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Everything posted by Dmitri

  1. Dmitri

    Help: windows messenger removal

    That is 3 in 1 button. It does Alt+Ctrl+Delete
  2. Dmitri

    Help: windows messenger removal

    Here is a tool to remove all junk http://home.rochester.rr.com/webracer/xp-AntiSpy3E.exe
  3. Dmitri

    Office XP SP1 Error????????

    Quote: Quote: I guess I’m not gonna give up my eyepatch for a while. Oxpsp2a.exe worked for me without any tweaks. Just a double click. This is really cool forum. Thanks a lot to everybody. I will stick around. [/img] did you happen to notice on your pic how it sez severe criminal penalties...etc. you will be prosicuted to the maximum extent of the law...etc Thanks for brining it to my attention. I'm all shaking now and also feel sorry for Bill. I'm so ashamed. Because of people like me the guy might loose last t-short. Maybe he has PayPal account for donations, I would send him 20.
  4. Dmitri

    Office XP SP1 Error????????

    I guess I’m not gonna give up my eyepatch for a while. Oxpsp2a.exe worked for me without any tweaks. Just a double click. This is really cool forum. Thanks a lot to everybody. I will stick around. [/img]
  5. Dmitri

    Office XP SP1 Error????????

    I'm using moded AK-47 unlike old time pirates. Sorry, off topic.
  6. Dmitri

    Office XP SP1 Error????????

    I took your advice and just got a legal copy ( russian version) [/img]
  7. Dmitri

    Office XP SP1 Error????????

    I don't have an eyepatch. I don't sail. I'm not a pitate am I?
  8. Dmitri

    Office XP SP1 Error????????

    Thanks for making a point.