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Everything posted by danleff

  1. danleff

    problems with HP a220n/monitor and Knoppix....

    I'm also curious. The new hard drive. Did you install Windows stand alone, or via the recovery HP disks? The dvd drive. Is it the only cdrom/dvd drive in the system, or did you add the dvd drive to the hardware senario (the old cdrom/cdrw drive is still present in the system)?
  2. danleff

    Need some basic newbie help.

    Double post. Also see the other thread here.
  3. danleff

    Mandrake 10.0 and no internet connectivity.

    A few questions. What internet connection do you have? Via modem or broadband/DSL? Did you set it up during the installation? Were any of the mice attached during the installation? To access the internet connection utility, go to the Mandrake Control Panel; Start (main menu) (System+Configuration ->Configure your computer) and choose Network & Internet. To add a mouse, at the main Control Panel Menu choose Hardware. You should be able to add your usb mouse here. You can consult the documentation here
  4. I looked around. It appears that support is not good for this device at all. The ndiswrapper wiki does not show any users having success with this device. Using ndiswrapper is not easy configuring such devices, so I wonder if it would work. The Linuxant package and ndiswrapper need the kernel source package installed, which is not the default in Mandrake. Is the kernel source package installed? Did you get any errors in installing the linuxant package, say related to not finding the kernel source? The other little note that I found on the ndiswrapper wiki is that the native Buffalo drivers did not work properly with ndiswrapper and his usb device. The user used a linksys driver for his usb card that worked, but his was not a usb NIC stick. The chances look bleak for this device. Believe me, I don't mean to be negative, but ndiswrapper is not easy to configure. See my experiences with ndiswrapper and my PCI cards in my article here. Yes, this looks like a Ralink chipset, but I suspect that the confusion regarding needing multiple driver file is related to the need to use both the native driver and usb support drivers. This may be the source of the problem here. Ralink is fairly new and usb adds to the complexity of the problem. Frankly, I think Linux has not caught up with support for devices like this yet. Remember, this device was designed for a Windows environment. An e-mail to Buffalo Wireless, to the effect that you would like support for Linux, may help. Did you post an e-mail to Linuxant to ask about the compatability of this device with their package? Maybe someone has experienced success with this and the activity of this thread might spark a response to the positive.
  5. See the ATI Linux driver release notes located here. They do not mention support for this card.
  6. Is this the WLI-U2-KG54-AI model? It looks like you are trying to install the Windows 98 drivers using DriverLoader. This will not work. You should try the Win 2000 drivers, which should be the NETU2G54.INF and RT2500USB.sys files. If I remember correctly, Linuxant does not support Ralink drivers. You may need to try ndiswrapper. Let us know what happens.
  7. danleff

    DVD Boot Mandrake 10.0 live dvd?

    Thanks for the tip. I will give this a try! The commands that I used and found were slightly different.
  8. Do you happen to know what chipset this is? I can only take a guess. The inf file seems to be RT, which could be Ralink or realtek. They do not give much information on the Buffalo site. The Linuxant driver manager is another project different from ndiswrapper. Linuxant costs some cash in the end, where ndiswrapper is open source. Both require the use of drivers already built for Windows systems. I'm curious, did the drivers that you used (I assume you used ther ones that came with the card) set up properly in the linuxant manager window when you pointed your browser to
  9. danleff

    Mandriva install problem with Radeon 8500

    Well, that's interesting. parx86, give it a try and let us know if it works.
  10. danleff

    Mandriva install problem with Radeon 8500

    Mandrake (Mandriva) does not list this card as compatible with the Limited Edition version or Mandrake 10.1. Are you a Mandrake Club member, or were you able to download the dvd iso image from somewhere? If you were able to download it as a non-club member, could you provide the link? When you burned the disk (assuming that you did), what speed did you burn the image at?
  11. danleff

    DVD Boot Mandrake 10.0 live dvd?

    Acyually, this is a good question. What if DVD images are not available? I tried this with Mandrake using mkiso at the command line and never could get a good DVD burn. This is one of the things that has elluded me. Anyone got a good method?
  12. danleff

    OpenOffice Printing Problem

    Try checking the "collate" box when printing multiple copies.
  13. danleff

    New Computer

    Although this is very subjective (recommending systems), have you thought about buying a Linux system? Any computer should work, just remember that most come with winmodems, especially HP, gateways and Compaq systems. If you have broadband, this is not an issue. Just remember, HP and Compaq systems often have a hidden recovery partition, so don't change any partitioning scheme at the beginning of the hard drive. Make your Fedora partition after the NTFS primary partition. Fedora Core 3 will play nice with NTFS as the primary partition. Previous versions had problems with this. If you plan on using Fedora Core 3 on a new system, consider a system with ide drive(s) rather than sata. Sata support is good in Fedora Core 4 test 2, but lacking in previous versions. Or, if you don't want to wait for support right away, you could live on the wild side. If you choose a system that comes with a printer anyway, look for an HP printer, or Canon. Most are well supported, except the muti-function printers. Look at Linuxprinting.org for ideas. Try to find a system with a NVIDIA video card and save headaches. ATI support is getting better, but still can be a hassle. Check out the available bios options in the system. You may want support for booting via usb, if you plan to use any of the mini-distros that can boot off a usb stick. What else in terms of hardware are you looking for?
  14. danleff

    Netgear GA311

    Before you go to a live cd (you have time and possibly bought Mandrake Powerpack?) try this; Get into the Mandrake Control Center. Then --> Boot --> Bootloader Check 'Force no APIC'. Try making the eth0 interface (probably the onboard card) auto with DHCP. No need to add addresses and such - follow the config. to the end and allow the network to restart. Reboot See what happens.
  15. danleff

    Netgear GA311

    Here is a link to the Mandrake network setup documentation. Are the cards just recognized or actually set up? Did you set up the network connection during the installation? Are you using a dynamic or static internet connection? What onboard NIC is in the system? If you don't know, what motherboard are you using? This will help sort out what NIC to use. If you did set up the network during the install, on boot, as you see the messages scrolling by, you should see something like; eth0............ If you see the message etho......failed the card is not set up properly yet. Once we know more information, we can go on and help to get the connection going.
  16. danleff

    My opinions about Knoppix, Live Linux on CD

    Just working on my sister's boyfriend's Mom's (whew!) Dell 8100. Spysweeper found 22346 spyware hits and traces. Registry is corrupt and can't recover. Beagle virus and trogan hits. Looks like a lomg haul to recover the data on the hard drive and do a re-install...and since it's a Dell...I hope they have the recovery disks!
  17. Can you be more specific? Are you attempting the install exited from the X environment as root user? Do you have the kernel-source package installed and are following the directions in the NVIDIA readme file? Are you installing the 32 bit or 64 bit drivers? What system are you attemting the install on?
  18. danleff

    multifunction printers and GNU/Linux

    Not always easily, but some have had success with certain brands. See Linux Printing and take a look around. Do a search in google on linux and the name of your printer.
  19. danleff

    Please Help!

    OK, if you removed all of the memory and it did not post far enough to get any beeps...time to get the menual out and check the fax page of the motherboard. Did you check the bios set jumper to make sure that it is set to the proper pins? Check the motherboard manual and faq to see if the motherboard has a feature to check the cpu fan speed at boot (assuming the fan is running at boot) and auto shuts down if the fan speed is not sensed correctly. Make sure the fan starts on boot attempt. Assure that the power supply has all the proper cables attached to the motherboard that should be there. Again, is there a P4 cable, as well as the main cable? Does the motherboard have such a feature and require it? Make sure that there is no short from the motherboard to the case. Look carefully around. You may want to place some insulating washers UNDER the motherboard, where the metal mount posts meet the board, to make sure there is not a short there. Ditto on top under the screws. Are all the case connections (reset, power on etc...) correctly placed and oriented? Did you use a static wrist guard to install the motherboard?
  20. danleff


    When you change the settings to your liking in alsamixer and exit (by hitting the esc key) type in /usr/sbin/alsactl store at the command prompt. ...and you are doing this a root user?
  21. danleff

    KDE Shortcut Icons

    Can you give an example by too long? When you right click on an icon and select properties, what is the default name in the "general" tab?
  22. danleff

    Please Help!

    I agree with OldSpice AP, if the power supply is underpowered, this could be the issue. How many watts is it rated for and what brand? In the old board, and now, are you using the same brand and type of DDR memory? Some boards are known to funk out when all three slots are used for ram. A bios upgrade usually fixes this, if the board manufacturer posts this as a fix. If you look on their faq page, they may also recognize this as an issue. Make sure that you follow the motherboard's suggestions on ram and size, as well as what order to place the ram in the system, if you have differing mb sizes of ram. Did you try just one stick of ram at a time? At this point, you have not posted what specific hardware that you are using. This may help. Brand and speed of ram sticks. Processor type and speed Power supply brand and rating. etc;;; Be specific. Do you have a case speaker hooked up so you can hear any beeps that might occur?
  23. Try noapic first only. Then if that does not work nolapic only. That is nolapic...the letter l with no spaces.
  24. danleff

    modem issue

    It's been a while since I used a modem, but what is the modem speed set at in the settings dialog box, 28.8, 54 or 128 bps?
  25. danleff

    Please Help!

    Any beeps coming from the system at all? This can help troubleshoot a lot of issues. What rating power supply do you have? How many watts? When placing the cpu, did you secure the locking arm of the cpu slot in the down position and locked? A seldom known issue is that on some boards, the bios jumper is shipped in the reset position, not the default. Consult the manual and make sure the bios jumper is set in the correct position. Some systems have a bios that will shut down the system is the proper fan speed is not detected on boot. Do you have a properly rated cpu fan & heatsink for the board? Make sure that the board is not shorting to the case anywhere. How did you mount the board, via metal mount points or plastic ones? Make sure that the memory is securely seated in the slots. Sometimes memory is not fully seated. try reseating the memory in the slots. You can also try seating in only one stick, if you have more than one, making sure the memory is in slot #1 - again, consult the menual. Also make sure that the power cable from the power supply to the motherboard is fully snapped in place. Do you have the secondary P4 cable from the power supply inserted into the motherboard, as well? Try booting the system with just the bare essentials. Add one piece of hardware at a time if the system boots with just the cpu, memory, floppy and hard drive in the system (of course a keyboard, as well).