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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. 1. I don't know NT sees drives that are hidden in the bios. This is the first I have heard of it. I have been to many forms and never have seen this. I'm sure if this is as common as you suggest something would of been written somewhere, actually, many places and I would of have seen it.

    2. M$ has a response towards VIA chipsets which leads one to believe that it is a M$/Via issue, NOT all M/B's, Bios, chipsets etc.

    3. I was refering to the Wintel monopoly, the chipsets that is, no mention of the operating system was made when the "Via sucks" comment was made. The O/S you are almost stuck to use since it is in 95%+ of the systems out there. It doesn't do me any good to have a O/S that is barely supported by most programs. I would be the same as not owning a auto these days because of the billions that are dumped into the highway system in this country vs the pennies mass transit gets! The processor/chipset I DO have a choice.

    Since M$ and Intel are so closely related, and are in in bed with one another, of course they will work together better. They have a advantage because of this. This is what I mean by a monoply!

  2. I do have X-Setup but that has nothing to do with the problem.


    It is a M$ problem and their lack of support of VIA chipsets...... period!!!


    The O/S ignores what the bios is telling it and shows the drive anyway!

    The M$ fix doesn't work!


    Thanks for the Group Policy idea...........about as bad as X Setup........more to get you in trouble!

  3. I can not hide either of my 2 hard drives in the bios because of M$'s incompatability with Via chipsets.

    I have 2k w/SP2 installed on a Fat32 partition using a Epox 8-KTA M/B.

    I have 2 bootable drives (or at least that is what I'm tring to have in 2k but not much sucess) and disabling the drive in the bios doesn't disable (or hide) it in the O/S!

    M$ question #272586 deals with the issue but 2 out of the 3 keys are diffwerent than what M$ lists.

    I tried the mod anyway with the other keys but it doesn't work.

    Anyone else run into this?

    I have the latest bios from Epox.

  4. Do you have SP2 installed?

    Do you have any other USB cameras or devices?

    Have you completely un-installed the software and re-installed it?

    Did you get a newer driver from Intel?


    I have a Epox 8-KTA M/B and have used 3 USB cameras on 2k and no real problems (not at the same time).

    There is a program I love from:




    called Registry Crawler V4. It does a great job of finding all the left over crap from programs and especially drivers that get un-installed but leave half of the crap behind. Especially Logitech and Creative which have very bloated software!!!!!

    There might be left over entries behind causing the problem.

    Are you logged in as a administrator?

  5. I want to have 2 switchable, bootable drives in 2k w/SP2 & FAT32.

    Using SystemWorks 2002 I imaged the first drive and used sysprep.exe per M$ prior to imaging the drive.

    I do the image, transfer the image to the other drive go through the setup, but still get the mshta.exe error when I open up add/remove programs.

    To make matters worse if I disconnect the working drive, the backup drive that I just imaged wont finish loading. Explorer seems to lock up at 99% processor usage. Apparenly there are files from the first drive that are being crossed used (for lack of a better term) on the 2nd drive.


    The other problem is the VIA chipset and 2k. The mod from M$ doesn't work because 2 out of the 3 keys you are to modify to get the Via chipset to work with the O/S are different that what the question deals with.


    For those who don't know, the ide channels can't be hidden from the O/S in the bios. 2k still sees the drive even though I have it disabled in the bios! The M/B is a Epox EP8-KTA with a KT-133 chipset. This is M$ question #272586.


    I have used Ghost with 98SE and ME and absolutly no problem with my dual drive booting setup. I have done this with 4 different systems and they all work fine. I have a backup if the frist drive goes down. I don't have to work in DOS, I can access the other drives O/S when it is not active making it easy to change, fix or replace files that might be bad.


    If more info is needed please ask. Symantec said I can't have 2 bootable drives in 2k.....
