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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. I get a MS VBscript error when I try to post a message to another forum. When I go to view that message it also comes up with the error message. This is using Opera, Netscape & IE.


    On my other bootable drive, no problem Both are running 2k w/sp2 installed.


    I know it isn't this forum but I feel it is a MS O/S p[roblem Something missing or corrupted.


    Any ideas?


    The exact message is:


    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'


    Overflow: 'cint'


    /thread.asp, line 318

  2. Yes my M/B does have the ability to switch the drive boot order, but the other drive is still there. It's not a issue of which is the bootable drive, that isn't a problem, the switch take care of that, I don't want the drive visable at all because of possible data corruption durning the O/S instalation! As far as putting a switch to power the drive off, I don't trust because the data cable is still there and everything still sees it connected. I think that would only cause other problems.

    Yea, I know just disconnect the cable, but that is a pain (ok I'm lazy, but what is the sense of having settings that don't work?)


    Epox 8-KTA (KT-133 chipset)

  3. No....first, not obvious, second, name is not a choice but drive letter is and sounds like the same thing as what Disk Management does and that didn't work either.


    As far as living with it, I guess I could but at this early stage, I want to correct it. I don't know if leaving the CD in was the cause, it just sounded stupid enough to be the reason.

    The other drive is ok!

  4. The switch works great, costs little, just have to do a little surgery on a IDE connector/cable, a little soldering and dril a access hole in the bezel of the case if you want the switch up front (I use Enlight cases).


    My bios doesn't have a boot order drive option, at least I never saw it. I will look thou. (Award V6, Kt-133 chipset)


    I have had trouble with 2 bootable drives (1 active partition on each and with a duplicate O/S on the other drive) before. Data coruption of the other drive installing 2k. Part went to one drive and part went to another or at least was installed in both durning the process. Anyways it corupted the other drive.

    Yes I know to disconnect the other drive, which is what I've been doing but that is a pain.

    What's the sense of having the ability to disable a drive in the bios when it doesn't work, at least with 2k? It always worked with 98 and ME by the way!

  5. Don't want to do that, that is the 'easy answer way out'/ 'hard to do way out'!


    I'm installing the O/S in my other bootable drive and will go from there. The drive I tried to image from gets this error when I ghost the drive and image it in this 2nd drive. It works ok as installed. Only when I transfer it (ghost) the problem appears.

  6. On a fresh install of 2k, after I installed SP2 from a burned CD, the drives are out of order in My Computer! In Explorer the left pane shows OK but the right pane is wrong too. In other words they disagree with each other!


    As follows: A,E,F,C,D,G,H (C/D is 1 HD, G/H is the other)


    Yes, that's right, E is first and that is a CD ROM. F is a burner!

    I checked the bios and the boot order is: Floppy, HDD-0 & CDRom.


    The only thing I think that caused this is was, SP2 was on a CD that was in the drive at the time of booting and then I installed SP2, removed the CD and the problem appeared after a restart.

    It was NOT there before I installed SP2. The other drive (G/H) is bootable also with 2k on it. G/H was disconnected when I loaded the O/S on the other drive so as not to corrupt the first drive which has happened to me before since Windows wants to install in a drive where it finds a O/S installed.


    How do I correct this? Again this is just the order of the drives NOT the letters!


    Everything works as far as accessing the drives, The letters are OK but just out of order. On the drive with the orginal O/S the order is correct when I switch back to it (both drives can be bootable from via a toggle switch).

  7. Interesting on the NT/2k not asking the bios on what drives are hidden or not. I did not know that and another surprise with 2k. (I love surprises........)


    To answer your question just what I am doing, all alone I have had 2 bootable drives both partitioned. The 2nd drive was a backup (active partition) in case my main drive's active partition went down (virus, corupt system file etc.) I have a DPDT toggle switch connected to both drives through a cut down ATA cable connector (only 6 holes used for the master/slave jumper positions). Both drives are visable since the 2nd partition has backup data on them, which is the way I want it. No drive swaping or removing.

    I really don't want to have a dual booting single drive since you are dealing with one physical drive. I like the separate drive setup. It makes it easy to fix things since you can access system files without using DOS which I admit I'm not good at.

    I hope that all makes sense.

    I hope I don't have to go without the 2nd bootable drive idea just because of running 2k. 2k has been very bullit proof for me.

  8. I'm tring to image a drive on a computer with 2 bootable drives and can't. I tried sysprep but that doesn't work. I get a 'mshta.exe error' message when I open up add/remove programs after I image the drive. On the orginal drive all is OK. Tried the 'sfc scannow' fix and that didn't help either.

    I orginally had ME on one drive and 2k on the other. Award V6 is the bios, KT-133 is the chipset I have SP2 installed and am using FAT32.

    Anyone use Drive Image instead?

  9. The of the 4 choices in the F5 option durning setup what are the I486 and SMP (or something like that) choices? I tried to search M$ site but couldn't find anything.

    Is the first choice 'standard PC' the same as not choosing F5 in the first place?

  10. Now since we all got way off the subject and all had our soapbox speech, can we get back to the problem please?


    The separate bootable drives which I have been running for the last 3 1/2 years have been a lifesaver for me a couple of times when the main drive either got a virus, or got corupted and I had to get into the system, I use a toggle switch...yes toggle switch (DPDT or with my first WD drives, a 4PDT on the front of the case under the bezel running to the M/S pins for the jumper settings which I used a ATA connector cut down to fit into the 6 pin slot to select between master and slave. (Having a controller card, all you have to do is select in the cards bios which drive is to be booted from).

    Up to 2k this has not been a problem, but now I can't clone this drive to beat the band!


    I tried to load 2k with both drives connected but there were problems with data getting on the other drive, so I disconnected the 2nd drive and loaded the O/S and everything else, but now I can't clone this drive to a image file and copy that to the other drive without errors.

    I tried sysprep but that doesn't help.


    P.S. thanks Brian........
