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Everything posted by embj

  1. embj

    the sims hot date and vacation

    I have Windows XP with all of the Sims expansion packs except House Party. I did not have any probs.If you tweak up your computer it might help. That is if you are comfortable with editing the registry. If so go to www.tweakxp.com , www.xptuneup.com , and http://www.winxptop.com/winxptop/default.asp . Or you should look @ The Official Sims Support Website which is located @ http://thesims.ea.com/us/support/index.html . I hope this helps you.
  2. embj

    DX8.1b for Windows XP?

    There is a DX9.0 Beta.It can be found @ http://www.windowsxp.nu
  3. embj

    Microsoft admits DX8.1 AMD troubles (link)

    I have experienced problems with my computer while playing games. It hangs. Also, MS made it official.
  4. embj

    An Interesting Question to debate on...

    BladeRunner look at my age. You will see how lucky that I am. That system without the all of the accessories and the second hard drive only cost $400. Including the monitor.
  5. embj

    An Interesting Question to debate on...

    I am not obsessed with the new technology. I just buy it when it comes on sale.
  6. embj

    Samsung SD-612B Drivers (Windows XP)

    No, they do not work with the default drivers. The defaults only work the CD-ROM.
  7. embj

    Tweaking Site

    Thanks again man!
  8. embj

    WindowsXP shutdown/restart prob...

    If you are comfortable editing the registry go to this website and click on the links. This should take you to a few sites where you can find tweaks and tips on how to make the shutdown and restart faster. Believe me they work. I have tweaked my computer up so that it shutdown and restarts fast the site is http://www.winxptop.com/winxptop/default.asp . Also, check out http://www.tweakxp.com
  9. embj

    Office 2000 incompatible with WinXP?

    It works for me, too.
  10. I do not currently have the DVD-ROM hooked up to my PC. I do not have the BIOS. Also, I do not have the drivers for it because it did not come with any. It was opened box. Yes, it is IDE. Also, the CD-RW is in the master slot.
  11. I flashed my Samsung SD-612B DVD-ROM. Since then the DVD-ROM did not work and it took away CD-RW drive in My Computer and would not read it. Then I formatted my HD. The CD-RW was still missing. So I put in an old spare CD-ROM and it took away my second hard drive. Maybe that is the problem? I also did everything else that you said to do exepct that I could not find hiberfil.sys on my HD. I changed my viewer so that I could view hidden files. Also I did a search on it and I still did not find it. I am going to put the computer to sleep and see what it does now. I will post the error later.
  12. I bought me a Intel Play Microscope and a Intel Play ME2 Cam. The cam doesn't work on XP. SUX
  13. embj

    Tweaking Site

    Thanks, but do you know any other websites. I am going to connect my home computers to a LAN this month.
  14. embj


    I will go buy a cheap sound card. Most likely @ Best Buy. I don't have a Comp USA in town.
  15. I have put my HP XT-983 to sleep and when I want to get it to wake up it says that Windows was shut down because of physical memory dumping? I have sent an error report to Microsoft several times regarding this issue. It says on the OCA website that it is due they think it is regarding software or hardware that is installed on my system. I formatted my hard drive recently. Before I formatted it I did not have this problem. I had the same programs installed before as I do now? Can anybody please help me out?
  16. embj

    Xp And Lego Creator

    That is a great idea AlecStaar. My son is almost 13 and I have bought him a nice HP computer that was so cheap that I could not pass it up. Also, carol you ought to just look around for a deal on a new computer.
  17. embj

    Xp And Lego Creator

    No there is currently no patch available for Lego Creator. Just take it back to the store and get your money back.
  18. embj

    Sim theme park error

    I am having the same problem. I have been bugging EA about making a patch for about a month now. Maybe sometime they will make one?!?!?!? I also am mad that www.simthemepark.com is still down. I sent EA a techsupport message and they did not respond to that. EA is just making me more and more mad.
  19. Doesn't anyone Know????? I would really like to use the standby and hibernation features.
  20. embj

    S L O W bootup with XP

    Try to tweak it up. A good place to find tweak websites for XP is @ http://www.funwithxp.com/ . Also, if you do not use Media Player find a tweak that deals with that. There is some tweak that disables the fancy graphics I believe. Just look for that. That is one slow down.
  21. embj

    Excellent WinXP Site

    Thanks...I like site! I just bookmarked it.
  22. embj

    windows XP wont boot

    I do not know any way to look at a log without having Windows loaded. I know how it goes to not have anyone know what to do. It has happened a few times this month. I am so sorry that I do not know.
  23. embj

    printer problems

    I also think that I have found the driver for your HP. It is at http://www.designjet.hp.com/PostSalesSelect.html. Just click on your printer and it will guide you through the rest.
  24. embj

    printer problems

    Laura this site has the link. It is official from Lexmark. It should work. Just type in Optra T610 and it will guide you through the rest. It should work seeing that it is an official driver. The link is http://www.lexmark.com/US/support/drivers/index.html