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Jerry Atrik

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Posts posted by Jerry Atrik

  1. true nt had dx emulators

    sp4 supported dx6. but honetly dx only games ran like crapola

    gl games ran pretty nice (quake1 woo hoo)

    im glad w2k and xp included full dx support


    btw w2k originally wasnt supposed to have directx but many people complained (including me) and they added it.

    engineers need playtime too

  2. some cameras dont support usb in winxp (my polaroid)

    what i did at first was use adobe photoshop to aquire the photos and d/l em 1 at a time. that worked although it wasnt "supposed" to


    then i got a 128 meg cf card so there is no freaking way im gonna d/l 200 pictures 1 at a time. so i got a cf usb card reader.

    works *****en and fast as heck.

  3. there must be sunthin wrong with your setup.

    i get 50-100% performance improvement on everygame and app.

    been running xp since it was still in development and always use nero which never gave me any problems.

    maybe there are some setup parameters that could be changed?

    maybe it's the athlon? one guy here at work uses one and has a few problems on xp but the guy with the p4 doesnt.



    supermicro p4dc6+

    p4 xeon 2.2ghz (2)

    512 rdram

    seagate X15 (2)on adaptec 2005S raid

    leadtek geforce4 ti4400
