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About @mt@

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  1. So does anybody know if is there any registry key that allows to modify the window font?
  2. Hi all. In these days I am experimenting my overclock so during some boots my system lookups cause the vcore is inconsistence or the FSB and frequency are too high. One of all these times my system crashed and when it rebooted the scandisk program have solved some missing or truncated paths and other "small" problems. After this I have noticed that one of the window fonts have been changed. I have tried to modify it by using the screen apparence but have not found any option that allowed me to restore the default one. So now I have some Tahoma font text and somewhat like other and this is not so pretty to watch. Here you see two screenshots of what my problem is. http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/mygame/problem-shot.jpg http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/mygame/problem-shot2.jpg If someone has any idea in how is possible to restore the default font I will appreciate it a lot. Maybe there will be a registry key for this but I don t know where to find it. Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. @mt@

    memory errors

    Hi...maybe it is not your case but I had a sort of problem like yours when my system ram was too aggressive configured.
  4. @mt@

    Some games do not go...

    Hi all...I am new to this nice place and I have some questions to ask you. So my problems started when I installed Windows 2000 and tried not only using programs but also some games of mine. I have to say that I got an overclocked system but making all hardware pheripherals going to their nominal frequencies LOOKUPS did not disappear. The only graphical things that still work are 3DMark2001 SE, UT, Quake3...other games like Dungeon Siege want to make some breaks during their execution. I want to say that before, when I was using Win XP, I had not all these noticeable lookups. Two days ago have updated the OS to the latest sp3, installed the latest chipset drivers and nothing was solved. Hope these are only specific application problems cause I have no intention to see Win XP in execution anymore. Thanks all.