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About wileyc1967

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  1. Hi all, Yesterday I set up an account for a comptuer and user on an NT 4.0 serverin Domain B. The user was already a member of domain A, running on a 2K server. In order to see the local printers in Domain B, I had to make the user a member of Domain B. Now she can't get access to domain A despite having an account there. Is there any way that I can get the user on access to both domains without creating a trust? thanks
  2. wileyc1967

    Installing applications into multiple profiles on NT 4 or W2

    I have given users local admin rights, but they still can't see software installed by the domain admin. This is driving me nuts.
  3. I have been installing a lot of apps in a mixed NT4 and W2k environment. The problem is that some of these applicaitons require administrator access, and even when I give the user local admin rights, the apps still won't install. So I use my admin account to install them, but now they are not visible from the user's profile. How can I install an application so that it is visible from ALL profiles present on the machine??? PLEASE HELP. The work-around for this that I have been using is very time consuming! Thanks, Scott Redi-Cut Foods