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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. I installed the NT Apm/Legacy support for a 2k box running in APM (standard pc) mode (because of incompatabilities between the Ali V chipset and ACPI) to gain the shutdown feature of ACPI, but I get this error (code 13) afterwards. I tried to reinstall the drivers, but the message is still there. I tried the M$ KB, but this code 13 listed under Device Manager error code is slightly different than this and doesn't apply.

    I looked through 'services' but couldn't find something that is either stopped or disabled to would affect this.


    Any ideas?

  2. I did all that converted over APM during setup using the repair and f% options and all seems to be ok except for one thing:


    I set the HHD's to suspend/sleep/stop after 10 minutes as I always have. When something needs to access than after that period, the drives will try to spin up, but then stop. This keeps on repeating. Any ideas??

  3. I found that thread. Never thought of looking through Google!


    The problem is real thanks to M$, Gigabyte and Ali! Question is what to do about it?


    As I remember reading, you can't just change something as important as that in Device Manager and expect it to work. It has to be at time of install! ;( ;(

  4. Never thought about it.

    I don't know what was needed but I will look.


    I had a explaination from the guy that sold me the box as follows:


    "Chances are that windows 98 is a 16Bit OS and when used with this

    combination of system hardware utilizes the system bus speeds correctly and measures them correctly.

    Because w2k is a 32bit OS it is probably splitting the System in half in

    combination with the software testing programs."


    Doesn't that mean those 3 programs wre written only for 16 bit O/S's which they weren't?

  5. Aladdin 5 chipset on a Gigabyte GA-5AX (Rev 3) MB running 2k; the systen clock and bus are shown by WCPUID to be running at 50 MHz instead of the 100 MHz the bios is set for. The processor is a K6-2 500.

    The bios is F4 (the last one). O/S is 2k w/sp3.

    I have seen this issue in another forumt, but with no answer.


    FSB jumpers=100 MHz

    Mulitplier=5X (also tried 5.5 with same results).


    I just loaded 98SE on the 2nd bootable HDD and checked this with WCPUID and all is fine!


    There seems to be a issue between the Ali V chipset and 2k!


    The benchmark scores confirm this. They are what they should be with 98SE, there is a BIG preformance hit with the FSB being cut by 50% in 2k! This isn't a fluke reading by any means!


    ME works ok also!


    Any ideas??

  6. Norton is the BIGGEST resource hog in the industry. It puts itself in the boot lineup, causes the most install problems with other software and weights the system down.


    Go with System Suite from vCom and the TrendMicro AV. It has free updates unlike Norton who charges you!

  7. I took the FAT32 image and used that, then coneverted it to NTFS and all seems fine. I guess it was something with the conversion to NTFS DI didn't like.

    Now, the MFT Zone is a issue I think, but I guess I will live with that. It seems larger than it should (varies up to 2.5 GB on certain partitions). On various drives it varies alot.

  8. Trying to play certain video files in different viewers (IrFanView for starters) and some won't open because a certain Codec is missing. Others with that same extension will play.

    How do you determine what Codec is needed with a given file before you try to open it other than looking at the file extension?

  9. I went back to JetDefrag today and that 1 GB disappeared and turned into a 50 or 60 MB MFT Zone!


    WTF.......are there flying saucers hovering above my house spewing out gamma rays all over my puter? Or did the Computer Fairy stop by overnight and waved her magic wand.

  10. I have 2 boxes both with 2 bootable HDD's all running 2k that I just converted over from FAT32 to NTFS.

    After doing so I did a disc to disc copy using Drive Image from a bootable floppy (actually a partition to partition copy) and found the MFT Zone grew from less than 70 MB to over 600MB! To be acurate, 650MB and 1GB! I don't know if it is a DI issue or not. Powerquest has nothing I could find on this.


    Any one else have this experiance or has copied a converted drive over to another?


    There are no errors reported by chkdsk or chkntfs and all seems to work. BTW, the defrag program I use is from vCom (formerly Ontrack) called System Suite V4 Jet Defrag. It has the ability I just found out to display the MFT and the MFT Zone prior to doing a defrag that Norton doesn't/can't! It shows a one huge block after the first block of data (.exe's)


    I looked at the M$'s KB and it doesn't tell you a whole lot and doesn't answer the question. I'm new to NTFS and didn't heard of this even existing untill now. I do have the latest updates to the program, though this new outfit hasn't done a thing to it since it was spun off 9 months ago.

  11. Any one else can input something?


    I tried it again and the first pass of JetDefrag stops at the same 8% complete as before with the same error.

    Chkntfs reports it again as "dirty"

    I ran chkdsk and it reported no errors, ran chkntfs and it reported it as "not dirty" again!


    I haven't tried Norton's Speed Disk yet which I will to see if it is a bug in SS.

  12. To keep things more interesting I wiped the drive using the Maxtor MaxBlast (write zero's to drive) though after 2 hours doing a complete job I canceled it and did a fast job which was done as soon as I clicked start.


    Then I just used Drive Image (no PM this time), set the partition size to 8300MB instead of the 5800MB of the image to be restored (don't know if that is a issue itself) and ran it checking bad sectors check and verify contents and all went good.

    BTW, the other times no error was reported in eith PM or DI!

    I rebooted and ran chkntfs and it showed the active partition as "not dirty"!!

    Then I ran Je tDefrag and after 8% it gave the same error at the same spot that the drive's directory was "corupt and unreadable!


    I went back to chkntfs and it reported that the drive was "dirty" again!




    Any idea what is happening? I can only guess it was the conversion process from FAT32 to NTFS. The image I used was after I coneveted to NTFS. I also have a FAT32 image (before I converted) that I haven't tried.

  13. Quote:
    Au contrare mon frere
    Boy.........I love it when you talk dirty...........

    if it sees thru strcomp type function calls that autochk * is not that, but set to a SPECIFIC disk, it will leave that disk alone rather than risk MFT$ or FAT corruption as well as file data loss.
    Ok, I'm lost. What is "strcomp" and what does "autochk * is not that, but set to a SPECIFIC disk" mean?

    Thats for all the other info, though alot of it is over my head. I don't want to skirt the issue since it is a smoking gun. Is there something I might of done wrong with PM or DI? I did use the default cluster size BTW.
    One more deal; I noticed that the cluster size on the 2nd partition (69GB) is 4096k and all the other cluster sizes are 512k on this and the other drive. Is it just that the 69GB partition is larger than that 32GB limit it uses a larger cluster size?

    Someone else suggested bad memory in this forum:


  14. I think you misunderstand..........Chkdisc doesn't show any errors!

    I don't want chkdisk to stop running when it has to, it's not running on every reboot/boot anyway.


    It's the error from chkntfs and the error within Jet Defrag (Fix It Utilities from vCom formerly Ontrack) that is the problem!


    Bottom line something is wrong when chkntfs says the directory is dirty.


    I did make a image of the drive also and I tried that route, but the same thing after it was restored!

    I ran the drfrag problem on the 2nd partition and it worked fine.

  15. I added a new drive to replace a smaller drive to my box and now after copying the old active drive to the new active drive both the orginal drive and now the new drive shows that the directory is corupt and unreadable when I try to run System Suite Jet Defrag. Chkntfs shows it is dirty.


    The box has 2 drives both partitioned that I can switch between the 2 and boot from either one via a toggle switch on the front panel.

    All 4 partitions were FAT32 that I converted to NTFS using the convert utility within 2k.

    I used Partition Magic to partition and format the new drive. I used Drive Image to copy the active partition from the larger of the 2 orginal drives that were in the system to the new drive's active partition.

    When I finished using DI, the orginal active drive's partition was hidden (no idea why, I didn't choose that option) I unhide it and then had to make it active again.


    Both active partitions and the 2nd partition of both drivers are accessible. I'm typing this from the copyied drive right now.


    I'm new to NTFS and have no idea what happened and how to fix it. I did run chkdisk twice, but it comes up clean.

  16. Well I tried it again and it worked!

    I did it the same way as the other 2 times, got the same messages within the command prompt and received the same text durning the process.

    There are 700k of bad sectors on that partition, could it be the process hiccuped at one of them and just canceled the operation without any notice?
