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Everything posted by duhmez

  1. duhmez

    Scheduling Services to start and stop

    Net Start "service" Net stop "service" make them batches, and set task scheduler to run them. Batch files and task scheduler is your friend.
  2. duhmez

    pc2pc networking over internet?

    PLaying Lan games over internet wont work. I tried with Age of mythology, Quake 3, and Warcraft 3. In all cases the game does not show up in the lan browser, and when Specified IP specifically (vpn ip, I checked) the game sitll would not work. I believe these netqwork gaming programmers deliberately do not bind their gaming protocals over vpn connections.
  3. To fix this in 2000 (It has similar issue but not because of shmedia.dll) Goto folder options>classic folders
  4. Ugg.. Forum addiction.. /kirk voice Must..... Refresh... Post............. /kirk voice end
  5. 1) Removing the drive letter in win2k will work fine to hide the partition in windows. It wont stop access from dos in any way, dos will find the parition the same way it normally would. WIndows mounting of the drive letters is in windows only. What this doe mean thiough is that its not really hidden if someone goes in in dos on your machine. They could also reassign the drive letter in disk management if they are poweruser or better too. I have personally maintained data on a disk with no drive letter using disk management. (I mounted it as an empty ntfs folder,(**Side note, that's neat to do**) forgot I had done that, then I pulled the drive it was pinted to to put in another machine, and i had me a disk with no letter then.) Driveimage hiding I believe is done at a much lower level, in the partiiton table level, I believe. If all you want to do is generally keep prying eyes out of your data while windows is running, then pull the drive letter using disk management and then keep the machine active with a normal user account, one that cant reassign a letter.
  6. Win2k/XP does not allow ntfs partition resizing unless the disk is dynamic. This is an area where they remove funcitonalty to make people use the new methods. As for nt 4 ntfs partition increasing, didn't that HAVE to be on scsi? I know NT4 software raid requires scsi......
  7. Nuke the 2 10 gig parittions using disk management, and create a new 20 gig partition. (Move the data off them first using explorer.) Thats it!
  8. You said " I want to unpartition the 2 ten gig hardrives " Is this a typo and you mean 2 10 gig partiitons? If so I have another question. Are all 3 partitions primary partiitons, or are they logical drives in the unpartiitoned space. If your disk is dynamic, then you can nuke the 2 ten gig partitions, and merely extend your 60 gig to be the full 80 gig. If it is not dynamic then you can make it dynamic for this operation. This sounds like what you want to do. 1) Right click the drive on the far left>convert to dynamic disk 1) Nuke both 10 gig partions 2) Right click the 60 gig parition>extend volume. 2K and XP are really nice with extending ntfs volumes on both IDE and scsi, as long as the disk is dynamic. The downside to dynamic disks is you cant boot dos from it, or run win2k setup from dos. If it really is differnet hard drives, then you must make them all dynamic, then right click them and "create spanned volume", but from what you said it sounds like 1 hard disk.
  9. HTTP 1.0 limits to 4 by default, http 1.1 limits to 2 by default. 2 is weak.
  10. duhmez

    How to load programs before the shell on NT4?

    The SRVANy.exe tool can be downloaded from here. ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/reskit/nt40/i386/srvany_x86.exe Enjoy!
  11. duhmez

    network connection for win2k

    goto the properties of the pc with the intenet ocnection. enable sharing. reboot both machines. then your internet weill work
  12. duhmez

    win2k OS migration

    This will fix you 100%. 1) Boot from win98/ME boot floppy run fdisk/mbr It will not affect your data and will work on ntfs as well. 2) BEFORE you boot win2k now, remove the old drive (unplug it whatever) and b0ot with the new one. (It will now be c Then shut down and load it with both drives and all will be well. (Fdisk/mbr in this case removes the windows digital lsignature off the drives. When 2k/xp sees the sme signature it gets all freaked out and goes whack.
  13. It means the desktop manager software is crashing on you. when a program freezes like that, the wipig effect will often be evident when dragging windows in front. This applies to all applications, not just whatever funky desktop softare you are running. My suggestion? Lose it, and or email the authors for support.
  14. Simple fix! I ran ino this and found a solution. fdisk /MBR The problem is, the drive image did not copy the old disk signature, and there was probably a signature on there already (In the mbr) and when windows does not see the same signature as it expects, it will fail nd do this. Last known goodf won't help because it thinks yo have logged on properly... hehe Fdisk/mbr will remove all signatures from the MBR (even on NTFS drives) and it will not destroy your data. When windows sees no signature at all, it will write a new one to the disk and all will be well. Cheers. BTW, you get fdisk /mbr from a win98 bootdisk. do it in dos.
  15. duhmez

    User names and passwords in XP

    Also, Tools>internet options>Content tab. Click the "Autocomplete" button Make sure it is enabled there.
  16. The guy who did it owuld have found another reason to go nuts and kill someone anyways. Instability is instability. I'd hate to see games censored or banned for reasons like this. games dont make people go nuts and kill others; being nuts in itself does that.
  17. duhmez

    Mr. Mitnick is BACK... possibly working in security

    5c43w y06 g045 1'm 60145 h0m3!
  18. Thats the first thin I thought of too when i heard this. Pad the damn thing with zeros...... how hard is that? Another benefit with padding 0's, They will compress really well too speeding up transmission just a wee little bit more
  19. duhmez

    FileSystem You Use Poll

    I have a very interesting setup that works really really well. C: is 2 gigs fat32. Typically there is 1.5 gigs of actual data on there. My desktop folder i moved to d:\desktop via tweakUI. My email is on d: (outlook .pst file) and so are favorites etc. Temp dirs are on the other drives. The data on c: changes very little. All new apps go elsewhere. I dual boot windows 2000 and DOS. On the root of c: is ghost.exe (and a handful of handy sysinternal comandline tools, contig.exe, pping, etc. D: drive is 10 gigs and is also Fat32 (for ghost images) F: G: H: all NTFS (The big drives) I've no floppy, but I used Nero tomake a bootable CD image of a win98 floppy (which I alsmost never use but its there just in case. I hate booting from rmeovable media as it is so slow and booting from dos from hard drive is so so fast. I can ghost my c: partition, right from loading dos from nt bootloader, which is really really fast instead of using floppy/cdrom etc. Since I ghost c:, and ghost.exe is on c:, ive always always got ghost handy. I save my ghost images (Usually 2 at any given time) onto d: fat32 partiiton. Thats why I have 2 fat32 , 1 to boot to dos and one for saving images. The past year and a half of dealing with vias and ati's drivers, ghosting before up[censored], has saved my a$$ numerous times. And I occasionally ghost right to CD just for giggles. Ghosting to and from a real hard drive instead of a cdrw, is much faster to. Takes about 5-7 minutes to do my c: And as you can see, When i ghost c: back to life, I neve lose files form my desktop, I never lose nay documents I added to my documents, I never lose any favorites Ive added recently. Pure sweetness. And let's face it. Recovery console is very weak with regards to moving/repairing files, no xcopy, no deltree etc. Not tomention that if its not configured to load from the bootloader, and is instead loaded from the cd, it takes a milion years.
  20. If you use windows XP, it has a migration tool. Stick in the CD let autorun kick in, and run the migration wizard. If win2k, I dunno.
  21. duhmez

    Which Windows Registry Key...

    Go to microsoft.com Download "Inuse.exe" It will let you replace files that are in use. Nuke explorer from your cache first or it will revert to normasl version use sfc /? for other options that may help you.
  22. Is this behavior by design, is it a microsoft bug, is it how the dhcp service is suposed to run? After much testing I discovered why my 2 DHCP servers weren't working. They each have 2 IP address and one nic each. Each has one external and one internal 192.168.x.x address. I soured the web but could not find any info on this, until I ran into a 3rd server which had the same problem. (I installed a DHCP server on an nt 4 machine with one nic and 2 ip addresses and it did not work either, 2 nics in and all is well) Any of you heard of this, ran into this, have any information regarding this? google didnt turn out too good of results, mostly about using dhcp with dsl as a client.
  23. OK now I will splain further. ONe dhcp server was set too give out The other was set to give out 126-254 (for redundancy) (MCSE training suggests using backup DHCP servers using this method. Both are authorized in AD so thats not issue. As you can see, no conflict. The problem seems to be having 2 IP addresses on on nic, on both machines. I have previously not heard of this issue before. I figured why have 2 nics when I can have one in each. Also note too, there was not always 2 dhcp servers anyways, in my troubleshooting both have been disabled and enabled separately and together. As it is, the network has autoassigned 169.254 addresses, with hosts files pointing to the proxy server (YUCK!) About 50 machines. Next week I will be adding a second nic to my main server and see if it fixes it (It did at another site on an nt 4 server)