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Everything posted by tulamidan

  1. tulamidan

    VGASave mode deactivated

    I've got a RIVA TNT2 (PCI) Card installed on my System. But WinXP uses the SaveVGA driver instead of the (correct installed) TNT2 driver. So I decided to deactivate the VGASave driver but now the System shows only a blank screen on every boot up:( No matter if I use the "Save Mode" or the "VGA only" Mode, I only get a blank screen so I can't do anything. Is there a way to fix the driver with the XP repair function? Thx for your help
  2. tulamidan

    Unusual Video Card Probs with XP

    I used to have an AMD k6-2 300 CPU. It worked fine until I've tried to use any MM features (like Games Musik etc.) Then I just saw trash on the monitor, and my System said goodby till the next reboot. The problem was the CPU. It had kind a damage that lead to the problem. Perhaps this is also your friends problem.
  3. tulamidan

    VGASave mode deactivated

    Quote: Or try doing a full repair installation. Thx, unfortunately this was the only possible way. But now XP works again. But still in saveVGA mode
  4. tulamidan

    TNT2 PCI problem with saveVGA

    My TNT2 PCI Card doesn't work properly on my XP System. The driver is installed but XP uses the saveVGA driver instead. How do I convince my System to use the TNT2 driver? -I've tried to deactivate the saveVGA but the result you can read in an other Threat ) - I've also tried the Detonator XP driver but Windows couldn't use it for my Card. thx for any help