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  1. SP3

    Rogue squadron on win2k?

    Hi, I'm back. I never did get it work and finally just gave up. Quote: I used the qfixapp program but the game kicks out right after it shows the ships flying into the valley. That's the same way it did on my system. It would just kick me back to the desktop right as I was beginning the first mission and it showed the ships flying into the valley. I tried Qfixapp and tried checking and unchecking all the options and no matter what options were checked or unchecked I still got the same result. Quote: Well, here's where it gets interesting. On my friend's machine, the machine having the trouble, he has an nVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400 with a BCM GT93VA motherboard. He has the Via 693A chipset on the north bridge and the 586B Chipset on the south bridge. He has an 800 MHz Pentium III Processor. Well, the only things my system has in common with your friends system is I'm running win2k SP2 and I'm using a Nvidia brand video card with the more recent drivers. My machine is a dual P4 Xeon I860/rambus system. The only common denominator that I can see would perhaps be Nvidia detonator drivers. I've tried a couple of different driver revisions. However, seeing as how I'm using a Gefirce 4 Ti4600 I'm kinda limited as to which drivers I can run. Since my card is relatively new, I'm assuming the older drivers (written before the Geforce 4 cards were ever made) likely won't work. Am I right in assuming all pre geforce 4 drivers won't work with my Geforce 4? Anyway, I've tried most of the 27.XX and later revisions with no success. Anybody got this game to run on a system with a Geforce 4 card or with any of the Nvidia detonator 27.xx or later drivers? If so what's you configuration and what are you doing to get it to work? Also, I don't have a usb game controller. So, I somehow doubt that's my problem either.
  2. SP3

    Rogue squadron on win2k?

    Well, thank you very much for your reply, but I'm afraid I was already aware of the issue of creating a new player. I had already searched the forums and found those threads and comments. Anyway, I was able to create a new player and got past that issue. I think the issue I'm having must be different as I've already dealt with that and I'm getting further into the game than that when when game terminates. My problem seems to happen right whenever I would take control of the craft and begin flying the mission. At this point the game just terminates and kicks me back to the desktop. I kinda wonder if perhaps it has something to do with the fact I'm using a Geforce 4. Anyway, thanks for your comments. I appreciate your response.
  3. SP3

    Rogue squadron on win2k?

    Anybody have any tips on getting Rogue Squadron to run under windows 2000 service pack 2? I can't seem to get it to run on my system. I'm using a geforce 4 Ti4600 video card and have tried various drivers. I also have tried it with directX 7 installed and later with directX 8.1 installed. I always get the same results. I can get to the point where I start a mission and select a craft. Then just as the mission is begining and after the opening sequence for that mission, right at the point where I would start taking control of the craft the game just terminates and kicks me back to the desktop with no error message or anything. I've tried running it in win95 and win98 compatability mode and the result is the same. Any ideas about this? Anyone else gotten this old game to run under windows 2000? I'm using a dual 1.7Ghz Xeon system. Could it be related to the fact that this is a dual processor machine and this game isn't thread safe or something like that? All comments and tips welcome and thanks in advance for your time and attention.