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Jerry Atrik

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Everything posted by Jerry Atrik

  1. Jerry Atrik

    What is the proper way to install nvidia video drivers?

    Quote: when you say extract the files...how do you do that when its an exe file? TIA double click the file and it asks where to extract the files after it extracts then it starts to install. cancel the instal and verify the files were extracted. then u can have a clean driver install
  2. Jerry Atrik

    What is the proper way to install nvidia video drivers?

    i extract the files 1st then remove the software AND device on reboot when it finds the new card i point to the extract dir and viola' done and done clean as a whistle
  3. Quote: LOL.. I completely missed that page. I am used to forums going to the last page when you click on the topic. I responded to the last post on the first page.... I need an undo button. i thought there was sunthin funny but at 4am i thought it was just me
  4. mr. freak is correct i think. this machine isnt much faster than any other 2.2ghz p4 (although with 600+ pins there are a few more embedded instructions) it'll multitask like nuthin else and a few apps will multithread all over the place. i been on a computer for a very very long time and i hate waiting for sunthin to get done before starting sunthin else. so to that end i will always have the fastest dual intel i can afford. anyway to answer the fpu/mips thing using sandra unicode 2003 i get +13,000 mips +3700 fpu 8000 fpu@sse2 i would say a total of 20-40% over normal 2 processors system: 2.2ghz xeon 400fsb (x2) supermicro p4dc6+ mobo 512meg rambus @800 (need more now) adaptec u160 scsi (onboard) ibm 15k scsi hd geforce4 ti4200 128 ... and other bull do-do
  5. this test wont run more than 1 thread and doesnt do well with scsi devices. my system will precache a little but for the most part only uses 25% of the processors. i did get things to stall while running the test and a java based rendering program thats multithreads to death. other than that i got the same numbers while doing anything else.
  6. Jerry Atrik

    My First AMD System!

    my xeons run at 50-60f above oat @load topping out at about 140f
  7. Jerry Atrik

    Do I have to reinstall Windows XP to enable HT support?

    when i got this a year ago last feb it came with ht off (before xp sp1) i turned it on and ran some sandra tests then i reinstalled xp and the numbers changed very little i went to intel to read about ht and the white papers said not much is needed to run ht. the system will use the logical proc to precache for the physical one try it both ways and me know if there is a dif between the xeons and the regular p4's. i would like to know
  8. Jerry Atrik

    Do I have to reinstall Windows XP to enable HT support?

    u can turn ht on and off with only a slight difference in performance. u dont have to do anything but change the bios i found that a fresh install after ht changed the performance very little ps i am assuming u are using xp pro
  9. addendum to my email to u apk i get the same results while defragging playing hero's 4 castle wolfenstein (emena territory) or rendering toolpath (engineering app)
  10. Quote: WinTune97 Jer, that's quite a bit diff. than the 98 version actually, & simpler to use this one (more local based, 98 one exports to the web & to a now dead CMP publishing site for the old Windows magazine is why... won't work anymore properly really for comparison' sake). good thing because WinTune98 crashed my home machine.
  11. i have wintune 98 or sunthin on an archive cd somewhere i didnt know anyone ever used it
  12. Jerry Atrik

    1 TerraByte Server - how should i do this?

    http://www.wctdirect.com/raidindex.html they do have some ata arrays up to 13tb. as for price i have no idea, but the industry has been hit pretty hard so u might find sunthin reasonable and upgradable for a decent price. and it might be easier to manage.
  13. Jerry Atrik

    Cable service speed-testing - informative?

    those benchmarks are more for comparison. i use 2 different parts of the country mainly to see if there is a problem more than actually "how fast" it is
  14. Jerry Atrik

    1 TerraByte Server - how should i do this?

    u might consider buying a ready made tb array storage tech or along those lines. they work with the old p3 xeon server systems.
  15. Jerry Atrik

    How do I uninstall WMP9 and reinstall WMP8...

    firewall app denied all access, ports and ip's
  16. Jerry Atrik

    How do I uninstall WMP9 and reinstall WMP8...

    it's in my Add/Remove in xp pro
  17. Jerry Atrik

    How do I uninstall WMP9 and reinstall WMP8...

    thats not a bad idea then u would have to rip out the reg entries and folders then re-ad the thingy it should ask for the original cd
  18. Jerry Atrik

    Guys ICQ question

    i have a pretty decent/easy way to get rid of the icq ads got the info and dll's at home if u dont find another way.
  19. Jerry Atrik

    Excel XP problem

    im trying to replicate that problem here at work. so far nuthin maybe just an anomoly
  20. Jerry Atrik

    Excel XP problem

    the only thing i can think of the the file association setting for open this is what mine looks like the app line is too long so i copied it here "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE" /e XLS
  21. Jerry Atrik

    Wireless mouse for gaming

    lose gaming for an hour? forget that i use rechargable batteries with a fresh set ready to replace duringa game same for the wireless keyboard. but i only need to replace those every 6 months or so.
  22. Jerry Atrik

    Wireless mouse for gaming

    Quote: Quote: i have an opinion here i freaking HATE gaming wireless/optical. doesnt have the reaction time a ball does. im experimenting with different patterns on the mouse pad but a ball always rules. cant beat optical/wireless for stability for 3d engineering apps. I can't disagree with you about the wireless part, but, a ball instead of optical??? 8) As an Engineer I think that anyone still using a ball is totally nuts :x You still using spoked wheels on your motorcycle too? ;( and clay wheels on my skateboard. i am optical at work and home. but it still ticks me sometimes when the mouse doesnt respond fast enough. i still have my old logitec ball mouse that i plug in sometimes on the weekend if i wanna do nuthin but play games. it's soooo old i have rebuilt it several times replacing buttons and springs.
  23. Jerry Atrik

    HELP! : Logitech USB Wireless Optical mouse

    have u tried "reconnecting" the mouse and receiver with the manual buttons?
  24. Jerry Atrik

    Wireless mouse for gaming

    i have an opinion here i freaking HATE gaming wireless/optical. doesnt have the reaction time a ball does. im experimenting with different patterns on the mouse pad but a ball always rules. cant beat optical/wireless for stability for 3d engineering apps.
  25. Jerry Atrik

    Concept Cars? Ever heard this term...??

    man o man sounds like u had a perfectly hANUS day. on top of being cold and rainy