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Everything posted by dean_dodd

  1. dean_dodd

    XP Remote Desktop

    Hi, Has anyone any idea of how to allow a user to use a Win XP Pro pc at the console and allow a remote desktop session and the same time? Thanks for the help!
  2. dean_dodd

    XP Remote Desktop

    so you can logon at the console then logon to that same session via terminal server, what service pack are you using? Win2k server or advanced server? All I get is logoff, restart and shutdown at the console dont get disconnect until using terminal services? Thought about trying .net but fast user switching is not vailable so not sure if I could connect the to console sesssion with .net either?
  3. dean_dodd

    XP Remote Desktop

    I knew you could not do it by default was hoping there was some form of reg hack that could be done, I have used win2k server for the terminal server services but find it difficult transfering between the session on the console and the remote session as you cannot disconnect from a console session only logoff and I like to leave progs running such as cuteftp but XP with fast user switching lets me do this but 2 people cannot use the PC. Thought about PC anywhere with win2k but still means no one else can use the PC as win2k wont let you disconnect and the progs running?
  4. dean_dodd

    XP Remote Desktop

    I want to be able to let a family member use my PC at home then while i am at work etc be able to access the remote desktop from the internet - it works fine but the person using the console has to logoff while I use the remote desktop feature would be nice to be able to use the PC at the same time?