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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. Every once in a while, there seems to be no pattern, I get the "Update success" message at bootup even when there has been no hardware or software changes.


    I don't see a pattern to it, it happens about one in every three or four starts.


    I have 2k w/SP2 installed.

  2. There is another thread on this topic somewhere, but I will be damned if I can find it. I thought I bookmarked it but I guess I didn't. The person seems to be having the same trouble and it is with Maxtor HD's.


    Most seem to think it is a P.S. issue, but it only started recently and that was after the memory upgrade, though I still wonder what the memory has to do with the drives starting up.


    The drives ARE reconized in ther bios and D.M. ok.


    By the way, the problem also happens when the drives go to sleep once the O/S is up and running. I have the drives spin down after 10 min.

  3. When I boot my Epox EP8-KTA MB with 2 Maxtor HD's when the drives start, there are 2 beeps together as a DTMF touch tone keypad sounds. This has started recently.


    The only thing that I can see is the drives are having trouble starting or some conflict when they both start at the same time. Usually one drives starts, then the other. But now many times they seem to start at the same time or nearly the same time.


    The only hardware change is a memory upgrade to 2 256 sticks of PC133 SDRAM.


    I'm running 2k w/sp2. VIA chipset and AMD 700 T-bird

  4. I have always had Creative's products. I have a Live now BUT I am very disappointed with their tech support or lack of.


    To make a long story short: They have too many products and too little support! I had to wait almost 3 mopnths and 4 phone calls to get the updated drivers for 2k for their SB Live card!


    Overall I also feel their software is bloated with alot of unnecessary additional software some of which you don't have a choice not to install and the drivers conflict with other programs/drivers (VIA especially).


    To sum it up they are over rated.

  5. I have been running 2k for 7 months now logged in as a administrator. I have read in other forums that for security reasons AND for performance reasons you shouldn't do this. The administartor function runs additional processes that the regular or power users don't need.


    I finally got around to trying this and when I logged in as a regular user or power user, I still have the same 21 processes running at startup as I did as a administator (in task manager)! Also, I tried some basic changes as: moving and deleting shortcuts on the desktop, changing folder view options from those stupid Windows 3rd grade cartoon icon defaults to details, single click instead of double click, but everything returned to the default state after a reboot!


    Are the user permissions so strict you can't even do simple things like those??????????


    I added the path from the administrator settings to the new user I created for the desktop shortcuts and start meun shortcuts, but the folder views for example never changed!

  6. I have been running 2k for 7 months now logged in as a administrator. I have read in other forums that for security reasons AND for performance reasons you shouldn't do this. The administartor function runs additional processes that the regular or power users don't need.


    I finally got around to trying this and when I logged in as a regular user or power user, I still have the same 21 processes running at startup as I did as a administator (in task manager)! Also, I tried some basic changes as: moving and deleting shortcuts on the desktop, changing folder view options from those stupid Windows 3rd grade cartoon icon defaults to details, single click instead of double click, but everything returned to the default state after a reboot!


    Are the user permissions so strict you can't even do simple things like those??????????


    I added the path from the administrator settings to the new user I created for the desktop shortcuts and start meun shortcuts, but the folder views for example never changed!

  7. M$ Config does the same thing! I don't get too excited over anything M$ BUT in this case I will. I have used this from the start and it works fine. No other program necessary. Besides it's free and you don't have to install it. Just copy it in the System32 directory and create a shortcut for it.

    I can send it to you as 2 files if you wish for 2k. Send me your e-mail address.


    I'm not at the audio level you are at. I just burn CD's no editing. I don't understand just what is a "ASPI layer"?

  8. You can also try MS Config (leftover from 98/ME)


    I use it in 2k (the 98/ME version will work but you get a error message, there is a 2k version) to stop programs from loading at startup that I can't stop from within the program itself.


    2k is great, don't go back to 98! Audio programs like that are intensive, coupled with SB cards!

  9. I have a mail account with Verizon DSL but they don't support Opera or Netscape V6.2 (only V4.73). I'm confused between the damn acronyms used in POP mail (pay, non web based or whatever you want to call it).


    Anywhere I can go to learn about the terms and how NOT to get them mixed up which is easy to do. There seems to be numerous entries of 'name' in the so called wizards used that gets confusing. My personal name, my nickname, the username Verizion gave me, or my e-mail name???

    I use Opera all the time but their help doesn't really answer the questions I have. I am always missing something and can't get it to work.


    I have grown tired of the poor web based services between being slow, not sending jpegs properly all the time, limiting your mail attachments size and not being to interact with web page e-mail links that use POP mail.

  10. I went thru and check both drives together and then separately and all is well..........wonders never cease!


    Both boot, either with both connected, or with the other one disconnected. No drive letter or page file problems.


    I am interested in this MBR issue. If I understand you correctly, D.I. rewrites the MBR to load this virtual floppy (as they call it) into the root of 'C'(I assume) and writes a command line to point to this folder or file to load this program on the reboot?

  11. I think we are getting off the topic.............but since it was brought up, I have read many places that you can't mix hard drive types on the same bus (33 with a 100 as example).


    I have just used Drive Image and the drive letter issue seems to be resolved on the cloned drive! The drive that is booting is 'C' (as it should be). I will see if it will boot by itself and let you know.


    Regarding Drive Image rewriting the MBR, is this a one time deal when it goes into its DOS mode and then returns it to the previous state after the next reboot?? You are starting to get me nervious.

  12. Update.........

    I tried the above and the same thing.

    The screen that hangs is the user settings and save user settings.

    This is when only the cloned drive is hooked up. I imaged the first drive without the 2nd drive connected. Then copied the image file to the 2nd drive.

    But it gets hung up in a endless loop between loading user settings and saving user settings.. It just cycles 'round and 'round.


    I'll try Drive Image.
