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About dregen

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  1. Hello! I have created an winnt.sif diskette and have some problem to set up a 3GB partition for the OS (W2k-Prof). It is an "from cd installation" [unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINNT Repartition=Yes ExtendOemPartition=????? ExtendOemPartition Value: 0 | 1 | <extra size in mb>The ExtendOemPartition key is used to extend the partition on which you are installing Windows 2000. This key causes Setup to extend this destination partition into any available unpartitioned space that physically follows it on the disk. Where: 0 Setup does not extend the partition 1 Setup extends the partition to fill out the hard disk <extra size in mb> Setup increases the current partition size by this amount. I have tried a lot of combinations, nothing work. Have someone the right solution? /Roger
  2. I have a test domain with Windows.NET Enterprise Server Beta3. I promote it to .net mode to be able to change the DC name whit netdome.exe command. Everything went fine to change the DC name. Next step was to rename the domain using the rendom.exe command. I used the path \valueadd\msft\mgmt\domrem to locate the tool,i was supposed to be there, but it wasn´t?? I have looked for the domain rename utility on microsoft whitout luck. Is this a tricky question or what Roger
  3. dregen

    Serious problem join nt4 to domain

    I think we solved this problem. Here's how we did it: 1) Removed the NT4 Workstation from the old (NT4) domain. 2) Changed the LMHOSTS-file with the following info: (ip-address for the PDCE-Master in the new w2k domain) + (netbios-name for the same server) + #PRE + #DOM: (netbios-name for the w2k domain) 3) Added the NT4 Workstation to the w2k domain using a domain admin account (since we're running our domain in mixed-mode we had to use the netbios-name for the w2k domain). 4) Logged on locally to the NT4 Workstation (with a local admin account, can be done from the server too) and added the group Domain Users (from the new w2k domain) with change-rights to the \WINNT folder (including sub-dirs, just to make sure we can log-on, this is changed afterwards for example on the System and System32 folders). When all this is done you can, on the NT4 Workstation, log on to the w2k domain with a standard user (with only Domain User rights). The only problem after this is to wipe out all the unknown accounts from all folders on the NT4 Workstation and replace them with the corresponding accounts from the new w2k domain (for example the Domain Users group). So if anyone knows of a tool that can do this automatically then please let me know :-)
  4. Hello! Big problem!! When i upgrade a Nt4 domain to W2k and join from an Nt4 user it is no problem. But when i start a new domain (dcpromo) from a clean disk and try to join from the same nt4 it fails. If a set the user to local admin or domain admin i can join, no problem with ether w2k or xp to join. Is it something that "updates" in the nt4 domain when i update to 2000, or what? Lot´s of answer please Roger
  5. dregen

    free domain names

    Hello! Try this one www.dot.tk (a small island outside hawaii)
  6. dregen

    Nt user to Exchange 2000

    Hello! I have tried to set the mail size on the mailboxes for the Nt users. The incomming and outgoing limit works ok, but when i set up for warning it doesn´t. Not "prohibit send" and "prohibit send and receive" in the store limit is working. But when i try it on a user with Win 2000 or Xp i get all the options.
  7. Hello! I have put up a brand new domain for test use at my company for later migration. I create user acount on the domain and get the "welcome to x domain" screen.The problem is when i join the w2k domain as a user from the NT i can´t get in, i just return to the "press ctrl alt to login" screen. But when i place the test user in administrator and domain admin. i can join whitout prob. I don´t want my user to be admin Please help me!