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About Denver_80203

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  1. Upon further review... You want 1 machine account... if you: 1 backup the system (2K I assume) 2 add a partition 3 restore the image to the second partition 4 upgrade the first partition from 2K to XP That might do the trick you want... you would have to clean up the restored image well before upgrading it but, you have a backup so there's more room for error. This should maintain the same SID and a single domain account unless the SID changes due to OS differances... I'm pretty certain that a SID in part IDs the OS installed. In an upgrade that may not be true.
  2. I'm not certain I follow you but, when you back up a system and restore it without using sysprep or any other utilities to wipe the SID fom the system, the restored machine should hold it's SID just fine. I assume you intend to: 1. Ghost backup the system 2. Put 2 partitions on te drive 3. Restore the ghost image to one of the partitions 4. Install the new OS on the second partition 5. Have a switching mechanism at startup Correct? The image restored in step 3 holds the same SID as the one backed up in 1. Also, all user/group accounts on the machine would NOT be affected by any SID wiping utilities... only the machine account itself. The new OS will get it's own SID and there's nothing you can do to "copy" the SID to it that I'm aware of... especially if it's a different OS since OS determines how the SID is structured.
  3. Denver_80203

    windows xp crashes in safe mode?!?! help plz

    Sounds like you have a driver issue. I would suggest replacing the video card driver first (most sensative) and work your way up.
  4. I checked out both docs you referanced... no effect with their suggested tweaks. Appears to be aimed at the stand alone client again. Thanks all the same!
  5. I checked out both docs you referanced... no effect with their suggested tweaks. Appears to be aimed at the stand alone client again. Thanks all the same!
  6. No, the snap-in doesn't seem to have options that the stand alone RDP client has. I like it because you can setup 15 servers in a pane on the left o the screen and with a click switch amoungst them.
  7. The RDP client software that comes with XP, etc allows you to prevent printer mapping on the machine you're remotely connected to (normally it maps your local printers to that machine). I can't find any such option in the 2003 Resource Kit MMC Snap-in, nor can I find a group policy option to stop this from happening. Anyone know a hack for this? Thanks!
  8. Denver_80203

    win 2000 problem

    Do you have Admin rights on the machine?
  9. Denver_80203

    Application Distribution/Deployment

    I'm just getting into the documentation on using On-demand's Winstall (formerly a Veritas product) for creating custom .MSI packages and then use Group policy or the Winstall Console to get the apps out to the users. I have also heard a few things about Intel's LANDesk suite for the same purpose. Anyone have experience with either of these packages or any other packages that they would like to comment about? About 500 PCs here and I'm tired of visiting every workstation for performing application upgrades/installs. Thanks! Fred
  10. Denver_80203

    Service Pack 3?

    I disagree about MS abandoning Win2K for XP. Why? Becuase all of MS's servers are 2K, and the most critical aspects of SP3 are related to issues I'm having with servers. SP3 will come... it's just a question of when.
  11. Denver_80203

    Cleartype and IE

    Never was checked.. not now
  12. Denver_80203

    Cleartype and IE

    I have cleartype enabled on my XP machine. It looks great and really does read easier. My preferred font looks something like Arial. In IE I have to choose "User defined" from the View, Encoding drop down. However, IE keeps reverting back to western type style... which doesn't look as good. Anyone know how to lock down the prefered type style?
  13. Denver_80203

    Help with USB 2.0 card!!!???!

    While this was with W2K, I found that installing the card before the drivers was a big no-no. Install the drivers, reboot, shut down, then slip in the card. Other way around and I blue screened the machine.
  14. Denver_80203

    Punctual services.exe 100% usage

    Perhaps the virus and spyware detection are the actual problems... try turning them off for a while?
  15. Denver_80203

    disk imaging programs

    Another cool thing. MS finally realized that we still use 98 boot disks.. when you have a floopy and choose format in XP, there is a "create MS-DOS Startup Disk" option (ho-ray!) which creates a 98 system boot disk. Problem is, it puts a bunch of garbage on there too... easy enough to delete what you don't need... anything that's not hidden on the disk except command.com, then drop a copy of ghost on there (it may fit without bothering to delete all that stuff).