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Aravi Nemiji

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About Aravi Nemiji

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  1. I've already read two study guides, but I'm still looking to smooth out smaller gaps in my knowledge that require more specific attention from me. In addition to the books, the I've been using the following web-based resources to study: [*] Microsoft TechNet [*] Labmice.net [*] 2000Trainers.com[/list:u]I'm currently looking for the following information, but any resources that teach the "proper" methods of doing things and/or give accurate information on the workings of Windows 2000 would be appreciated. [*] List of all log files used by Windows 2000, as well as explanations about what they log [*] Detailed overview of the Windows 2000 Fax service. [*] Information on performance/reliability tuning for Windows 2000. [*] Information on the Windows Installer service that covers the behaviors related to .msp files. [/list:u]
  2. Aravi Nemiji

    RIS Driver problems

    RIS installation fails in text mode due to network driver being unavailable. Already read the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 246184 - How to add third party OEM network adapters to RIS installations 254078 - How to add OEM Plug and Play Drivers to Windows Installations RIS Server runs 2k Server RIS Clients will run 2k pro All .inf and .sys files have been copied into the i386 folders (default and for this image) as well as intelnic.dll (which Intels site suggests). Image has networking drivers set up (and correctly re-installs them after being rebooted by riprep, so the drivers there are fine). Anyone got a detailed howto for setting up the drivers for the text mode portion of the install?
  3. How can I tell Win2k (or more specifically, its on-boot filesystem checker), to ignore the existance of a hard-drive (the disk in question contains my Linux install, and scandisk stops to check it every boot, when I don't want it to even touch it).
  4. Aravi Nemiji

    RIS - Resources

    Can anybody point me to some good resources + tutorials for setting up RIS?
  5. I boot using an old Win98 Boot Floppy to DOS, the following drives are usually detected A - Floppy C - FAT32 Partition 1 D - FAT32 Partition 2 E - MS RamDrive F - CD Drive on C there are two unattended setup files - unattend.txt and defaulthide.txt (the latter being almost identical to the former, except UnattendMode is set to defaulthide not fullunattend) I go to F\I386 and type winnt s"F\i386" u"C\unattend.txt" to start the installer. The installer copies files, gets to the end then reboots. When next it boots, it boots GRUB (Linux Bootloader). Boot sector virus protection is off in BIOS. My suspicions for the cause of this problem are to do with my partition table. DOS doesn't seem to like it, and I am not letting DOS FDISK near it again (manually reconstructing my partition table was *NOT* my idea of fun). Reformatting D results in an error at the end about my partition table being "corrupt" What DOS might dislike about my partition table (although AFAIK its supposed to support up to four primary partitions), is that there are two primary partitions then an extended partition (containing all my Linux stuff). Any advice would be appreciated.
  6. Aravi Nemiji

    Studying for MCP - Resources?

    Right now a comprehensive resource on unattended installation text files would be incredibly useful. TechNet has some stuff, but its all mixed in with case studies and the like. Also, is there an option to basically tell the installer "Don't touch the master boot sector"? Would save me the trouble of reinstalling GRUB.
  7. I've commenced studying towards my MCP (for Win2k) Are there any resources people think I should read up and will this book be sufficient. MCSE Windows 2000 Accelerated Exam - Bryan Komar It appears to only cover upgrading from WinNT to Win2K certs (doing Win2K from scratch), but my Dad thinks it should be enough (and probably doesn't want to fork out for the full set).
  8. Aravi Nemiji

    Win2k question

    I'll probably stick with GRUB as my boot loader, how many other bootloaders have their own command line?
  9. Aravi Nemiji

    Win2k question

    Oh good, just need a working floppy drive now. Need Win2k and Win98 for some driver development work I'll be doing. Does Win2k have issues with being on the second partition on a drive (the third partition contains all my logical drives, the first two are primary partitions, two 2GB regions that were intended specifically for this purpose).
  10. Aravi Nemiji

    Developing Win2k Parallel Port Drivers

    I'm planning on doing some driver development involving a parallel port device. I'll be developing Win9x, Win(NT,2k,XP) and Linux drivers (possibly also BSD and HURD, will look into this). What I'm after is any information that may help me write the Win2k drivers. Basically just need raw access to the port so the rest of the driver can shift out the required data.
  11. Aravi Nemiji

    Odd Windows 2000 instability problems!

    Perhaps some of your hardware is getting old?
  12. Aravi Nemiji

    Win2k question

    I've heard rumours about Win2k reformatting all FAT partitions to NTFS during the install. I've got two questions about this 1. Is it true? 2. If it is true, does it discriminate between partition types (ie. does it reformat all partitions or just FAT ones)? Basically don't want to lose my Linux install and pretty much all my data to Win2Ks assimilation fetish.