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Posts posted by videobruce

  1. I reinstalled Win 2k from a bootable CD, but I didn't have my bootable floppy w/ Fdisk so I did it through the Windows CD instead.

    The HDD was 60GB that I wanted to partition 5/55 and was formatted with NTFS orginally that I wanted to change back to FAT32

    I deleted the partition, created a 5GB partition, it gave me a choice of FAT32 or NTFS which I choose FAT32 then it made it active with no choice.

    When I went to the 2nd partition the only choice was NTFS! There was no FAT32!

    I tried it again, deleting both partitions and starting over, but wound up at the same place; a choice for the primary partition, but no choice for the 2nd partition.

    I never set a system up that way, always using good old Fdisk before, but since I wasn't home and had all my tools at my disposal, this is what I was stuck with.


    Did I do something wrong or is it you just can't do what I wanted using the Windows CD, or is it a bug?? (not that M$ has any of those, mind you)


    I'm sure it doesn't matter, but this is on a Phony.....er, Sony Vaio system.

  2. The anaglog dial-up won't start when I start Opera. It will connect if I manually start the connection and IE starts it ok (of course).

    I have the box "connect when no network connection is present" checked, but it still refuses to start.

    I ran into this before and it was that check box I just memtioned. There is no other dial-up adapter installed. There is a NIC, but it is disabled since there is no network yet.


    I'm running 2k w/sp3

  3. For sure I thought I would get answers here.........major disappointment guys. Shame on you!



    I looked through M$'s KB and found this:




    Well, my little secret worked again..........


    All my boxes I setup a 2nd bootable drive. I swapped jumpers went into that drive, renamed 'dmadmin.exe' in the System32 folder, reset the jumpers and presto, got into the administartor screen and edited the registry.


    All is fine.





  4. I always seem to get the 'weird' problems.


    Running Win 2k w/sp3 I have a box set up with one user and using TweakUI I set it to login with that restricted user automatically.

    I changed the startup of some services in Administrator Tools to trim down what is running at startup and now when I try to log off to get into the administartor destop, shut down or do a restart I get a CSC notification window stating that a program (don't know what) isn't responding. Either way, waiting or checking 'end now' explorer quits and all I see is the destop wallpaper. Ctl-Alt-delete doesn't do anything and the windows key doesn't either. I can't shutdown, restart or even logoff! All I can do is power off from the computers power button.


    I tried going into safe mode, but since it is set up as a restricted user (I guess) I still don't have all the tools and access to the desktop or even all of TweakUI's controls in safe mode! In other words I'm locked out of doing anything either in safe mode or trying to get into the administartor screen.


    I don't know what program isn't responding since Task Manager shows NO program running and only 13 processes running (including task manager itself). There is one Windows process that is running that I have NEVER seen before (no, it isn't a virus!) called: "dmadmin.exe" which I assume is the problem, but I can't end it from task manager since it I'm in a restricted user screen. Also, when I do go into safe mode it takes much longer (or so it seems) to boot.


    This is a older box and the purpose of trimming down the services was to speed up the system since it is only a 233MX processor. I have used the services consel many times and use it instead of MS Config to stop services from loading at startup. I also am aware of Black Vipers site on M$ services which I use as reference in using the services consel. In other words, I am familar with this tool, but got a M$ kiss this time!


    I hope all of that makes sense.

  5. When I open Opera or Mozilla (I refuse to use Idiot Exploiter), the dial up adapter doesn't start. Only in IE will it call it up. If I start it up manually all is fine.

    I have been blessed not to have to use dial up for 2 years with DSL I forgot what to do.


    I'm running 2k w/sp3 BTW.

  6. I understand all of that, BUT why invest $40 or so when a brand new MB (KT266a maybe) can be had for $15 more (if you look around). And for another $30 a new processor (slower Duran). With 256MB of 266 memory for another $30 you have a new system.


    Remember this is only a 233MMX. The least I'm worried about is HDD access. The processor is the bottleneck! He is going to get a new system soon. This is for his kids as a 2nd box.

  7. Update:


    The SMART error is only when I have bothe the Quantum bigfoot (the orginal 4GB drive) and the Maxtor connected. If I run the Maxtor by itself no error.

    I did run PowerMax and BOTH drives pass certification!

    I did change the cable, but the same thing.

  8. I did use MaxBlast V3.1 drive overlay and it did work. I did load 2k and that worked, BUT I get a SMART error on bootup even with the feature turned off in the bios. When I try to use Partition Magic I get a drive geometry error and the drive is marked as bad.

  9. Your right it is a MMX, sorry 'bout that. I'm a AMD guy, this isn't my box! Would never own a inferior Wintel product! (hihi).


    The ATA card is out. I really don't want to use MaxBlast (it is a Maxtor 531DX). Aren't there too many issues with that software down the road??


    How about a bios update from someplace other than HP?

  10. I'm up against the classic 8GB limit on a 15GB HDD.

    There is no bios update, it is a 430TX chipset with a PII 233 processor in a Pavilion 8240 system.


    Is a bios issue, chipset issue or is it a processor issue?


    Is there anything that can be done or am I screwed?


    This is running FAT32 and eventually loading 2k. Win95 is there now on the other drive (there are 2). BTW, there is 256MB of PC66 installed.

  11. I swapped the two drives between the two boxes and the Samsung worked perfect on the KT133 MB! The record buffer stayed at 97% through the whole burn of mp3's into a audio disc!

    The TDK 12x did work on the nForce2 MB, but it was a struggle! The record buffer and the used buffer fluctated bewteen 6 and 98% with the same tracks! The audio was ok after and started at the begginning of each song as it should.


    I'm going to reload the O/s with only the video driver and see what happens.


    These IDE drivers were not loaded! I checked Device Manager, but only the M$ drivers were listed!

  12. I have a nForce2 MB (Epox 8RDA) with the latest bios and UDP from nVidia. I'm running 2k w/sp3 with a 2100XP


    When I try to burn a audio CD using Nero ther are 2 problems. First, the audio tracks start playback 90 seconds from the end of each track. Second, I'm getting continious buffer underruns even down to 8x record speed with a 48x Samsung burner A 12x TDK works ok but seems to struggle with the files looking at the record buffer window. When I put that Samsung in a older KT133 (Epox 8KTA) MB it runs like a top.


    DMA is enabled and I have defraged the drive. There are no other programs running.
