Not so much of a problem, more of an answer to a problem.
I purchased a networking card to connect this machine, P4, 1.5 Ghz, Win XP Home, to an upstairs machine, Dell, P3, 733 Mgh, Win 98 SE.
This machine would not accept the drivers (on a floppy) although the documentation said that it was Win XP compliant. On attempting to transfer the drivers from the floppy to a CD I got the message that the floppy was not formatted. I then took the network card driver floppy up to the Dell, transferred the drivers to 'My Documents', then transferred them back to a new floppy and put the new floppy into my Xp machine, Bingo, Drivers for the network card installed! All I have to do now is configure the two machines. Thanks for bearing me out on this one, it may help someone else out. Cheers, Bill.