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Everything posted by adamvjackson

  1. adamvjackson

    upgrade nt to xp home

    The price difference between the upgrade XP Home and XP Pro editions should be about US $100, not $200. The FPP (Full Packaged Product) XP Professional is only $299.
  2. adamvjackson

    Inexpensive Firewall solution

    I've had reasonably good success with a Linksys BEFSR41, and they retail in the US for approx. $60, so fairly inexpensive.
  3. adamvjackson

    Inexpensive Firewall solution

    Depending on your needs, you have a few inexpensive options. You could set up a spare PC with either ISA Server, or a Linux distro, or you could get a soho router/firewall.
  4. adamvjackson

    Scariest game ever made?

    Quote: Absolutely right here, undying is the first and ever since game that makes me shivering the first time I played it. Funny thing is, the first time I played that game, it was about 2AM, in a completely dark room. I don't think there's any other game that I can honestly recall playing for the first time, as I can with Undying. I wonder if Clive Barker has any plans for a future game?
  5. adamvjackson

    Windows XP DHCP

    Quote: Someone must have removed Norton Antivirus. The uninstall didn't remove DHCP's dependency on that service, SYMTDI. Good old NAV eh ;( Not that it helps at this point, but interestingly enough, I was just reading something about that yesterday...
  6. adamvjackson

    Best firewall software for XP?

  7. adamvjackson

    Do any viruses or trojans replace or change Wincfg312?

    I wonder if SFC /scannow would have helped.
  8. adamvjackson

    Kazaa Removal and Hiding your MP3s

    On a similar subject, I am trying to block p2p on a soho router, a Linksys BEFSR41 to be exact. I know that the conenction is made via port 1214, but when I block that port internally and forward incoming requests to an invalid IP, the p2p app (iMesh) can still connect. Viewing firewall logs seems that the port used can dynamically change. Any ideas?
  9. adamvjackson


    Thoughts about VNC (any build/distro) vs. Radmin?
  10. adamvjackson

    need software to view the video input on my geforce4

    IIRC, the Ti4600's do, VIVO. 4200, 4400, are only video out.
  11. adamvjackson

    Scariest game ever made?

    Quote: Well, i´ve heard about silent hill it is so damn scary, but going out of Pc games, i have to say that Residen Evil for gamecube is the scariest one i have ever seen. IIRC, Silent Hill 2 was also released on PC.
  12. adamvjackson

    Water cooling to keep quiet (NOT to overclock)

    I'd be interested in some pictures, when you do get around to that project!
  13. adamvjackson

    Best firewall software for XP?

    I used to like ZA, but since I made the switch to Sygate, I don't think I'd go back. The logging with Sygate is extensively better, and it seems more configurable than ZA. IMO, ZA has gone downhill since 2.6.362.
  14. adamvjackson

    Possible Bus bottleneck

    Check to see if you have AA/AF enabled, they look nice, but are framerate killers. I don't see any obvious bottlenecks, other than the storage subsystem, but that's everyone's bottleneck. Your system specs seem to be about on par with the 3dmark score. Also, check your latest drivers, BIOS, 4-in-1's, etc, etc.
  15. adamvjackson

    Windows 2000 SP4 BETA

    Pretty stable, I haven't experienced any major problems. Been running the current build for about 3-4 weeks.
  16. adamvjackson

    Raid Card for Gateway 930 Server Series

    Another vote for Adaptec here, I like their driver support, and as APK stated, across the board compatibility. They may not win any speed awards, but in my book, stability and reliability always outweigh marginal performance gains. And yes, that logic of mine also applies to overclocking, if you were wondering.
  17. adamvjackson

    Win2k and XP wars END NOW

    Using 2000 Professional here, and I will be for quite some time. At least, until the Service Pack 4 beta is complete. But to be completely honest, I don't see any compelling reason to upgrade from 2000 Professional to XP Professional. I don't care for some of the default options, such as shared folders, simple file sharing, etc. I know you can turn this all off, including Luna, but why go through all that when 2000 is what I'm trying to emulate? Not trying to start a flame, or flame anyone, but I'm open to opinions and thoughts.
  18. adamvjackson

    Blue screen when I install NIC

    No problem, hope those will help. Also, of course, you could post here.
  19. adamvjackson

    Blue screen when I install NIC

    http://www.labmice.net http://www.practicallynetworked.com http://support.microsoft.com The MSFT Knowledge Base is really invaluable when trying to track down some errors, that's why I included it.
  20. adamvjackson

    Good Ogg/Vorbis Ripper

    I highly recommend CDex, and in fact that's what I use with LAME 3.92. However, if you have scratched or otherwise damaged CDs, Exact Audio Copy's 'Secure' extraction mode is better, at least with the currently released versions. I note that, because there is talk of adding a similar feature to a future version of CDex.
  21. adamvjackson

    standby problem in windows xp

    This is what I was thinking of, but it may not be what you need. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;330909
  22. adamvjackson

    Windows XP DHCP

    Or try a reset on the TCP/IP stack, by typing this at the cmd line: Code: netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
  23. adamvjackson

    Blue screen when I install NIC

    Out of curiousity, is this a name-brand NIC or a 'generic' NIC with the Realtek chipset? Glad everything is working at the moment. If you have other questions, just ask.
  24. adamvjackson

    standby problem in windows xp

    Yes, there was a Pre-SP2 patch that addressed this issue, run Windows Update.
  25. adamvjackson

    Nvidia Registry Tweak please...

    Quote: Differnt cards overclock differently. I had a Gf2MX that would not overclock to crap, then a GeForce 3 that was moderately good at it, and now my GF4 which is good @ it. So it depends on who makes the card who makes the memory, how good the cooling is and what the voltage on the card is. Exactly, and also different production runs from the same manufacturer can have varying results. Quote: As always make sure you know what you are doing because you can turn a nice card into nothing but a nice green PCB and blown capaictors. Also worth noting is any overclocking voids your warranty.