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About RedRooster

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  1. I'll check in the registry tonight. I already ran Ad-aware and it didn't find anything related to it. Checked with a trojan scanner also.
  2. I did a google search but didn't find anything. I'm asking because I realised that file was running at startup now and taking a lot of juice! Also my cable lights kept flashing like I was downloading something but I wasn't! So I installed Zone Alarm and kept getting "attacked" by the same IP. Probably why the lights were flashing all the time. Anyways I ended the process and turn it off at startup but I'm wondering where that file came from! Now the cable is back to normal. The file is in the winnt/system32 folder. Also I can't reach this site anymore from home(at work now), well here and majorgeeks.com. Unless the site is always down after work, I really have a problem Thanks!
  3. I think it's because the old version came with better or more plug-ins then the newer one! Don't know why, but the old WMP seems better sometimes!
  4. RedRooster


    I can't remember the link but GTA2 was available on a web site for free. Full version, and not on a warez site. It was there for like a week or 2. I did try it but it was running so slow on my pc! Anyone you might get lucky and find that site again!
  5. RedRooster

    Command & Conquer: Red Alert

    Thanks for the tips! It's finally working!! I'll finally be able to finish this game lol After I'll need to finish the original one
  6. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    I'll stay with ICS for a while. I'll see about that Linksys part, I'm out of cash for now! I might unplug my brother soon anyway. So I'll use the cross-over cable for my PC instead of the USB PC2PC thing. Might have less problems with that! I did learn a few things, like install Win 2k at 2am isn't fun lol I did have fun trying to figures things out, at least here I can kick my pcs when they don't work the way I want! In school I can't do it
  7. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    Well this morning I got rid of 2k on the server. Reinstalled XP over the old one, I know it's not the best thing but still!! Took me about 2 hours to get the internet to share even using the Wizard!! My computer really hates me now ((( It's working now, but I didn't reboot after the wizard like it said. I don't want it to stop working after I reboot lol I'll leave with this config for a while I guess
  8. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    Well it's 4:30 am, I just spend the last 2 and a half hours reinstalling 2k on another partition on the server. Trying to get Winproxy to work but it doesn't!!! Can't even find a Internal ip!!! I wanted to go back to XP, but the installation is now screwed up! I'll have to try and repair it!!!! I'll get some sleep before I shoot my PC
  9. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    I've read every guide on the Winproxy site, and search on googles, and a few other messageboard but nothing on it I'm thinking of installing 2k on my server and start all over with only Winproxy. That might work, and 2k will be more familliar and less of a hog on my old celeron I'll keep looking for help!! Thanks for for everything Alec!!
  10. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    Quote: ARGH! I hit quote instead of edit! Oh, one SIMPLE thing we overlooked... real basic: Can you ping the machines between one another 2k to XP & vice-a-versa? This is VERY important, lol, & I overlooked it! (Also, on each system... can you ping on each? This is the loopback test to see if TcpIP is properly installed on each one as well...) * Boy, TOO easy to overlook the basic tests! APK Basic test yes, but I don't even know how to ping the other PC!! So I don't know if that works!!
  11. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    Quote: Know what's throwing me the worst? You're showing (on the first IPCONFIG /all feedback) 192.168.0.xxx instead of 192.168.1.xxx, & I believe DHCP has to use the 192.168.1.xxx format! That 192.168.0.xxx comes from Winproxy. I redid the install wizard and it puts that adress in the Internal IP box. I can't change it Quote: ALSO: Have you taken a CLOSE look at your DHCP server entries in that IPCONFIG /all feedback readout from the 2k box? It's showing as your DHCP server, & is that IP's machine in fact acting as a DHCP/DNS resolving machine? If not, I can see that messing it up trying to get to the web. So that entry should be change to whatever my IP adress is for that box? Quote: You can add your ISP's DNS servernames to this section of the registry on that 2k box & see if it helps here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters In the NameServer &/or DHCPNameServer entries, like your other boxes show it... and maybe that will help. Open REGEDIT.exe in XP, see that area on the XP box & make the same NameServer & DHCPNameServer entries on the 2k box in the same place in 2k box too in the registry for a test. May in itself, fix it up, but I am not sure. This may extend beyond that into the interfaces area below the parameters area in the registry, but worth a test. ALSO: You can do it on that 2k box in its TcpIP properties thru the GUI as well if you don't like registry hacking! I did that, here's the results! That clarktanguay.com info was what I enter into the DNS setup on Winproxy when they asked me a domain name for the DNS. So that is looking good! BUT now I have a problem. I did the change and took the screenshot, before I redid the install wizard. After doing the wizard I had to put the numbers back, but the registry doesn't save them anymore!! I rebooted and they are gone! The is back there! I've changed it 5 times already, and every time it comes back!!! I'll try rebooting the server first, then changing it in the 2k client machine! Quote: Have you considered using STATIC IP addresses on your LAN boxes instead of DHCP, like 10.xxx.xxx.xxx instead? 10.x.x.x & I think 172..x.x.x are not outward broadcasteable to the net either. (The 10.x.x.x I am SURE is not... it could be 170.x.x.x or 172.x.x.x on the second one, but that also is not either for security purposes & your ICS/WinProxy could provide the net to you, via proxy, as it does anyhow to those nodes with those IP addresses) Well after the install wizard, winproxy give a text file with what to do with the client PC. They change the file with the new numbers everytime the wizard is done. In the first part they say to put "Obtain an IP adress automatically" same for the DNS. If not I can do this: Quote: If you prefer to configure your computers manually please follow these instructions: * On each of your client PC's. From the desktop, right click on "Network Neighborhood" * Click on "Properties" * In the "Configuration" tab, click once on "TCP/IP -> {your Ethernet card}", and then click on "Properties". * Specify an IP addresses from through, excluding * Specify a subnet mask of * Set the DNS server to * Set the GATEWAY to *** IMPORTANT *** * Give each computer a unique name on your network. * Select an appropriate domain name that will not conflict with names used on the Internet. * Specify the same domain name in the WinProxy configuration by selecting File->Properties in the WinProxy menu, selecting the "Protocols" tab and pressing "DNS Setup" to specify your domain name. * If you are using other internal DNS servers, not recognized by WinProxy, then those should also be added to the DNS list on your client computers. * Leave all other TCP/IP settings blank, unless your particular situation requires specific values. So I went into the TCp/IP protocol properties for the USB connection, and put those numbers in. I didn't have a Alternate DNS server number but the rest of the fields were full! But after I rebooted I didn't have any web access on the 2k machine So that didn't work! So now I'm shutting down the 2k machine, rebooting the XP one, and I'll change the number in the registry! Hope everything works this time lol If it works I'll just edit this post!!!
  12. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    Here what that IpConfig /all gives me! 2k machine: The first thing that seems wrong is that empty Primary DNS Suffix. Also that WINS Proxy Enabled is at NO, so that seems bad too. Shouldn't my IP adress be like we said before? Now the XP machine! In 2 parts lol The same things for this one, so maybe it's alright the way it it! That Ethernet adapter internet section is for my cross-over cable that connects my bro's PC to the internet. He has no problem with the proxy! Lucky guy!! Part 2: That's for the USB Pc2PC adapter! Looks good! Is there any way to get rid of my old ICS settings and start from nothing? At least I won't be mixing Winproxy and ICS anymore!
  13. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    I couldn't! Sorry for the typo Quote: 1.) Is your server service started on all boxes as well as Workstation Service?? If you are talking about that Services and Application section in Computer Manager, well the server and workstation services are working if not you lost me lol I'm a total networking newbie! The only thing I do to share my cable was follow the guide here: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/ics . Only for the client side for the 2k and 98 machine. For XP I used the wizard and choose the "I'm connected to the web, and others connect to me to get the web" or something like that in the wizard! I've used that internet sharing method for a while now! Maybe that's the problem! I'm mixing 2 things to share my connection. Quote: 2.) Do you have in addition to TcpIP, Client for Microsoft Networks installed as well...? I just check every PC, and it's there for everyone! I'll reboot a few times, might appear after lol Maybe after my networking class I'll understand better! P.S. -> I hate having to post on IE! I miss Opera
  14. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    I'm still a little lost in Xp. I'm better on 2k!! Anyway here's what I tried to do to get that MyMachine\\NickName to work. I went into the Administrative tools, then Computer Managment, then Local Users and Groups. I double clicked on the Administrators in the Groups folder. I clicked on add, but when I clicked on Locations I could select my other PC I just tried in 2k, and I get the same thing. I can't change the location of the user. So now I'm totally lost!! I'll send a message to Clutch & DosFreak soon! Thanks again Alec!
  15. RedRooster

    A little help needed for Winproxy configuration!

    I took the firewall OFF earlier. Well I did go into the My Network Place to see the properties of my internet connection, and untick the first setting in the Advance tab. I tried creating a new account using the same nick name I use on my 2k machine but it said that name was already taken! Maybe I once created 2 accounts with the same name can't remember, but I tried creating one with the machine name before the nick but they don't allow enough characters to do that! Maybe I just wasn't at the right place! I really don't use XP much, it's only there for the server. I can't even get hotmail's front page to show now lol Posting from Opera doesn't work too! Problems are disapearing, others are arriving!! I expected the proxy to fix my sending problem. I just can't send anything via ICQ, IRC, or MSN. It all started when I decided to do that server!! lol Now even receiving files doesn't work I think I'll go back to the no proxy server sharing internet! It was working fine using a simple online guide