OS: Windows 2000 5.00.2195 with service pack 2.
Processor: AMD Athlon AT/AT compatible, 261,616 KB RAM
Also using Microsfot network to run a shared DSL Internet connection. I have two hard drives, both with plenty of space. The one is for storage and backup of important files only, the other is partitioned for system files and programs (on separate partitions). I already tried installing the game on the partition with the system files and that didn't help any. I have two CD drives, as well. One is a DVD-ROM, and the other is a CD-RW drive. I installed the game using the DVD-ROM.
This is the same system that I had it installed on using Windows ME. I'm wondering if the diffent OS, running the direct Internet connection through Microsoft networking (that wasn't on there before, either), or possibly the partitioned drive might have something to do with it (or some combination of them)?
Thanks so much for your help!