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Everything posted by Silver-Dagger

  1. Silver-Dagger

    Assign IP without a Network Connection?

    OK. When you are n the road all you need to do is right click on network places and choose properties, right click on your network connection and choose properties, when a window opens up double click on TCP/IP. Next click on use the folowing IP address. This will ungrey three boxes below. Just type in an IP address say and a subnet mask of and a gateway address of Click on OK and on OK again. This should get you going. Good Luck. PS do not forget to change the setting back to DHCP after you are done.
  2. Silver-Dagger

    Assign IP without a Network Connection?

    Can you give more detail. What are you tring to do? You can assign your pc an IP manually but if you are trying to connect to it via a serial port then it will need to have a modem of some sort and the dialup adapter installed. Please give more info about what you are tring to do.
  3. Silver-Dagger

    Screensaver - Reg Hack Question - Win95

    I work in a datacenter for a state university and we have a couple of PC's that we let the admins use. Sometimes they forget to logoff of the machines (AD domain) so I setup a screensaver that would log them off. I used the group policy editor in the MMC to set the screensaver and the time it activated and to disable the screensaver tab in the display properties. This was ALL people that logon to these machines gets the same screensaver set for the same time and they can not change it unless they have admin rights and change the group policy. Now that I have given you some background here is what I would do. Use the group policy to do what I have done but use the "blank screen" as the screensaver. I would also set it up to password protect the screensaver. PS befor jumping into registry hacking take a look at the MMC and its plug-ins. It is amazing what you can do.
  4. Silver-Dagger

    Dual Boot

    Yes that will work.
  5. Silver-Dagger

    tech/computer news

  6. Silver-Dagger

    Group Policy Scritps

    If all machines are identical and all people need the same setup then here is what I would do: 1. Setup one machine with all updates, programs, and one admin user 2. use sysprep program to setup the machine for ghosting. Here is a URL on how to do this http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/using/itpro/deploying/duplication.asp 3. ghost the machine with multicast to a server 4. setup a multicast session to ghost all 200 machines at once
  7. Silver-Dagger

    Difference between network bridge and ICS?

    OK I might as well toss in my $.02 in. Now I am not a network major but this is what I remember when I asked a simular question. A network bridge connects two networks of ANY kind (WIFI, ethernet, tokenring) with a router. This router just passes the packets along and does not do anything to them. This is how the internet is connected now. For example AT&T network backbone is bridged with Sprint. ICS (NAT) is a type of router but it spoofs, masqerades, hides your private(non public) IP of 10.*.*.* or 192.168.*.* and passes the packet along to the internet with your public IP attached to the front.
  8. Silver-Dagger

    Basic dial up question

    You need to goto control pannel/internet options and click on the connections tab then check the 'Dail whenever a network connection is not present', click OK and all should be well.
  9. Silver-Dagger

    "Download for Internet Explorer 5.5"

    I do not know of any place but I do have 55sp1full. It is rather big, 50M or so. It will work for all versions of windows. I could send it as an attachment if you can receive a file that big.
  10. Silver-Dagger

    um DUH! - what am i doing wrong - can't view network but....

    Can you ping each machine by name? Also you can use the nbtstat command in DOS to see which machine is acting as the master browser. I kind of have a simmular problem. Whenever I reboot my server (Win2K server with Win2K pro's) the server does not win the election to become the master browser.
  11. Silver-Dagger

    Everytime I use ad-aware to clean, I cannot connect...

    Sounds like some program that was installed messed up your winsock.dll file. I think I would replace that file first. I should go to c:\windows\system32
  12. Silver-Dagger

    Adsl Modem Router

    One of the things the XP firewall does is block ALL incoming trafic to known problem ports like the samba. It is primarily for machines that are connected directly to the net. If you are using a nat router then you should use its built-in firewall protection. This way all of your machines are protected from the net but you can still do whatever you want on your local lan.
  13. Silver-Dagger

    Power save doesnt turn off monitor any more & 22GB user

    I would just copy all personnal data from the profile and then delete the profile and recreate it. That should fix the problem. BTW after you delete the profile I would run a defrag just to be safe. Sounds like the users profile has some messed up clusters or they has been downloading alot of stuff they should not be....
  14. Silver-Dagger

    Restricting Admin usage on w2k servers

    If you are running a domain (active directory) then put these people in the administrator group and take them out of the domain administrator group. Next make sure domain administrators and other lower groups have access to the files on the server. If you are not running a domain then I would just create a group on the file server, put people that need access to the files in this group and then give only that group access to the shared files. I do not know if this way will work 100%. The admins may just be able to change ownership of the share and give themself access.
  15. Silver-Dagger

    Get data off laptop drive

    Something else you can try. Install Ghost on the good laptop with its hard drive and make a ghost boot disk with network support. Then swap out the drives and boot from the ghost disk. This way you can map a drive via ethernet to the desktop machine and create the ghost image. Then all you would have to do is use ghost explorer to get the files you need out of the ghost image.
  16. Silver-Dagger

    How do I make a script that will...

    I do this once a week after doing the autoupdate. I use task scheduler and a program called winkick.
  17. Silver-Dagger

    Win2k making certain DOS games "frozen"

    Two ideas for you. First, alot of the old DOS games hardcoded IRQ 5 in for the sound for SoundBlaster support. I would make sure your sound card is using IRQ 5 and is sound blaster compatible. The next idea would be to install the application that gives you a compatibility tab in 2K and run the game in 95 compat mode.
  18. Silver-Dagger

    Need help setting up VPN with Windows 2000 Server

    I use winroute and yes you do have to map the PPTP port to the machine. Take a look at this URL. It is a PDF. http://www.kerio.com/dwn/wrp/wrp42en.pdf page 171.
  19. Silver-Dagger

    NT to 2000 server

    I am not a sysadmin but I tried to upgrade my home network from NT server to 2000. My advice is that if you do not understand AD then stick with NT.
  20. Silver-Dagger

    No graphics on boot-up

    Make sure the power supply is not set for 220v. I had the same thing happen to me. After checking EVERYTHING with another computer I noticed that the power supply was set on 220v. Switched it over and everything worked fine.
  21. Silver-Dagger

    Are Win2k Service packs essential?

    I have read that several people were/are having problems with SP3 when they install it with an already installed and pached 2000 install. I have had better results when I slipstream the SP with the install disk. Just a thought.
  22. Silver-Dagger

    IE6 When is it ever going to be fixed?

    I have had good luck with installing w2k sp3 and ie6 sp1 slipstreamed. You can get ie6 sp1 slipstreamed by using a 98 machine and downloading (save) it with the 2000 and xp files.
  23. Silver-Dagger

    mapped drive user name

    I am trying to get windows 2000 to prompt me for a username and password on a mapped drive everytime the machine is rebooted. The default is for windows to remember the username and just ask for a password. Does anybody know how to get Windows 2000 to prompt for both?
  24. Silver-Dagger

    Upload Limiter???

    I looked for one also but could not find anything. The one thing I thought of that would be bad about a program like this is that it could limit ALL uploads from that computer, even file transfers, games, ect coming out of the interface.
  25. Silver-Dagger

    how do disable net send message receiving?

    For ppl that are running a personnal network and does not want to stop the messenger service (or can not stop it) you can block the following ports: TCP 135, 137, 138 UDP 135, 139, 445