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Posts posted by Gregor

  1. hi, i have a problem with msn messenger. it crashes when i want to use voice, video, app sharing, remote assistance,... on everything it crashes except on text and sending/receiving files.


    i tried then to run windows messenger but an error occured and it didn't open. then i removed msn plus!, msn messenger 5.0. the i went to start->run-> "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove", rebooted. windows told it has removed windows messneger. then i tried to re-install windows messenger and again, error ocured. so i couldn't install it. removed again everything, rebooted, installed msn messenger and again.. it crashed!!!


    i even used system restore, but it didn't restored anything good.



    please help if you know how!!!



  2. If you have new Windows Media Player with playlist opened with mp3's and if you have mp3 with ID3 (v1 or v2) like this:

    Author: Author and Title: Title, the author won't be shown!!!


    but, if you have id3 saved like this:

    Author: Author and Title: Author + Title, the author will be shown...


    that means just one thing.. why the heck shows new WMP only the Title from songs in playlists and not also the Author???


    any clues how to fix this problem?



  3. this problem is a little bit strange though :|



    2computers in network (lan) have shared internet connection (compA has modem and is sharing connection), compB wants to connect to internet.


    i had an icon for shared internet connection on ComputerB in network connections (control panel), but have accidently deleted it!!! now, even if i create a new shared connection on computer A it won't appear on computer B!!!


    if computer A goes on internet, computer B can use internet too!!! please help me retrieve that icon or settings in network connections. i need it for going online from computerB (don't want to connect/disturb on A to use internet on B)


    thanks all wink

  4. i have two computers in home network, crossover cable, windows xp pro (+sp1) on both. network created with wizzard. everything looks perfect... BUT...


    computerA can access computerB shared folders!

    computerB cannot access computerA shared folders!


    both computers see all shared folders in My network places!


    when computerB tries to access computerA folders, it just locks up! the clock cursor appears and that's it! my network places doesn't respond anymore! i runned networ wizzard for 100times on both computers but without success!!!


    any help please?! :'(

  5. it's like this:


    2 computers


    1st computer = modem in it

    2nd computer = accession on internet via shared internet connection through 1st computer.




    the problem:


    not even on 1st or 2nd computer, sending files from MSN Messenger doesn't work! recieving works!




    other things you maybe need to know:


    - no firewall, router or proxy is used!

    - boths computers have windows xp with msn messenger 4.7 installed!

    - i searched everywhere, even on MSN help site, but didn't found answer, please help me if you know what is wrong,...




    thanks all!

  6. hi there,


    i bought myself a new computer:


    motherboard is gigabyte with KT400 and other fancy stuff. i also have hdd WD 120gb 7200rpm ata100.


    when turning on the computer, it checks for some ata133 stuff and it tells nothing was found. that's okay,... but when i try to install windows xp it loads the controllers (asks me also for installing raid or scsi), then.. when it say that he wants to go into windows (installation) blue screen appears and it says that i should check hard drive for viruses or hard drive if i have any new disks.


    can someone tell me what's wrong because i don't have a clue here!


    i think some jumpers or bios settings arent good. in bios i also used that function to make all settings by default/safe configuraion, but it doesn't help



    please please help me with this,







  7. have windows xp pro.


    - i don't know why but java applets on several pages do not work. i got the notice to download Java Virtual Machine. okay, i click download button and i then am send to microsofts page, where it says that download link isnt avaliable anymore.


    when searching over MS page i also spotted that it says to check on windowsupdate for Microsoft Virtual Machine bug fixes or updates. after checking windowsupdate i find out MS update doesn't include any fixes at all! WHAT TO DO?


    then i go to google and type virtual machine windows xp and thank god the sun.com offers Java Virtual Machine for Windows XP for free. i download it, run it and guess what.. it doesn't work! where the java applets should work the java vm from sun closes all of my IE windows.



    can someone help me with this problem since i don't have a clue what to do. i cannot use even internet banking because i don't have support for java on windows xp. how is this possible? what to install and where to get it???


    thanks for you answers guys

  8. well.. i have slot settings like this:


    - primary master: hdd1 - maxtor 40gb,

    - primary slave: hdd2 - ibm 10gb,

    - secondary master: cd-rw teac 40x

    - secondary slave: cd-rom sony


    in ide ata/atapi controllers (advanced...) i checked for secondary ide channels "dma if available"




    someone told me that isn't possible to have a cd-rom 52x and the cd-burner 40x on the same slot (secondary).. could this be the reason?

  9. i have nero and clonecd installed on my computer. recently i bought a new cd-burner Teac CD-RW 40xburn speed (burn-proof, cd-text,...).


    when i want to compile a new cd in nero and grab the files from my HD everything looks okay (3.44 minutes for 80minutes CD), but when i want to create a new cd with files from another cd-rom, my computer suddenly restarts. the same thing happens in clonecd, when i want to copy a cd,... it just restarts. any ideas why does this happen?


    please help..



    my specifications:


    - proc: duron @ 700mhz

    - cd-rw: teac 40x

    - cd: sony 52x

    - sys: win xp





  10. after my cd-rom got old,.. i bought me another one. now it is sony. but hey...


    1. i have also cd-rw in my computer

    2. i took my old cd-rom out,... put back new one now the sistem changed my drive letters



    cd-rw - f:

    cd - g:



    cd-rw - g:

    cd - f:


    now everytime i put some cd in my new cd-rom i get this notice:


    Files that are required for Windows to run properly have been replaced by unrecognized versions. To maintain system stability, Windows must restore the original versions of these files.


    Insert win xp cd now...


    then i insert winxp cd and what happens? well.. it just pops out that window with "what du you want to do..."?



    Now you tell me,.. what do????? what's the problem?

  11. Hello,


    after i noticed dets 23.12 on winupdate page and downloaded them a hell is

    happening to my computer.


    you know that after dl-ing from winupdate, the drivers autoinstalls. but

    then i got the error:

    "An error occurred during the installation of the device".


    i thought oh hell, not so important anyways. next time i turned on my

    computer i was on 800x600. i checked the device manager and see the red

    cross over my display card. then i tried:


    - roll back

    - uninstall

    - reinstall...


    and everytime i want to install any version of detonators (21.81, 23.11,

    27.20), but none of them worked. everytime i get that error:


    "An error occurred during the installation of the device


    The system cannot find the file specified".


    i also tried to delete some things in register (regedit), i also tried to

    start windows in safe mode and there reinstall/uninstall/roll back.. but

    nothing worked.



    If anyone knows what is the problem, please tell me. I want new drivers on

    my computer.



    Thank you very much and best regards to all,
