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Everything posted by lx

  1. If I check the memberlist I see guys and gals with many posts 8) , so obviously there are other forums for which I registered, which ones? Cya lX
  2. Quote: It's been that way for the last 3-4 years (I remember reading that in 2.0.x kernel sources), how long is it going to take? Well it's a Micro$oft product, so it's probably always dangerous writing to NTFS . Cya lX
  3. lx

    Looking for some apps...

    I just installed f-prot, have used mcafee also. Don't know how good they are, but I'm planning to use it as e-mail scanner. It found the w32-klez virus in one of my mails, so I think they both work, f-prot has a script to update the virus-definitions automatically, well I haven't really tested it, but it's free for home use. Cya lX.
  4. Quote: Is the support even read/write yet? The last I heard 2.4's NTFS support was still read only. The NTFS write support is, and I quote "dangerous", in other words it could mess up your NTFS partition. Never tried it though and maybe it works, well I don't want to try it on your data partition Cya lX.