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Jerry Atrik

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Everything posted by Jerry Atrik

  1. Jerry Atrik

    Need advice purchasing CPU/Motherboard setup!

    ive just setup 2 p4b533 systems for people they are very nice machines
  2. Jerry Atrik

    Unable to assign IRQ's

    several people have posted about having sblive probs. mostly getting pops and cracks in the sound (including myself) a clean instal of sp1 seems to have ended that problem
  3. Jerry Atrik

    Unable to assign IRQ's

    agreed what hardware made in the last 2 or 3 years isnt. good information if i ever run into the problem on another computer
  4. Jerry Atrik

    Unable to assign IRQ's

    dont know about via/amd but intel/intel has been 100% acpi since the i440
  5. Jerry Atrik

    Unable to assign IRQ's

    let the irq's share doesnt hurt anything. hardware is designed to be mapped together
  6. Jerry Atrik

    Critical vulnerability in XP

    one thing that i have noticed is that his programs and programming is very top notch. the program will work and work very well. if u really need it or not... who knows. ps. from personal experience sp1 upgrade is 50-50 a clean sp1 slipstreamed install is 100%
  7. Jerry Atrik

    NT 4.0 CompactFlash Card Reader ????

    not really a bad price considering a cheapy little cf reader goes for 15-20$ and it's prolly not going to be as fast. too bad u couldnt boot off that thing and use it to replace the floppy or could u
  8. there is a problem with nt server and xp clients where the xp dns client get stuck in a loop even to the point of stalling the computer a little. so i killed the dns client on the xp boxes and the whole network is working better because the xp boxes arent flooding the dns servers. xp clients do not need the dns client service active. set it to manual
  9. make sure and turn off the dns client service in the xp boxes.
  10. Jerry Atrik

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    got a motorola cable modem now i can stop paying monthly for the old one i had for years and years
  11. Jerry Atrik

    NT 4.0 CompactFlash Card Reader ????

    nt does not support usb
  12. Jerry Atrik


    seems odd that every hour on the hour the error occurs. what happens once an hour. scheduled task?, time check? power management turning the hd's off bios power management turning things off screensaver?
  13. Jerry Atrik

    Installation of Slipstreamed XP ProSP1

    some of the older laptops need a bios update to install xp (ie. hp omnibook)
  14. Jerry Atrik

    Aol CD's

    it's still pretty funny
  15. Jerry Atrik

    Aol CD's

  16. Jerry Atrik

    P4 & hyper threading a "no-go" in Win2K?

    very true when i got this rig (april?) there were only 2 workstation boards and they are rambus only. but rambus is good and fast but just a little more expensive. i never heard of supermicro before i got this board but i am happy with it not a cheesy board at all
  17. Jerry Atrik

    P4 & hyper threading a "no-go" in Win2K?

    for the most part that is true xp, from a system standpoint, does use the virtual cpu(s) to pre-cache info for the physical one. works darn nice if u are one who has many things open and running at the same time. on the flip side some of the cheapy "not very well written" programs will actually run slower on a hyperthreaded machine, others see no speed enhancement at all. it's a new technology that intel introduced early this year, and it takes awhile for developers jump on the boat. ive always found that 2 slower cpu's is faster and better than 1 super fast one
  18. Jerry Atrik

    P4 & hyper threading a "no-go" in Win2K?

    ive never played with seti saw it once
  19. Jerry Atrik

    can't ping

    is the xp firewall active?
  20. Jerry Atrik

    program needed

    reshack http://www.sourcecode.nu/zone16/cat287/16956.htm this works pretty well
  21. Jerry Atrik

    P4 & hyper threading a "no-go" in Win2K?

    i have hyperthreaded p4 xeons. w2k doesnt utilize them xp pro does pretty well, only to a point. the only thing xp pro takes advantage of is running multiple apps. occasionally jumping to 30% cpu (out of 400%) only a few of the best and most expensive products really take advantage of the ht tech. pro/e at times the cpu's will sit at 60% for 5 or 6 seconds.
  22. Jerry Atrik

    Help Service in XP Pro

    put it on manual and it will only start when u need it
  23. Jerry Atrik

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    yea thats an excellent price
  24. Jerry Atrik

    Connecting up HDDs and CDs

    it doesnt really matter. it's all gotta go thru the system bus anyway and ide is limited to single duplex.
  25. Jerry Atrik

    Virus jdbgmgr.exe

    "Jdbgmgr.exe file hoax" http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/jdbgmgr.exe.file.hoax.html anytime u hear of a virus go here and search for it