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Everything posted by broo

  1. Whenever I try to add Office 2000 SR-1 or SR-1a to Group Policy Software installation it gives me the following error: Quote: Add operation failed. Unable to extract deployment information from the package. Run validation on the package to ensure that the package is correct I have tried practically everything documented on Microsofts website to do this. Tested admin install of Office 2000 then patched it to sr-1a (using admin msp), right through to a simple admin install of Office 2000 SR-1 off MSDN and that still does'nt work! Pulling my hair out here as we have some major probs with Office due to it being unpatched and with the amount of machines we have its best if we update it through GPO. Is this normal? Ive tried patching it to SP2 and 3 also with the same error. What am i doing wrong! p.s it is currently installed through GPO and that worked fine
  2. We need to share a colour printer out to about 15 other pc's. Basically the printer is shared on, lets say PC 1, and PC's 2-15 need to have it already installed when they log in (approx 30+ different people logging into these machines). So whats the quickest way of doing it? Obviously its not possible to manually add the printer per each user on each pc. So without having to modify default user is there a quick way to do this? Thanks
  3. Security policies are propagated with warning. 0x534 : No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. Please look for more details in TroubleShooting section in Security Help. The Group Policy client-side extension Security was passed flags (17) and returned a failure status code of (1332). This is from winlogon.log which was generated after reading up on technet about the problem... Configure IWAM_ALPHA-NEW. Error 1332: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. Cannot find IWAM_ALPHA-NEW. Configure IUSR_ALPHA-NEW. Error 1332: No mapping between account names and security IDs was done. Cannot find IUSR_ALPHA-NEW. User account does not excist, and no folders/shares/group policy objects that we could see contain this object. Brief history is our main DC is called "Alpha", however before we setup AD it was called "Alpha-New" as we still had the old servers (which used the same names) running (summer upgrade) So any ideas how to stop it or where to look? Did find that another server running iis had anon access configured to use iusr_alpha-new on another server but that rather strangely had iusr_alpha-new setup as a local account(?)... Help!
  4. broo

    Hitman 2 silent assassin problems!!!

    thats why then you need more then 800mb, how much ram u got? bump the vm up and it should be fine
  5. Need urgent help with this whole organisation heavily relys on an access2 database which almost runs the place (college) basically we moved over to windows 2000 in the summer (from nt4/9x) and recently the database (specifically one file) is getting locked out frequently and occasionally corrupting! About 100+ users with user privalages but full access on the network share its on plus 10ish admins accessing it. Now we have some rough info that service pack 3 can cause this but its a bit hazey... anyone had anything similar? NEED HELP BAD!
  6. no chance of converting/upgrading, were getting stumped with the "its worked since 1994" line from him seems ok now, problem may be down to a faulty machine crashing it out (typical) however thanks all for the mega helpful advice, im going to look into sql myself so may check the tips cheers
  7. Ok, i have winxp home on a good pc (athlon 1.1ghz, 512mb, gf2) now when i try to run the sims (with or without all addons) it basically works, but takes a bloody age to start. What i mean is on the screen where it first starts to load and shows text scroll accross the bottom it takes a stupid amount of time to fully load. its much much quicker on a lower spec machine running winME. anyway to fix it? does the game load fast in xp pro?