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Everything posted by bre

  1. I have an Athlon TB 1.333, Win 2000 Pro. I'm having hangups when starting. Sometimes it's okay, sometimes I have to reset or power down a couple of times before the thing boots fully. When it does stop, it's at the white screen with the blue progress bar. The bar is about two-thirds of the way where it hangs, always at the same spot. Anyway, is there some kind of diagnostic tool I can use to determeine exactly what is causing the problem? The bootlog doesn't show anything, becuase I only get a log when it boots fully. When it hangs, there's no info in the bootlog. I'm a novice with Win 2000, absolutely in the dark. Thanks for any help.
  2. bre

    Allow users to access Word

    I have Win 2000 pro installed with 3 computers networked. I installed Word on my son's computer while I was logged on as Admin. When he logs on with his userid, he cannot get at it. How do I make it so he can use Word on his PC? I am a complete idiot when it comes to Win 2000, so please give simple instructions. Thanks for any help.
  3. bre

    Allow users to access Word

    Thanks guys, I don't know what I did, but somehow I was able to get at it. I changed some file permissions and a couple of other things and was able to make a short-cut to it. Maybe I was confused that it wasn't on the desktop when he logs on and it was when I log on. I'm still new to 2000 and thought that since it wasn't on his desktop, he couldn't use it since I was Admin when I installed it. Thanks again for your help.
  4. bre

    Startup problems

    Let's see. I have a CDROM and CDRW, a USB Canon scanner, Roadrunner external modem, 2 nic cards. I seem to remember something like FM803 or something like that coming up in an error a while back. Is that an audio driver? I put this thing together from parts I had lying around or in other PCs. I bought the MB, CPU, mem, case and started from there. Thanks for your help guys. I guess I'll just leave it on instead of shutting down every time I leave. I thought there might be some kind of utility that would log what was happening when it boots other than the bootlog. I remember with Win98, I had something that would show times and you could see if something was taking a long time to load. It's no biggie. I was just worried that one day it wouldn't boot at all. I'll probably get a new one in about 6 months, so I'll just cross my fingers until then.