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About {C}a5c4d3

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  1. {C}a5c4d3

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    Still, i didnt get an answer about who took responsibility of the security bugs in Linux?
  2. {C}a5c4d3

    Chat room on NTCompatible? (Correct One)

    I tell you what guys, a chat room is perfect idea. The pub is a perfect idea, the women is a perfect idea. But i dont like beer, i think a vodka martini is better
  3. {C}a5c4d3

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    Windows 2000 is as good as Windows XP on gaming. That is in case you are playing new games. What about games developed before Windows 2000? I am sure you ll find major incompatibilities there. The surprise is, that if you launch those games on XP. You wouldnt notice any diference from Windows 98 nor 95. And the other thing is when you give a win 2000 pc a big load of windows services and huge apps, It's gonna take ages to boot. Now about security, ok everyone supported that ms funded the servey and i knew it from the begining but the part that none of the linux supportes is, who took responsibility for those security bugs in the linux? Did you connected to Windows Update and started downloading patches? I am developing windows applications for around 7 years, i know most Windows API calls because i use them pretty often. Even if a linux variant was so good, would i like to spend a month learning the actual OS and then spend time on learning to develop apps for that platform? I had windows since windows 3.1, i used microsoft word etc... then windows 95 98 nt 2k mil and now i am on XP and i used most versions of Microsoft Office in my business. Would i want to change platform and have all that trouble in formating and installing a new OS that i dont know, and mostly of all, it wouldnt run the software i use the most? What about my publications in Publisher? Can linux install the .Net Framework and run my Visual Studio .Net?
  4. {C}a5c4d3

    XP vs. 2000 with a hint of Linux

    I believe that XP is the ideal OS at the moment. In comparsion to 2000, it has so many new features that 2000 dont have, it makes it ideal for a novice user with the home edition, or a power user with the proffessional edition. Linux cannot be compared at all with Windows. Even in security matters, where most people believe that Linux is much more secure then the Windows Platform. In that part i will just say that the results of a servey linux came up with more security bugs than windows 2000. Microsoft provided us with security patches, what happend with most Linux users? did they had to wait for the next version? And from the other hand, Linux dont have a character of there own; they tend to "clone" the windows UI or the Mac UI. And with Windows having so many technologies; DirectX, System Restore, the Windows API, Support for the most recent standards etc... And with those technologies under improvement for so many years, It makes it impossible for any new OS to just jump out and claim Windows's market.