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Everything posted by danleff

  1. danleff

    ADSL internet for suse 9.1 ???

    How bout some more information? Is this your first install of a Linux system? Did the modem seem to get setup during the installation? Have you used yast to try and set up the modem? Is your adsl modem connected directly via usb, or through a router? What make and model adsl modem?
  2. Linspire based driver, eh? I'm not surprised. I have been a Linspire member since the beginning. Their distro recognized my atheros based wireless chip on my secondary box out of the box. Nice going on finding a solution. Good luck with your system!
  3. Great! So, your Windows boot information is on the second partiton of the primary drive. For some reason, the hidden partition is not hidden, as far as Grub and Linux is concerned. That's why I wanted to see what Fedora was seeing things as. Nice work!
  4. danleff

    problems with HP a220n/monitor and Knoppix....

    If you don't mind trying one more thing... I don't remember if Knoppix gives you the ability to add boot options. If so, try adding acpi=off to the command line (or if it is a menu boot option). If it is a menu option, it may be noapic.
  5. Hmm...I thought that the recovery partition should be hidden, so you should not be able to see it and you should not see it as a drive partition. May I ask, did you make any partition changes to the master primary drive? Also, let's try this. Can you post the contents of the grub file? Also, when you boot into Fedora, get to a termnal window as root user and type fdisk -l (hit the enter key) -l = is the small letter l, not the number one. Post the resulting output by selecting it with your mouse, hit ctrl-c on the keyboard, then paste it to the post using ctrl-v We should look and see how Fedora sees the partitions from these outputs.
  6. danleff

    Can start Mandrake??

    ...and what brand and model video card did you have before and now replaced it with? X is looking (configured for) the old card. if you significantly changed the card that you had, then you need to change the card value in X. You may need to do this from the command line if the card is much different, say replaced a NVIDIA card with an ATI card. The other issue is if the card is compatible with Mandrake.
  7. Looks like you installed Grub to the slave drive? Did you do the install with the bios booting to the slave drive? Windows likes to be on the master primary drive. The issue is that some Compaq computers are supposed to have a hidden partition at the beginning of the master drive. Also, is your syntax off? rootnoverify (hd1, 0) should be rootnoverify (hd1,0) no space between (hd1,0) If not try changing the rootnoverify for the XP boot line to read; rootnoverify (hd1,1)
  8. The last that I looked, it was June 8 or 16. I can't remember which, but soon. I did find the schedule here.
  9. danleff

    WEP 40 vs WEP64 vs WEP104 & WEP128

    40-bit = 64-bit. 104 bit = 128. 40-bit keys contain 10 hexadecimal digits; 128-bit keys contain 26 hexadecimal digits. What driver are you using and how (where) are you setting up the values for encrption? Is your router set up for WEP and you have values set for the router?
  10. At what point during the upgrade does it freeze? If early during the upgrade, there are two potential issues. What speed did you burn the iso disks at and on what media? Has anything chamged with the hardware on your system since your first install of Mandrake? Could you tell us a little something about your system?
  11. For a person new to Linux, or with little experience fooling with compiling apps. and such, the Linuxant driver is appealing. At only $30.00 USD, it is worth avoiding the headaches. If you decide to go for this driver, once you get comfortable with Linux, you can experiment. Fedora Core 3 has an issue with ndiswrapper, as the default kernel is limited to 4 stacks. What this means, is that most Windows drivers (which is what you use to get your device worklng with ndiswrapper) requires the kernel to allow 8 or 16 stacks. This is commented out in Fedora 3, so you can't compile a custom Fedora kernel and change this option. Linuxant has a fixed custom Fedora kernel for this on their site. The issue you will run into is a lockup of your system when loading ndiswrapper. The other option is to compile the kernel from source, but new users are usually not comfortable with doing this. Fedora Core 4 will fix this. I just installed Fedora Core 4 test 3 on my system and the default kernel works fine with ndiswrapper. I have a how-to on my web page about this. It is somewhat technical, but you will get the idea. I will be up[censored] the page to reflect the progress that I have made soon. General Linux wireless. Fedora Core 4 and ndiswrapper.
  12. danleff

    Access Denied

    Look at your syntax. I think it should have been; chmod ugoa+rw /usr/share/wallpapers No need for 777 when using direct characters to set permissions - chmod thought it was a file. chmod ugoa+rw <name-of-file> or; chmod ugoa+rw <directory> Also, did you leave off the / before usr?
  13. danleff

    GRUB drives me crazy, please help

    Do you have your PartitionMagic backup floppy disks? If so, you can use them to see what he did with the partitions and redesign them if he trashed your Win XP partition, or all of them. This is not an HP or Compaq system, is it? If so, do you have your recovery disks?
  14. danleff

    Mandrake Success Story

    What apps. are you looking to use with Wine?
  15. danleff

    problems with HP a220n/monitor and Knoppix....

    As long as you know that you have the jumper set correctly on the dvd drive and that the cabling is correct for the jumper (master vs. slave vs. cable select), try installing the old cdrw drive back as it was and see if the problem goes away. If it does not, think about the power supply not handling the load. Those 160 gig hard drives take a little juice, also. If it works OK, I would suspect a faulty new Mad Dog drive. How is the dvd drive currently jumpered? Primary, seconday, master, slave, cable select? If you have Windows installed, is the drive working properly otherwise reading data media?
  16. danleff


    This printer has both USB and parallel ports? Are you trying usb or parallel? Take a look here.
  17. danleff

    system restart automatically ?

    Do you mean it keeps re-booting (will not totally shutdown), or starting up after doing a complete shutdown (the unit goes totally of then restarts on it's own later on)? If the system never shuts down properly, but just keeps rebooting, this is either an apm/acpi issue or hardware problem. What laptop is this and how much ram in the system? You can try changing the line in Grub from acpi=ht to acpi=no.
  18. danleff

    Access Denied

    su enter root password chmod -c 777 /usr/share
  19. danleff

    Access Denied

    ...and what distro are you using? What GUI, KDE or Gnome?
  20. I agree martouf. He needs to try the latest version from source or CVS. I had to try the CVS version before I got my Ralink card to work. The other wrinkle is that this is USB. You all can see my trials and errors with the ralink driver here and specifically with ndiswrapper here.
  21. danleff

    problems with HP a220n/monitor and Knoppix....

    If you can, try burning another cd of Knoppix using 4X or 8X speed. These iso files need to be burned at a slow speed, or they will not read properly. You may be getting a read/seek error, the cd stops reading and the system monitor goes into suspend mode. All that I can say, is that different cdrw/cdrom drives have trouble reading the tracks, if the cd disk is burned too fast. This happens a lot on some laptop cdrom drives. My 24X cdrom on my laptop would not read burned cd disks, but I switched out to a 20X and it worked fine. One would think that the faster (newer) drive would read the disk correctly, but it does not. try getting into a terminal window and typing in dmesg. See if you get a message about a seek error of some sort on the cdrom drive, which should appear at the bottom of the output of dmesg. Look at my guide, located here.
  22. danleff

    How to change sound driver in CentOS?

    You are correct that the Dell (and some Gateway) soundblaster cards are proprietary cards and are made specifically for Dell... Without knowing what the actual sound card model is (there are quite a few like this) one can't tell which driver to use. I read a while back that there were some being worked on. If you can determine which one is in your system, either through the Dell support site (using the tag number), or looking at the card itself (there should be a stamp or sticker on the sound card) then someone may be able to help. The number should be CT-xxxx, where xxx is the numerical model number.
  23. danleff

    problems with HP a220n/monitor and Knoppix....

    So, the Seagate has Windows pre-installed and the WD is just a data drive (not the boot drive)? What I am getting at is that HP systems have a hidden partition that usually has recovery data, as well as some system settings on it. When you burned the Knoppix cd, what speed did you burn it at? Did you use a cdrw disk or cd-r disk? And I assume that you can't resume the monitor suspend by moving the mouse, or hitting the space bar on the keyboard?
  24. Guys (and gals, if appropriate) look at my last post. Did you choose KDE as your default GUI during the installation? If you did and do not get a graphical interface, something is amiss on your system, most likely related to monitor settings or the video card. During the install, there is also a summary screen. If your video or say LAN connection is not configured yet, you will see a message under that category to configure graphics or the LAN (not configured). Laptops are another issue and difficult at times. Do any of the mentioned systems have an ATI video card? These are particularly troublesome in some laptops, especially with the ATI mobility video chipset. KDE is one one of the 3 cd disks that you downloaded. The fourth cd is included in the version for Mandrake club members only - added packages and such. It is not needed for a normal installation. Posting some system specs, say the make and model of laptop, would be helpful to assist in troubleshooting the problem. If you type startx at the command line, do you get a result of messages, one that says something like "no screens found?"