Hi Guys First time here
I've checked, and my problem is not
listed in Radeon technical issue, game issue,
multimedia issue, nor MicroSoft search base. I've read
and searched through www.ati.com with the error
message I saw. But, no topic mentions my problems.
Here is a detailed hardware and software environment
of my computer with problem description, Thanks a
lot for reading it:
----- Hardware decription
Powered By ATI Radeon 8500 128MB RAM
ASUS A7V333 motherboard
North Bridge Chipset: VIA KT333
South Bridge Chipset: VIA VT8233A
AMD Athlon XP1900+ CPU
----- graphics-related BIOS & setting
--- BIOS:
ASUS version 1011 (latest)
--- Setings:
Graphics Aperature Size: 128MB
AGP Bus Performance: Optimal
(only Optimal/Turbo, default is Optimal)
AGP Capbility: 4X Mode
AGP Drive Strength AUTO
AGP Performance Control: Disabled
AGP Fast Write Control: Disabled
Video Memory Cache Mode: UC
(only UC/UCWC, default is UC)
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop: Disabled
----- Software installed & Drivers
Windows2000 Advenced Server English Version ServicePack3
Internet Explorer 6 (also tried 5, but not working either)
DirectX 8.1
--- Drivers:
VIA chipset 4 in 1 drivers version 4.42(a) (latest)
----- Problem Description
Radeon 8500 driver seems to have a compatibility
problem with Win2000 Advenced Server. After
installing it, Internet Explorer is usually the
first program that cannot be properly initialized
to open. After IE fails to open, I can not open any
other things, such as NotePad or Windows Explorer.
Then it pops up the following error message:
"The application fail to initialize properly
(0xc0000142 ) Application Error."
The problem won't appear, if I uninstall the ATI
display driver, or run the window in safe mode.
I have tried both the latest ATI display driver
and the one of previous verion. Both has the same
problem. They're the following:
1. w2k-radeon-5-13-01-6118-efg (latest)
2. w2k-ref-7-72-020524m-004274c