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About NichtSehrGut

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  1. NichtSehrGut

    playing redneck rampage

    Redneck Rampage is based on the "Build" engine which means that anything above 320x200 resolution is a no-go, SoundBlaster audio will work in XP but it will be very poor (you have to have set to a low quality level with as few voices as possible or your video will have seizures), and it also means VDMSound is not a solution. You could try that hack that comes with SoundFX (Cli2Nop), but that will make the game unstable. Right now, your best bet is to run this on a Win9x machine. Dual-booting between Win9x and XP works best for me.
  2. NichtSehrGut

    The Pandora Directive etc

    You didn't say what the problem was running "Killing Moon" (audio? video? error messages? blank screen?). Audio could probably be handled by VDMSound, Video may be a bigger problem. For the other two, did you set up compatibility mode on the windows installer before running it? Some of the Win9x installers out there are going to specifically check for a Win9x OS and choke if it's not there. Also, did you try both Win95 and Win98? The best thing for me has been the dual-boot setp with Win98 and XP. You can have a Win9x boot partition (FAT32) and let XP handle the rest of your hard drive. I've left my other partitions in FAT32 so I can still access them after upgrading to XP (I made my XP boot/windows partition NTFS so none of my older windows progams will get confused by two Windows systems) Some of these older programs get really confused by large partitions and the NTFS format, so keep that in mind. Installing 98 with XP already installed is a little more complicated. But if you a non-destructible partition tool, you could change your XP boot partition to another letter (Win9x will want C: ) and squeeze in some space for it. In case you hadn't guessed already, I'd advise against removing XP. The only reason I swap to Win98 is compatiblity for some older games, and that's simply not enough to dump the whole OS.
  3. NichtSehrGut

    Multi-Boot XP with Win 98 and Linux

    I can set up a dual-boot with Win98 easily. I have yet to get a successful multi-boot with Mandrake Linux 8.1. I have tried setting it up on a separate drive (1st partition), using MBR of that drive, then tried 1st Boot sector, etc... Also tried using BootMagic (part of Partition Magic) to detect and boot it, but the best I get is a startup message, followed by a Kernel Panic message. Trying to avoid using Mandrake's custom MBR menu. Windows programs complain about it and it's too easy to kill the menu.
  4. NichtSehrGut

    Shuting down while users are still logged on.

    Well... The obvious one would be to make sure everyone has logged off before you shutdown. If you're the only one logged in and you "Switch User" to the login screen, and then shutdown; you'll get the message as well. If you're the only one logged in and you're shutting down from within your login (your Desktop) and you still get the message; then your XP is confused. Don't know what you can do about that (except maybe, kill all accounts but your own...).
  5. NichtSehrGut

    B17 Flying Fortress

    You didn't specify if this was the "original" B-17 from MicroProse or it's recent sequel. If it's the original try installing/setting it up with no audio first. Also, a little more detail than "it doesn't work" might help (IE: Locks up at title screen, blank screen at startup, starts up and then crashes with error ###,etc...) Also, try starting this from a full-screen command prompt, otherwise you'll lose any error reports generated.