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About danleff

  • Rank
    Carpal Tunnel
  1. danleff

    Usb woes

    Does this link sound like your issue?
  2. danleff

    BIOS Preferences

    Formatting the drive without doing a low level format retains the master boot record which probably contains grub on the drive that you formatted. The grub reference files on the drive were removed in the format (they were located in the filesystem of the Linux system). The MBR grub information was retained and sticks on Grub as it can't find the reference files that were removed. Assuming that you changed the bios order in the Bios itself (and not just at the splash screen by hitting F10 or whatever is appropriate for yoyr system), it also sounds like you have a funky bios and changing the add-in card first reference in the bios to last prevents the formatted drive from trying to boot first or before the vista drive.
  3. danleff

    BIOS Preferences

    If Grub was installed by you or by the installation of Mint Linux to the Master Boot Record of one of the hard drives, then this would explain it. Out of curiosity, what happens if you make the boot order; 1.Vista drive 2. Formatted drive and 3.Bootable Add-in cards?
  4. You do not mention which version of Ubuntu that you are looking to use. But, the most recent version of Ubuntu (11.10) should work fine with the video cards. The second question is what are you looking to do with the system? You may have to install drivers to get true full 3D.
  5. danleff

    Itunes Won't Let Me Burn Cd's

    Is this happening on a Windows machine or Apple system? What exact error merssage do you get? I know that there is a registry error that can crop up in Windows machines where it suggestes that you reinstall te program. The error is not that iTunes prevents you from burning CD's if another CD burning software is installed, just that the registry settings for iTunes needs repair. Did you try posting this question or serching for the answer on the Apple Support Forums? There are several posts there on this subject.
  6. danleff

    Motherboard glitch

    Your very welcome. Remember, when clearing the cmos, keep the battery out for at leat 10 seconds before replacing it. When using jumpers, pin them to the clearing mode, make sure that the power cord is disconnected from the wall outlet and wait 10 seconds. Often makers will also state that you can hit the power button (even though the power cord is disconnected from the wall) to clear any remaining voltage and subsequently clear the cmos settings.
  7. danleff

    Motherboard glitch

    Did you try going to the mainboard's support page or consulting the user's manual on how to clear the cmos? You did not note the make and model exactly to us, but here is an example from the Tyan webpage; Tyan support
  8. danleff

    Overly Tweaked OS.....

    Do a google search on windows 7 restore original settings. You will get results such as this one.
  9. danleff

    Wine 1.3.4 not 1.2.1 released news error.

    The post was not incorrect. Version 1.2.1 is the latest stable release, 1.3.4 is the latest development release.
  10. danleff

    Packet CD

    I assume that you tried InCD 4, what about the second one, IsoBuster? There site states that it works in Windows 7.
  11. danleff

    Packet CD

    The software is now the property of Roxio circa 1999. Try downloading InCD 4 Reader from the following link and see if it works; InCD 4 If that does not work, you may need to try a recovery software such as IsoBuster and recover the data from the disks and reburn them using your current CD burning tool.
  12. danleff

    WIN2000 Pro Drivers / HP Deskjet 720C

    Maybe try the following driver? HP DeskJet 720C Series 1998-09-23
  13. danleff

    Anyone who used mkdvdiso.sh script?

    I have never used it, but did you point the script to the proper directory of the source iso files? Usage: mkdvdiso.sh source /destination/DVD.iso CentOS TipsAndTricks
  14. danleff

    linux driver for wpn111 usb wireless adapter

    Can you tell folks what you have tried so far? Have you tried using the network manager on it's own to configure the device?