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Everything posted by WaltonSimons

  1. WaltonSimons

    Athlon XP 1800 - unstable

    I had your same problem with WinXP and Win2k on a similar configuration: Athlon XP 1600+ ECS Motherboard K7S5A Creative GeForce 2 TI 200 with Detonator drivers 28.32 256MB EIDE 20gigs HDD On WinXP and Win2k I solved it this way: open "Display Properties" from the Control Panel, click on SETTINGS, click on ADVANCED, then on TROUBLESHOOT, finally move the HARDWARE ACCELERATION bar 2 positions to the left from the FULL position. In other words: lower the Hardware Acceleration of 2 positions. I don't know if it works also on Win9x and WinMe. I hope it will be useful.