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About CyBeRdOx

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  1. Hi all I'm looking for some advice, I've got a second computer : ------ AMD Duron 800Mhz GigaByte GA-7IXE4 200MHz Socket A CPU 128 MB SDRAM 10GB 7200RPM VooDoo3 3000 16MB graphic cart 24 Speed CR-Rom 8x CD-ReWriter Philips Windows 98 ------- I want to use this computer to watch DivX movies on my TV. But I think the VooDoo graphic cart won't do good, so I want a better cart with Tv-Out offcourse.. Could anyone tell me a good tv-out cart..??
  2. CyBeRdOx

    Probs with launching SOF2

    But my problem has been solved now...I changed the option: Full Screen Off. But now if i'm starting multiplayer-mode, it failes with no error of something.. I think I shoot change the Full Screen option, but how can I do that without starting the game? I'm talking about the multiplayer option... 8)
  3. CyBeRdOx

    Help with .avi audio

    See http://www.divx.com for divx codec 5.02 NEW and http://www.divx-digest.com for more stuff, like players, codec, launchers et c.
  4. CyBeRdOx

    Probs with launching SOF2

    I tried all possible resolutions, but the screen doesn't stops trilling. ( 22 views and just 1 reply.. )
  5. CyBeRdOx

    Probs with launching SOF2

    I've got the original version of Soldier Of Fortune 2, but @ launching the game...the whole game is 'shaking'. When i exit the game..my desktop has turned out much lighter.. I've updated my Windows XP Home Edition and all drivers are up-to-date... any1?