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Everything posted by adamvjackson

  1. adamvjackson

    Earth 2140 on XP

    Laserlock is a form of copy protection. If I recall correctly, there was an early patch to Windows XP that corrected a flaw reading some forms of copy protection. Have you installed all updates from http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com ? Have you tried running the game in compatiblity mode? This is accessed by right-clicking on the program shortcut, choosing properties, and selecting the "Compatiblity" tab. Some experimentation may be needed. Are you (attempting to) run the game with local administrative privleges?
  2. Saw that on Slashdot yesterday. Bottom line, patch early and often, use a GOOD hardware firewall, and deploy an anti-virus solution. Also it doesn't hurt to have peer review/auditing of your network security, from a trusted source, of course.
  3. adamvjackson

    windows xp

    Assuming you have Windows XP Professional, you can enable remote desktop, and open/forward port 80/3389 (I think...) to the machine that you wish to connect remotely to. On the remote side, you will need the Remote Desktop Client, which is built into Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003, or if you have older versions of Windows, you can download the client free from the Microsoft web site. Alternatively, if you do not have Windows XP Professional, or cannot install a viewer/client to connect remotely, you could look at a VNC-based solution. Some links for your review: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/mobility/getstarted/remoteintro.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/tools/rdclientdl.mspx http://www.tzo.com/MainPageSupport/HowToPage/HowToXPRemoteDesktop.html http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_Systems/WinXP/Q_20719173.html http://labmice.techtarget.com/windowsxp/NetworkingXP/remote_desktop.htm http://www.tightvnc.com http://www.realvnc.com http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net If you have questions, please post.
  4. adamvjackson

    MSPaint Alternatives

    The GIMP 2.0
  5. 1.33 is the Game of the Year version 1.41 is the final version
  6. adamvjackson


    A quick google for "open source" "dns server" "win32" turned this up: http://posadis.sourceforge.net Note that I have never used it, but maybe someone has?
  7. adamvjackson


    Delete all your config files and create a new one. Probably someone told you to: /bind mouse1 kill lol
  8. adamvjackson


    Well, about costs, direct and indirect... Personally I value my time more than anything. Money can always be made, but time cannot. So, bearing that in mind, once a DNS server is set up, it just runs. No user/admin intervention necessary. Hosts on the other hand takes time to set up and update (constantly black-listing advertisers, malicious content, etc.). Also, the root servers are far more secure then any downlevel DNS server, such as local ISP DNS servers.
  9. adamvjackson


    About DNS server poisining, this is another good reason to run your own local DNS server, and forward lookups to one of the root servers. Comprimise of the root servers is a lot less likely than your ISPs DNS server/cache.
  10. adamvjackson

    SSH Tunnel for Windows?

    Does anyone know how I can (relatively easily) set up an SSH tunnel (to tunnel VNC traffic) on Windows XP without using Cygwin? Scenario is this: - 10 (+/-) remote users, need access to corporate workstation desktops - (Tight)VNC is selected as software for remote access - Users will periodically need to connect from other secure corporate networks, with would have standard VNC ports (58xx/59xx) blocked, but would most likely have SSH open - Users will be connecting to a NAT device, and only have 1 internet-routable IP address Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks
  11. adamvjackson

    Half-Life Compatibility Issue

    Have you installed the latest patch(es) for HL?
  12. adamvjackson

    Emulators: HOW DO U USE EM?!

    Yes, ePSXe is quite good, it's the only PS emulator that I use. Your results will only be as good as the plug-ins that you choose. Personally, I use Pete's plug-ins, but it's pretty easy to get overwhelmed with the number of options/settings if you are unfamiliar with what they change. Also, with ePSXe, you'll need to dump the ROM BIOS of your PlayStation console, as it's copyrighted software/IP of Sony. You can find the version of the BIOS on the bottom of your PS console, such as SCPH-7502, etc.
  13. adamvjackson

    Might and Magic VII under XP

    According to Bago's post, it sounds like it's using DirectX for acceleration, and using software rendering solves the problem. Note that generally speaking, using software rendering on any game will decrease the video quality and increase system processing overhead, but at any rate, it's good to be working. And for the record, I don't have this game, or any of the MM series, but what I said should apply to a large number of games.
  14. adamvjackson


    Well APK, when you have a static IP/name resolution specified in the HOSTS file, and that IP changes, it's broken. If you were using only DNS lookups, it wouldn't break. That's why most upstream DNS providers have a TTL value of 1 hour, so that any IP/host changes are quickly propigated downstream. BTW, good to see you posting again, and good to be back... ;-)
  15. adamvjackson

    People online

    Impressive assuming it's accurate; which I have a hard time believing. The 'old' NTCompatible site never got more than about 100 or so users online, and a LOT more forum posts. Now with the new CMS, we're to believe that the users has increased 10 fold, while the forum posts have decreased? Not saying it's impossible, but unlikely.
  16. adamvjackson

    OWA 2003 Not Completely Loading

    For IIS there are two accounts, the IUSR_<MachineName> and IWAM_<MachineName>. So you'll need to check your NTFS permissions for both user accounts, and you may wish/need to check the password assignment (manual vs. automatic) for that account as well. Good luck, let me know if I can help further.
  17. adamvjackson

    Disk Error Checking not running in XP

  18. adamvjackson

    GTA 2 help

    No, please don't. While sometimes this is necessary to get an older game working, it is not acceptable to post cracks, keygens, or anything related to circumvention of copy protection mechanisms. Sorry.
  19. adamvjackson

    Windows Server 2003 AD Problems :-(

    Duplicate MAC addresses on the Intel (onboard) chips? Joining the domain with Domain Admin rights, correct? Have you tried adding an entry in Active Directory Users and Computers for the new PCs manually, then joining the domain? Have you verified the latest (and correct) drivers are installed? How are you installing Windows? RIS? Ghost images? OEM images? Have you verified that the correct driver(s) are in the install images?
  20. adamvjackson

    Info W2K product key

    You're running Windows 2000 Professional on a server? Hmm... :x
  21. adamvjackson

    Windows Server 2003 AD Problems :-(

    Oh, and with so few clients, you may want to consider Small Business Server 2003, as it includes Exchange and some other bells and whistles for smaller networks, like Sharepoint, IIS/default website, etc.
  22. adamvjackson

    Windows Server 2003 AD Problems :-(

    Do you have DHCP set up on the WS2003 machine? Also on the Linksys router? DHCP scope(s) properly defined? DNS forward zone(s) properly defined? Sounds like you're having DNS lookup problems, check your event log(s). The reason I ask about DHCP is because if the router is supplying DHCP leases, there's no (easy) way to have those address leases added dynamiclly to Active Directory. Let me know if that helps, or if you need some more info.
  23. adamvjackson

    Final Fantasy VII for windows 2K

    If you have a Nvidia card, rumor has it that the latest BETA (unofficial) drivers (61.72, I think) fix all the FF7 errors. But I don't have FF7 for the PC to test it. Good luck, hope you get to enjoy the game.
  24. adamvjackson


    Limited-user accounts are good... Local Administrator accounts are bad... Learn, grasshopper ;-)
  25. adamvjackson


    Only problem with a HOSTS file is that you break DNS. DNS by design is supposed to handle dynamic changes as indicated by the TTL value passed from the DNS server(s). (Most) Any government agency will either not do anything at best, or get agitated for you wasting their time at worst. Learn to protect against the vulnerabilities before they become such an issue. An ounce of prevention...