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Everything posted by duhmez

  1. duhmez

    Nvidia Macrovision DVD-TV rules forced on consumers

    never mind my lat post, I did not read fully the thread. This is pretty sad when DVD's won't play if a BT8x8 input device is installed, especially because it;s not like the capture dervice can capture the DVD on screen from the overlay............. Doen't seem to make sense. Macrovision should be illegal.
  2. duhmez

    Nvidia Macrovision DVD-TV rules forced on consumers

    ATI all in wonder outputs macrovision. I cant speak for the bt8x8 chipset.
  3. duhmez

    DVD Lingo, are DVD Jewel Cases called clam shells?

    If you store adult movies on your dvd media with it, then it is a bearded clam case.
  4. duhmez

    Hyperthreading under XP Pro

    Windows NT, 2000, XP shold never have "Plug and play OS" set to yes.
  5. duhmez

    To RAID or not to RAID?

    @ Cybergen. I have a very important point for you. I always keep my 2 optical drives on the same channel, and never make coasters. the important thing to not eit simply do not use on the fl copying. Thats it. Without on the fly, it will make a temporary image to the HD before burning. it wil only add a couple extra minutes to a disk to disk copy. This frees up the other chanels without mixing CD and EIDE drives. @ Alecstaar. This ramdisk card. Is it treated as a scsi device, with a scsi drive attached in device manager? If not, what is it treated as? And does it not flood the pci to capacity, without seeing close to the rams otherwise potential? ON this point what im suggesting is, if this device had ,loaded on it the cheapest pc66/100/133 sdram, the Ram would still be WAY WAYfaster than the pci bus? I would expect with this type of scenerio that these cards could potentially be CHEAP.......
  6. But, seeing "I have a huge c*ck" flashing on the screen WOULD be hilarious....... lol
  7. Sold. Let me know how to pay. Paypal, or cheque?
  8. Buffer overflow, arbitrary code execution. You know the drill, grab this patch real quick. Hack tools to exploit this ae already on the web. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/bulletin/ms03-007.asp
  9. duhmez

    Which video card is better?

    You really can't go wrong with either companies card these days, they both make fantasti cards. the geforce FX is slightly better in some area(benchmarks), and slightly lower in others. best bet shop around for best price. if youa re into capturing video or using TV out though, the ATI imop is far superior in this regard.
  10. It requires the disk just to validate the updated versions of the files vs which were originally installed. you dont need a slipstream SP 2 cd. Probably one other way would help, just in case the dllcace got corrupted or deleted, perhaps it would grab it from the disk. i would not know, I do not delete my dllcache. So don't worry, use whatever disk you installed it from.
  11. duhmez

    Ok Win2k Gamer question

    Because Bill said "Windows 2000 is for business" And the rumour mill says "NT can't pl;ay games" Those 2 points got somehow mixed together, and here we are. And what do you know, here's everyone now runing their games on nt(XP)
  12. duhmez

    SafeDisc 2 Compatible CD Recorders

    When you are actually tring to burn of a game you already bought, then the best bet is NOT to "buy the game" CD R's are much cheaper than whole games.
  13. duhmez

    Mixing hard drives

    Does a cdrom slow down a HD ont jhe same channel, when the cd rom is not being used? Like idle? I would not hink that it would as it should not be sending out any requests when its not doing anything............ This is one thing ive been wondering for a very long time. If it only slows down when reading from the cd, then I dont care as Id rather have fastt file transfers between my ide disks. I never want my IDE disks mastered and slaved.
  14. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW This was a bug! APK, you are my hero. For YEARS I have beenterribly annoyed by win2k's browsing the network soo slow, waiting fr the stuff to come up. I can'tt believe it has not been fixed in one of the service pack. It works SO much better now. *Joy*
  15. This is hilarious. on this note, you should check the filesharing programs, download an mp3 called "internet thugs" It's a riot. it's in this theme too.
  16. duhmez

    How do I make a script that will...

    they added a new command in 2k/XP. its called "shutdown" !! Just put shutdown in a batch file, and NAME THE BATCHFILE something OTHER than shutdown, like restart.bat Then use task scheduler to run it.
  17. duhmez

    Little utility for sysadmins using NTBackup

    I will giot on my personal pc and let you know what I think.
  18. duhmez

    Question for the VIDEO file geeks out here (.avi, .mpg)

    I will clarify. These tools encode your Xvid or Divx video into an AVI container. So yes, they will be avi. I've not used flask myself, I manually chug through it all with all the tool separate, I use the best I can find for each step of the wa. best advice though is to use the stable, for obvious reasons. Bleeding edge new releases and alphas often have quite experimental code in them. You will need to use smartripper or dvddecryptor to rip the movie files (*.vob) first. Then use a new tool, "Mpeg2cut" it does a really nice job of cutting vobs. Then you can encode only the part you want in flask. All these tools can be obtained from the best dvd ripping resource on the net, www.doom9.org
  19. duhmez

    Enabling Application Compatibility-Mode

    does it say the dll register succeeded? I mistyped earlier. Didi you ssee that you must goto the properties of the shortcut and it will be there? the tab will not be on the exe
  20. duhmez

    Question for the VIDEO file geeks out here (.avi, .mpg)

    I am the man for this gig. We don't use Decss anymore either, we use Smartripper or DVDDecryptor. Anyhoo, at a res of 640x272, or 640x480 (depending on whether its widescreen format or not,) you can have it look good and be 6-8 MB per minute. Formet about Mpeg, youll need to use mpeg4 (Which is divx 5.03 www.divx.com , or Xvid www.xvid.org. For a video encoding noob I'd suggest Divx 5 over Xvid. Do 2 pass encoding, and set your bitrate for the desired size. All the rest I can splain too as you go along, definately check out wqww.doom9.org it has all the codecs and free ripping tools and encoders available. For an easy 2 pass divx 5.x you may enjoy FlaskMpeg. I've not used it but it does a good job and may be a little easier than virtualdub for you. You could also try Gordion knot which will use divx 5 and virtualdub, but its all in one package and is just a front end for all the killer freeware.
  21. duhmez

    Enabling Application Compatibility-Mode

    2000 does it a little different than xp. Create a shortcut to the program. oto the properties of the program. the compatibility tab is there.
  22. duhmez

    Does XP Home support Multi Thread Technology

    XP home has no problems utilizing the 2 virtual CPU's of your hyperthreaded 3.06 Ghz P4. So have at it! It wil show as 2 cpu's in task manager, no sweat.
  23. duhmez

    Snort 1.9.1 win32 is out!

    Will it sniff a Wan adapter on windows servers? (Ethereal will not... ARG)
  24. Athlon 2600 MP x 2, asus MP board. 768 MB ecc registered ram. Have any of you ran a dual amd rig, and how well did it turn out? Ive been using my Dual processor P3 800 for the last 18 months and it has been smooth sailing. Switrching to amd dual is a little bit scary, but intels xeon is crazy price and definately not worth the cash.
  25. duhmez

    Bought new pc, Dual processor AMD, opinions

    I run huge numbers fo programs at once. At any given time 5-10 programs, a dozen IE windows, and watching and or encoding video from DVD. I like that I can play games hile I am encoding a divx or dvd movie, which my brother with a P4 2.4 ghz ccan't even do, it eats up the cpu real bad, even at low priority. And this is with the mere P3 800's. My new Dual AMD rig will(should) all be here within the next week. The wait is killing me. It's a custom job, I dont buy prefab. Gonna throw in one of them LG DVD burners that just came out. $340.00 Canadian, and it burns - and + dvd formats. Thats like $250.00 U.S. CHEAP. I'll let you know how it pans out.