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Everything posted by zen69x

  1. zen69x

    How to update Win2k's 'repair' folder?

    Whenever you create your repair disk through the NTbackup program, it will update the repair information in the winnt\repair\regback folder.
  2. Try placing moving a computer account into your Restricted users group and reboot it. This policy has to be applied to a computer for it to have effect.
  3. zen69x

    DVD Won't Stay DMA Enabled!

    You might want to check out this MSKB article and at least check out the registry entries if not calling them for the hotfix as well. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=817472 Also, I know there is another MSKB article along the lines of this next link, but I can't find it. It's a reghack I came up with a while back when I had some misbehaving hardware. It seems to resolve this issue, however some people have reported it resetting back to PIO after a reboot. Maybe it would have better luck being paired with the reghack from the previously linked MSKB article? http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/ubb....8801#7230998801
  4. Open Active Directory Users and computers. Right click on your domain and choose properties. Choose group edit tab and edit properties on your default domain policy. You will see computer configuration. This is what I was talking about earlier.
  5. I just checked a 2k3 DC and Deny logon locally is still an option in group policy. It's under Computer config -> Windows settings -> Security Settings -> User Rights Assignment. Also, have you granted the account the Access this computer from the network right?
  6. zen69x

    Password protect Folders or Files on WinXP PRO

    XP Pro's, or any NT based OS for that matter, permissions do not work this way. Perhaps there is a 3rd party solution that can do this for you? I think PHP, but I never really investigated it, can and someone should be able to help you out in that regard. As far as natively goes, you can set the ACL's so that only the user you want has access to that folder. In this manner, if you're logged on as that user you will have direct access to the folder, other users will not. If you are logged on as another user, you can right click on say internet explorer, choose runas and enter the proper credentials and then browse to that folder and have access. A bit more roundabout way of getting there however. Hopefully someone will reply with some 3rd party solutions.
  7. zen69x

    mirroring windows 2000 server

    I think ds3circuit's links answer most of the questions brought up here. I'll reply to a few other questions directly though, kinda lost this thread for a bit. Originally posted by Alec§taar Quote: A mirror will eat more CPU in software than in hardware though Software is almost always a poorer choice than dedicated hardware for any task. However since he is only looking to mirror a system partition, I can't see that he's facing much of an issue here, unless he has other software that makes frequent and heavy writes to that drive, then I'd have to ask why though. I searched around for some benchmarks and couldn't find much out there less than about 4 years old regarding software vs. hardware (I use that term loosely for some of the low end controllers) solutions. Also posted by Alec§taar Quote: What I need to know basically is, has this limit of using ONLY dynamic type disks (vs. basic type) come into play on software-driven RAIDs lately on 2000/XP/2003 only, vs. older NT 3.5x & NT 4.0? Yes, these came about with Win2k. Dynamic disks were first implemented here and this is where MS decided that any new FT, stripe, or spanned sets would be implemented. Actually, the Win2k help system has some good information on this. ...I know, what was I thinking reading the help files? LOL. As for QuackerJack, This MSKB should be exactly what you need regarding setting up a software mirror. Also check some of the related links at the bottom because they will likely save you in case the primary disk does go down. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=302969 BTW, I recently implemented software RAID 1 on two older servers due to lack of funds for a hardware implementation, on a 2000 and a 2003 server. Both were done without any data loss, although having a backup is always good practice.
  8. Yeah, with XP out, probably a bit late for most, but it can be done nonetheless. Also, no direct console access, but you do get to use console plus 2 remote connections. D0sfreak, you have mail with a list of the files and the .reg file too. I am unable to host the actual files right now and the lists of the files themselves are quite long. However, I'm sure someone will help me out with that. The whole of it weighs in about 7MB, though can be made smaller if I care to wade through it to eliminate some redundancy. Here are some basics of what is required: There are 124 files that I manually copied into subdirectories under the WINNT folder. At that point, I go to the control panel and install windows components and select terminal services (I did not bother with client files). It looks to install some files from the Windows CD, I have copied 110 files from the CD for this, some of them are duplicates from the files I have already manually copied. After the installation and before rebooting, I go to regedt32 and give my account full control of the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root key, you can remove this later, and then run a 36KB .reg file. At this point, I rebooted, I was trying to see if I could get around messing with that product option key, but alas this was not meant to be. So, using the backup software that comes with Win2k, I created a repair disk and chose to also copy the registry data. This will reside in the \winnt\repair\regback directory. If you use regedt32 and load the system hive from this directory, you can drill down to HKLM\System\ControlSet001\ProductOptions\ProductSuite key and you can type in Terminal Server. From here it is a quick reboot into the recovery console, copy the system file from \winnt\repair\regback to \winnt\system32\config and reboot. At this point, you now have terminal services installed in remote admin mode.
  9. What the heck, I'll throw my .02 in as well. If you use NTSwitch, it will think it's a server. This also means that you can now do an inplace upgrade using a server CD as well. Which is nice for a lab system or if you're trying to preserve your user accounts/passwords on the PC. HOWEVER, if this is a production server and you don't care about the existing user accounts, clean install all the way.
  10. zen69x

    Full or half duplex?

    Actually, from my understanding, if you set it to auto and there is a mismatch, you will default to 10Mbp/s half duplex. You should only run full duplex if you have only 1 device off of each switch port. In other words, if you have the possibility of a collision (2 devices sending on the same wire at the same time) occurring on the port, you should run half duplex. Hope that helps.
  11. zen69x

    Boot XP without monitor?

    To shut XP down through the remote desktop interface, you can go to start -> run and type "shutdown /r /t <time in seconds, 0-600>"
  12. zen69x

    Boot XP without monitor?

    Some programs do not work properly if you run them as a service. You can use the utility Firedaemon, http://www.firedaemon.com/, to properly handle the program as a service.
  13. Alec§taar, One question for you. Have you tried to install your OS to the Cenatek drive? If so, how does that perform? XP would not fit, but I believe your running 2k.
  14. zen69x

    Boot XP without monitor?

    If it's XP Pro, definitely check out remote desktop. It performs a lot better than VNC. If it's XP Home, then definitely go the VNC route.
  15. zen69x

    How do I shut down other PCs on LAN

    shutdown.exe comes with XP. The command (briefly) is: shutdown /s (or /r for restart) /m \\<computername> /t <time in s 0 - 600> (default is 30) You can make a quick batch file for other PC's and I'm pretty certain you can just copy this file to your other PC's if not running XP.
  16. while what iq454 says is indeed true, what I had said earlier is a likely culprit and a well known issue. Read http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=810978 and http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;260650 for more info.
  17. zen69x

    BOOT: Couldn't find NTLDR

    I'd really like to help you but... Your post is in SEVERE need of.... formatting, carriage returns, cohesive paragraphs (pick one, or all). Make it readable and we'll find a way to help.
  18. OK, but you still haven't answered what it is you want to do with it. IMHO if you don't define what you want out of it, it is pretty much impossible to give you a good recommendation as to what you should put on it.
  19. I actually tried Win2k and WinMe on an older PC, P200 w/ 96MB of RAM. Neither ran really well on it, but other than bootup time, Win2k seemed the better performer.
  20. What are the specs of the laptop and what are you planning on doing with it?
  21. zen69x

    mirroring windows 2000 server

    Since you're using server, you can do this in software. You will need to convert both disks to dynamic first then you can click on your current OS partition and choose mirror. What kasandoro says is for the most part true in that you can't use your system volume in most RAID applications. However you can indeed use it in a RAID 1 implementation. RAID 1 isn't especially resource intensive so you should be fine going the software route for this. However if you do want to go the hardware route, I would recommend picking up something a bit more robust than something along the lines of a lower end Promise type adapter. There are plenty of ways to go about this, in the end it will come down to what you are willing to compromise and how much $$ you are willing to spend.
  22. Quote: partly due to the licensing What he said there is THE reason. XP Pro would handle multiple connections just fine. As for security, no, I don't think I will buy that one. If you search around the internet you will find hacks to enable multiple connections, you have to hack a few registry keys and replace a file, it's a .dll, but I don't recall which one right at the moment. As long as this isn't for a business / production (read you make money from it) setup then go for it. If it's one of the above scenarios then I would very highly suggest that you buy a copy of Windows server 2003 as this feature is supported in that OS. edit: here's a link that should help out nicely: http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=50009562&f=99609816&m=294000755631
  23. I've created a folder and set it up so that it did not inherit rights, then I removed all rights and added only my user account to the security tab. Under Advanced Rights, I have the following allowed: Traverse Folder / Execute File List Folder / Read Data Read Attributes Read Extended Attributes Create Files / Write Data Create Folders / Append Data Write Attributes Write Extended Attributes Read Permissions I then reset permissions on all child objects and enabled propagation of inheritable permissions. I can't recreate the issue you are experiencing here. Is there something I've missed perhaps?
  24. zen69x

    Two computers unable to see each other

    Does computer A have any files shared out over the network for computer B to see?
  25. zen69x

    Auto-Login with Win2k DataCenter Server

    Quote: Auto-Login Quote: Win2k DataCenter Server ...both together in a sentence like that. ::shudder:: For the amount of $$ needed to get Datacenter and the amount of $$ spent on whatever app it is that is running on the box, I would have the vendor of the app make it work as a service.