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Everything posted by ITwanabe

  1. Howdy, Abit M/B w/BX chipset & PIII 600 ran fine with Viper TNT Ultra and Win. XP, bought a MSI 8872 GeForce 4 Ti4600 and now UT won't run. Get big blotchy graphics, what I do see runs way slower than TNT. Tried 16 Bit, Tried 32 bit, tried 640x420, tried 1600x1200 newest Nividia drivers, older drivers nothing seems to work for UT. Everything else like Metal of Honor works ok. Even dumped UT & re-installed it, no way hose A. If any one had this trouble and found a cure please let me know. Da Duke
  2. ITwanabe

    UT wont run with GeForce 4Ti4600 & WinXP

    Thank You everyone, I posted "UT won't run..." for a friend of mine, all the while pushing him to get a new system. He finally broke down and we are putting up a rig consisting of Athlon XP2100 and a MSI KT333 board (non raid) to mate with his GF4 Ti4600 so by Friday he should be in UT heaven. Thanks a bunch for your replies and other than trying Open GL I don't believe he experimented with your responses (Open GL didn't make a difference). Sincerely, ITwanabe
  3. ITwanabe

    UT wont run with GeForce 4Ti4600 & WinXP

    Thanks Pmistry, This is for a friend of mine and I will relay your idea's about the config files to him. That may make the difference. I also listed the wrong chipset. He has a Abit VT6x4 133 which has a Via VT82C694X chipset not the BX like I thought originally. He has the latest UT patch 436 and also tried to run it in Open GL without any success. I told him to just break down and get a new M/B, CPU and Memory. If anything else comes to mind I will be appreciative if you let me know. Thanx Again