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About aze

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  1. thanks a lot Davros! that works!
  2. I know something about VB. But not enought to build a script. If someone could send me a sample I would be grateful.
  3. Hi all! i'm trying to make a .BAT file that works like that: ------------------ "c:\winnt\...\program1.exe" "c:\winnt\...\program2.exe" ------------------ but when i run the bat file it doesn't run the program2.exe while program1.exe is running. I'd like it ran both program at the same time. how to do that? thanks a lot!
  4. aze

    SiS chipset drivers

    Hi all! sys: p4 1.8 // mb asus p4s333 // chipset sis 648 // win2k I'm looking for some driver to enable AGP Texture acceleration on dxdiag. I heard say there are intel and via drivers to improve system performance. What about SiS? In the sis site i found nothing about. thanks!
  5. aze

    ie6sp1 x windows update

    Hi all. after done the ie6sp1, may I need do the previous windows update (for ie security)? thanks!
  6. nice topic! unfortunately, i had to wait portuguese version came out. (i think i was the first brazilian to download it!) anyway, i integrated sp3 on windows instalation. i could note some programs errors which never showed before. now, with sp3, i think i'll must down my overclock. i ran 3dmark without problems.
  7. Hi all! in a LAN (using win2ksp3) how can I set up windows to NO EXPIRE passwords? Thank you!
  8. aze

    [off topic] ramdisk for dos

    Quote: http://www.simtel.net/pub/msdos/ramdisk/ (AND, do bear in mind, SimTel may be the last of the DOS archives out there now... I could not find any others working! Those above, do!) * I tore thru my archives CD's & could not find it myself, hence why I am searching for this stuff as well... those links are dying, dead, or just DOG slow! APK P.S.=> DOS may finally be near to dying... only places I really have seen it anymore are in industrial application use... apk Thanks!. I don't think DOS is dying. it became a system recovery powerful tool. only the "older geeks" can use it easly and get something productive action.
  9. aze

    [off topic] ramdisk for dos

    really! neither in google. The results links don't have it to download. I would be gratefull if you send me it by email. thanks!
  10. aze

    Monitor Hz

    Quote: Theoretically, under normal conditions, longer than you. LoL And why to care about overclockeds CPU time life?
  11. aze

    [off topic] ramdisk for dos

    thanks! 2 download anything from this site must have a login. http://www.legypt.net/e/index/pier_2/dos%20utils.htm
  12. aze

    Monitor Hz

    Quote: Overclocking a CPU makes it run faster, but also reduces its lifetime. is this true? how long can alive a normal cpu (without overclock)
  13. aze

    [off topic] ramdisk for dos

    Hi! I'm looking for a ram drive/disk for DOS wich I could choose the letter [e.g.: k:\]. With MSRamdisk isn't able to specify the driver letter to be created. Thanks!