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About platon

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  1. platon

    cpu usage 80-100%, system slowdown, please help

    thanx for your feedback I'll come back to you
  2. platon

    cpu usage 80-100%, system slowdown, please help

    it differs from time to time......it seems to be random but there are usually about 5-6 different processes working....Another thing, i've checked my irq-settings and it seems i'm charing my soundcard with raid (irq 11) and all the others have their own irq.....What do you guys think of this.......??? Could it be that this is the source of my problem??? A possible conflict between my sound-card and the raid?? Thanx for your support
  3. platon

    cpu usage 80-100%, system slowdown, please help

    yeah, i've tried closong those applications that are sucking up cpu-activity, but no luck so far....What do you think of disabling ACPI??
  4. platon

    cpu usage 80-100%, system slowdown,please help

    thanx guys, i'll try and get back to you........ thanx for the feedback
  5. Hi,i am having seroius problems with my system and i am wondering if it is the motherboard or Win XP that is causing the problem. Let’s say i’m playing mp3:s (the only application running is musicmatch jukebox, winamp etc.) and after 5-10 minutes, the cpu starts working, from 3-5% to 80-100% causing system slowdown and sound errors. I’ve disabled the built-in soundcard on the motherboard. I’ve tried different soundcards, changed pci-slots for these, re-installed xp, updated the bios, scanned for viruses but nothing seems to help. This problem is a real pain. Please help, because i am about to go crazy!!! Thanx!!! My System: Amd 1500 Epox 8k7a+ motherboard 512 DDR 2*40GB IBM HDD (Raid) Soundblaster Live (I’ve also tried with Hercules Fortissimo II and SB Audigy) Geforce 3 64mb Asus 8200 Win Xp
  6. Hi,i am having seroius problems with my system and i am wondering if it is the motherboard or Win XP that is causing the problem. Let’s say i’m playing mp3:s (the only application running is musicmatch jukebox, winamp etc.) and after 5-10 minutes, the cpu starts working, from 3-5% to 80-100% causing system slowdown and sound errors. I’ve disabled the built-in soundcard on the motherboard. I’ve tried different soundcards, changed pci-buses for these, re-installed xp, updated the bios, scanned for viruses but nothing seems to help. This problem is a real pain. Please help, because i am about to go crazy!!! Thanx!!! My System: Amd 1500 Epox 8k7a+ motherboard 512 DDR 2*40GB IBM HDD (Raid) Soundblaster Live (I’ve also tried with Hercules Fortissimo II and SB Audigy) Geforce 3 64mb Asus 8200 Win Xp