter than dicks hatban
  6. Space Cowboy

    what settings for NIC ?

    Thx for your replay..i got the switch yesterday..webpages and shared files seem to be somewhat quicker..but i still have the problem of when one machine is doing something bandwidth intensive.the other machine laggs badly..i thought the whole idea of a switch was to distribute the bandwidth equally among the 2..
  7. Space Cowboy

    A New Problem New Error Message

    Ok..after all the probs with wifes pc,i finally reformatted..1st.for some reason i cant access windows update..says security may be set to high,or i didnt select yes when trying to let MS access..some crap..i tried resetting security to low,still no go..now..when i reboot i get a error message i have NEVER seen... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Windows could not start because of an error in the software. please report this problem : load needed DLLs for Kernel. Please contact yoiur support person to report this problem" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./me starts loading up the pistol,as this machine is driving me crazy! i did a dual boot of xp..and edited the boot ini to say moms on one os load,and kids on other..both worked fine..wifes is the one that wont update thru windows update site..and is the one that werks..the other which is the kids updated fine thru the site,and then when i went to reboot it..got the error in refrence..so i have 1 OS working fine.but wont update thru windows..other that updated fine.now wont boot because of the error..so should i format and reload both OS's again? is there a way to fix this at all without reformatting..and lastly..am i in for troubles since i am dual booting with same os.on 2 diffrent partitions..
  8. Space Cowboy

    Network Sharing A Scanner?????

    Is it possible to share a scanner across a home network as u do a printer??..i dont see anywhere to set a share for it in XP..i just bought a UMAX Astra 4400 ..seems to be a nice scanner.but i wanna share it..
  9. Space Cowboy

    Network Sharing A Scanner?????

    Quote: Is it possible to share a scanner across a home network as u do a printer??..i dont see anywhere to set a share for it in XP..i just bought a UMAX Astra 4400 ..seems to be a nice scanner.but i wanna share it.. exactly and even to mix it up,i traded that POS UMAX.with there shady tech support in for a visioneer one touch 8700..so,this thread is asking simply,how can i share a scanner over a home network..both pc's on XP.
  10. Space Cowboy

    User Switching Problem

    I have Fast User Switching set on wifes pc,and have 3 users and a admin account on the pc..lately it has started acting wierd.if u have someone else logged in..and u use the fast switching..it wont let u login under any other users until u log off account thats logged in...make any sense??..i want fast user because kids are always doing something,and if wife wants to check email or her ebay account,she doesnt have to wait for kids to close out what here doing..just."fast swicth" hehe..anyone know why this is happening?
  11. Space Cowboy

    Network Sharing A Scanner?????

    thx for info.i had tried everything,and couldnt get it to work,i now see why haha
  12. Space Cowboy

    H E L P !!!

    I have no idea what happened..but wifes pc which has XP wont give me a desktop..when i boot it,and log in under any user,admin included..it goes to desktop..but gives no icons.no start menu.nothing..mouse will move,and i can crtl/alt/del and it will bring up task manager.and i can close programs..but NO DESKTOP ITEMS please help.
  13. Space Cowboy

    H E L P !!!

    Ill look into that,thx again pal.expecially for such a quick response
  14. Space Cowboy

    H E L P !!!

    well clutch good idea,i tried that,and somehow it was missing..or atleast had zero byte size to it,i copied the explorer.exe from my pc via network to hers.and it werked,but it keeps giving me a recovered from error message.but now it allows me to access desktop.start up ext..will MY explorer EXE be ok? or do i need to extract a new one from CD ?? PS.thx pal.i was so mad i didnt even think of explorer.exe i knew something was missing in task manager hehe
  15. Hi guys,awsome forum..hopefully u guys can help me out.. this is what i have..a wife,who loves XP,and 2 daughters one who likes xp,one who doesnt..all use 1 computer..i tried running only XP and having 3 users,but everytime one of the daughters installed something in there profile,,it would somehow load on my wifes when she would log in..so i got the bright idea,i would partition the harddrive into 3 partitions..and each user have there own OS..is this possible?? or is there a better way to make it where each users stuff doesnt load on other profiles when they log in??? thx in advance guys and Merry Christmas to all
  16. Space Cowboy

    How Can i Make EVERYONE Happy??

    thx alot,that sounds like it will do the trick
  17. Space Cowboy

    Hard Drive Error

    Hi guys,i just noticed something lastnight that is wierd..my setup is as follows: 1 40 gig as system drive 2 40 gigs setup in a striped raid array1 i have my OS on drive 1 with a 6 gig partition for OS..rest as storage,the 2 40's in a striped volume i use for my program files,page file,and some storage... in disk managment it shows drice D (the 2 40's) with a error when i run a disk scan it goes thru the 1st 4 scans no probs,when it gets to #5 which is checking amount of space it never moves off 0 % i started it before i went to bed last night and this morning it was sitting on ZERO % ran it again today..same thing????????????? any ideas>?
  18. Space Cowboy

    Hard Drive Error

    Well guys..i saw 11 reads,and noone had responded..so i started messing with it again..and read the help section on hradrives in XP.my problem was harddrives were online..but showing errors so i looked taht up,and found that it was a I/O error that is common ..said to just reactivate the drives..so when u right click the drives in disk managment u have the choice to do so..and presto!!.all is well..just took some reading
  19. Space Cowboy

    lost cd rom drives

    If you just installed a burning software..and your CD's disapeared afterwards..only way u can get them back..without having to reformat is to use the rollback feature built into XP..as it will revert your pc back to the state it was in before u installed the software..i have had this happen to me,and it worked fine
  20. Space Cowboy

    How Can i Make EVERYONE Happy??

    ok lemme try that thx for the response..Merry Christams all
  21. Space Cowboy

    How Can i Make EVERYONE Happy??

    thx for the responses.keep em comming ..i would rather use 1 OS (XP) and have it where i have diff user accounts..shortcuts arent the problem,every user gets one to any programs.my problem is,programs my daughters load via there user accounts are also exec at startup on wifes account as well..I DONT WANT MY WIFES ACCOUNT having all my daughters programs run at startup...only want them to run on daughters account
  22. Space Cowboy

    How Can i Make EVERYONE Happy??

    the problem is simply this..wife is an admin..kids i have as users.. if one daughter installs aim.or kaza when my wife logs in under her user account,aim..kaza.or whatever other program my daughter has loaded ..starts up with her profile..they all want diff backgrounds/themes is why i set it up with 3 diffrent user accounts..and added daughters as users only..if i set it where thses proggys dont load at start up for my wifes sake,then when daughters login they have to manually start these proggys,and when wife loags in there back..im beating my head against wall,i know there has to be a way to make is as if each person has there own OS,and there own proggys..is why i suggested and wondered if there was a way to make a triple boot,letas say 2 10 gig partitions,and 1 20 gig partition..the 2 10's each have tehre own OS.and the 20 has XP so when i boot the pc,i have 3 OS's to choose from..THAT would be the way..but would suffice if XP would let me seperate each user account so each doesnt effect the other