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Jerry Atrik

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Everything posted by Jerry Atrik

  1. it's under the change preferences dealy-do
  2. Jerry Atrik

    Online merchants

    i like those guys since the previous post i have put together 12 systems from them they all have a 1 year warranty but i still havent had to use it (thank goodness) i did have to send the laptop back to hp hp is great... i had the thing back in 2 days and it was all fixed and they paid for the overnight fedex. they even sent the fedex guy to my house to pick it up so i didnt have to go anywhere (considering it was a factory refurb im a happy camper)
  3. 'cept that i've hacked into zonealarm systems their main problem is that they put critical security settings in the registry ive never been able to hack a norton system.
  4. Jerry Atrik

    Flaw in Outlook Express caused by XP Service Patch 1?

    i have noticed the same thing no solution as of yet
  5. i understand norton does the same thing. im trying to get to a w2k system here and find that autoconnect button it gives me sunthin else to do besides work
  6. norton is a great firewall. i forget exactly where but there is a an "autoconnect when not connected" button that needs to be turned off. been awhile for w2k
  7. Jerry Atrik

    Http Sever on XP

    winxp has a built in firewall deactivated?
  8. Jerry Atrik


    did u install nero's "in-cd"?
  9. Jerry Atrik

    A Question of RAM

    roughly 80%... depending
  10. Jerry Atrik

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    system drives seem to work much better when they are less than 9 gigs i put mine at 4or5 gigs and it works nicely
  11. Jerry Atrik

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    on a side note since i installed sp1 i have windows diskcache again on this system 8)
  12. Jerry Atrik

    Media Player goes full screen, but video isn't.

    is it the newer divx that goofs up or the older stuff
  13. Jerry Atrik

    Media Player goes full screen, but video isn't.

    alt-enter while the vid is playing doesnt work?
  14. Jerry Atrik

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    those 15k hd's will turn your computer into a new machine i highly recommend
  15. Jerry Atrik

    Sb Live! - Driver

    to get rid of most of my pops and cracks i went into the sound mixer and turned the volume down on all the outputs... including the master i use the volume on the apps and the speakers. it got rid of just about all of them
  16. Jerry Atrik


    who is the board maker
  17. Jerry Atrik

    Weird new hardware after formatting and installing WinXPSP1

    dont know what it is but u can "disable" it from the system devices and it wont reapear
  18. Jerry Atrik

    CD BURNER HELP!!!!!!

    i have heard of burners dieing occasionally
  19. Jerry Atrik

    Any idea if there's drivers for MS' force feedback joystick?

    i forgot about the gameport one i have the usb version dunno about the gameport version for sure
  20. Jerry Atrik

    Any idea if there's drivers for MS' force feedback joystick?

    i will check i have ones the work on xp and w2k but i dont remember if they are any different
  21. Jerry Atrik

    Microsoft Lisencing

    Quote: Probably because you asked for a replacement CD. For all they know, you may have lost the case with the key on it as well. yep yep a couple people around here lost their xp box and code DOH!!
  22. Jerry Atrik

    Microsoft Lisencing

    if it were only that easy huh? (the way cd's are mass produced it's not possible to code everyone with a different code.)
  23. Jerry Atrik

    The: What Computer Part did you buy this week thread

    i shelled out for a legal copy of xp (last week) now i gotta get off my bum and reinstall with my squeaky clean slipstreamed sp1 cd 8)