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Jerry Atrik

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Posts posted by Jerry Atrik

  1. im wrestling with a small problem configuring my dlink wireless card in mandrake 10.2

    these are the steps i took:

    install card, put driver cd in

    in root typed

    ndiswrapper -i /path-to/neta3ab.inf (my windows driver)


    ndiswrapper -l

    drivers installed neta3ab

    hardware present


    modprobe ndiswrapper

    fatal:ndiswrapper module not loaded


    during the boot post i see a line that says something like:

    ndiswrapper module, device specific settings not found delaying start.


    hmmm so i type iwconfig and i get a message that none of the devices have wireless extensions


    what am i missing here?

  2. here is another way to remove a nasty spy program once u know what the program is (from xp or 2k):


    deactivate simple file sharing

    right click the nasty file properties/security tab/advanced

    uncheck the "inherit from parent permissions" box

    yes to the annoyance popup


    remove all users (including system) from the groups/users box

    yes to the annoyance popup



    the file is now unable to do anything

    u can either leave it or re-take ownership and delete it

    (because the system didnt have permission to load it it wont load at boot)


  3. i have a dual xeon, quadro pro, and scsi raid...

    mepis, knoppix and mandrake 10.1 installed and detected everything out of the box. the nvidia drivers are a snap to install on mandrake. (not automatic like windows though)

    mandrake has an auto update type feature and a super easy way to fix those pesky dependency problems with a single command line.

  4. i had a similar problem when i tried to install homm, but the install wouldnt let me "ignore" the errors. my work around was to copy the cdrom to my hd and delete the systest.dll file bypassing the test. im just guessing at the file name because i cant get to the cd right now.

  5. Originally posted by dosfreak:

    Soon to come, FireFox infections that update IE faster than Microsoft!


    ^ lol

    wasnt that one of ms big complaints about giving control of vm to java was that it no longer had control over "security"?

  6. lol (from a linux noob)

    thats exactly what i did. bought a 120 gig hd to keep it all apart from windows and started installing distros (7 or 8 so far).

    the equipment has a lot to do with it from what i was told, and some are easier to install. i have dual xeons, scsi and quadro pro.

    fedora 3 smp kernel was very unstable, wont mount ntfs, and needs work to do the soundcard and video correctly


    mandrake 10.1 smp is very very stable. mounts ntfs, detects the soundcard out of the box and was the easiest to install (also the fastest, about 20 min)


    debian only compiled a single proc kernel. and i really mean a single (it worked against the hyperthreading) it mounts ntfs but was a pain to get the soundcard working right


    gentoo has a great community for information, nicely keeps up with the newest source code and is working great with the hardware but u have a lot of work to install it.


    just some noob observations... it's fun

  7. im definitely an end user to cad and things of that nature but i enjoy playing with this stuff. i got an extra hd at home just to do all these installs on without disturbing my windows stuff. it's fun to learn. in couple weeks im going to choose one, partition this hd at work and run pro/e on a linux system (like the old sgi boxes we used to have)


    i really only need a few components mostly video, but i need the newest software so im gonna see if i can get used to gentoo and build a just CAD station. but for home im going to look for something the neighbors kid can use for internet, music blah blah. so far i think ill put mandrake on. i already have thousands of questions lol.

  8. my hd is tired from installing distros this weekend. my list

    fedora 2 and 3

    debian woody and sarge



    mandrake 10 and 10.1


    laylittle is right... forget about the "packaging" method. the best way is to get the source and compile them yourself.

    i blew up fedora by up[censored] xfree86. i figured out that the best way to install is just to install the base system with no graphical interface, compile and install xfree, video drivers and then the desktop (is this wrong?) lots of typing and took awhile but worked best.

  9. philipp:

    thank u... worked like a charm (rootnoverify)


    mepis=linux with training wheels, woo hoo! d/ling it now. it kinda reminds me of the knoppix cd that a friend gave me to play with. that startd me down this whole linux road... remind me to slap him please.



    excellent info. thats the first thing im gonna try when i get back there (into the linux os)

  10. well said

    i know a lot about windows and some unix from way back so i just know enough to really crash a unix box good, but there is no way i would sugget any linux system to my anti-geek neighbor. i must say that fedora is very close to being that way.

    as for me im wrestling with mounting other partitions and hard drives (i always get a cant find in fstab error) so i guess i need to add that as a kernel command? i know the system recognizes the scsi drives because thats where i put the boot iso's


    and dual booting to xp in grub. lilo worked fine with hd1,0 chainload +1 (or sunthin like that) but the same command doesnt work with grub. maybe i need the "noverify"?

  11. i use the d-link router and card for it's gooey interface and highly configurable firewall. i live on a hill and the laptop will pickup the signal from the bottom of the hill 1/2 mile away.


    and no wireless reception problems even though there is so much goverment air activity around

  12. oh yea i have to add suse to the list of things i need to grab and try to box install.

    and another thing i noticed about linux is the help sites are fragmented. (3 cheers for linuxcompatible.org)nothing is really too comon between the distros.

    radhat/fedora seem to be the most mainstream. fedora incorps an "up2date" module that i didnt see in the other distros which will let u know when a updated package comes along. not sure how current it is but....

  13. with what limited experience i have... kde seems to have 3 different looks. old classic, some midrange look and the new look (3.4). with xp u need window blinds or other "pay" software to customize the desktop easily. with linux there are dozens of free progs out there for complete customization not the least of which is the standard kde or gnome desktop development (which i have yet to play with much).


    i will have to try the gentoo and mandrake installs. last night i did the debian "stable",debian "testing" and the fedora core 3 again. this time i mounted the images from my ntfs scsi drives for top speed and to see if there was any problems mounting a ntfs drive. here again we have such different contrasts in standard loading it would keep a lot of windows users from switching.



    debian "stable" (with all the updates) installs lilo. mounts my ntfs by default and dual boots (to xp) out of the box.the kernel uses the xeons but it wont detect my geforce4 card or my sony monitor (common they are industry standards)and x-server wont start.


    debian "testing" (kernel 2.4 and 2.6) installs grub which refuses to dual boot out of the box. detects my video equipment as standard vga and crappy monitor and wont install the nvidia drivers. (kernel compile interface error) and installs such a crappy kernel that it will only recognize and use 1 xeon


    fedora core 3 so far is the best of the out of the box installs. it installs grub which doesnt dual boot ootb but detects my video, scsi and allows me to choose my monitor although the settings arent right. it also detects and installs by default a smp kernel that deals with the hyperthreading pretty well. its also the easiest to get around in for a linux nu-b (although i would rather use kpackage from debian)

    anyway... now that i got so far off the topic that phillip will prolly ban me...lol


    i love internet/networking on linux, fast and easy. on my 4mb line with xp i get roughly 500Kbps with some bursts to 800 for a few seconds. with linux i routinly see sustained d/ls at 1000 or 1100 d/l and entire 600 meg cd image in 12 min! woo hoo

    the little wireless network (linux to xp) is seemless and transfers at hard drive speed.

    step up microsoft

  14. i agree, the linux community needs a leader to send them down the right path. i just recently decided to "linux" and have been playing with the fedora 3 core and the debian stable. out of the box the fedora doesnt mount my scsi drives and debian wont start x-server.

    neither of these are a show stopper but with microsoft i put in a custom install cd that takes me 10 min to make, walk away and in an hour the system is up customized and fully ready to run.

    i like the internet speed of linux and the way the fedora kernel deals with the xeons but it's kind of a pain.


    i would gladly pay for a commercial linux system if there was more software and a more uniform way of installing.


    nuthin wrong with a little competition 'eh microsoft.


    p.s. i like the way kde makes my system look like the old SGI unix

  15. i agree alex.. never turn the pagefile off

    but u can turn off the "pagefile executive" which turns off the caching.


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management



    DisablePagingExecutive from 0 to 1 and your had drive will stop precaching...


    it's very very helpful for new drives that have a huge internal buffer
