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About haplo

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  1. haplo

    Does winXP have ACPI problems?

    pmistry: The manual claims that the videocard won't function properly without irq. It works somehow w/o.... sapiens74: But I NEED my TV-card I'll try it as soon as time permits. Stay tuned...
  2. haplo

    Does winXP have ACPI problems?

    I tried everything you mentioned. Clean install, newest drivers, no shadowing/caching. Don't know what to do I even tried Georges Latency Patch against VIAs viapfd. No IRQ for my gfx-card... in the Device Manager. Other tools, i.e. SiSoft Sandra, DO indeed show irq#11 assigned - whats happening? It works somehow in terms of playing-games, but it confuses me......
  3. haplo

    Does winXP have ACPI problems?

    Thx DirtyHarry, my board is a Chaintech one, which usually never causes problems, but I'll think I've to contact their support. (actually I am using the newest BIOS). Anyway, do you know a workaround/fix for winXP not to touch my VGA-assigned IRQ? See, it's not that the irq# is swapped, as usually done by ACPI reorganizing the pci-bus(es), but the irq simply disappeared from the Device Manager - that drives me nuts!!! Why do I enable s.th. in the BIOS if some Operatinsystem has s.th. different in mind? To sapiens74: My board is KT133-based, rather old you see, I'm using a Duron, 256Mb RAM, a NIC, a TV-Card, and nothing overclocked. The rest of the devices are onboard ones: sound, ide etc. Oh yes - there's an AGP gfx-card too Any idea why win2k had no probs?
  4. haplo

    Does winXP have ACPI problems?

    Hi to everyone out there, Since I changed to XP I encounter very strange error messages like: "ACPI BIOS is attempting to read from an illegal IO port address (0x71), which lies in the 0x70 - 0x71 protected address range." This one was snipped from the eventviewer. Using Win2k those errors never happened. Has s.o. an idea? Btw XP also DISBALES my IRQ assigned to VGA (which I enabled in BIOS - due to my gfx-card manual), but tha'ta another story...