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Everything posted by freddy

  1. freddy

    Power Supply Problem ?

    I can't find the article I came across last time but heres something to give you a rough guide http://www.howstuffworks.com/power-supply3.htm
  2. freddy

    Power Supply Problem ?

    You can never have too much power. 300W would normally be OK but you have some powerful kit running there, could be a valid cause of it being unstable. 350W I would say minimum, 400-500W far more sensible. I had problems running a 300W PSU on my 1700+ XP so I went for 400W (or 450W, can't remember), system is far more stable now. I know of a site with a guide to adding up the total power usage of all the kit in your system.... just trying to find it for you.
  3. freddy

    Windows XP DHCP

    Problem solved! Someone must have removed Norton Antivirus. The uninstall didn't remove DHCP's dependency on that service, SYMTDI. Good old NAV eh ;( A simple regedit: from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, Dhcp. Double-click the key DependOnService remove what will probably be the last item in the list, SYMTDI. Leave everything else alone click OK. close RegEdit and reboot And DHCP is working again
  4. freddy

    Windows XP DHCP

    I've just found this - http://www.bl.com/moshe/text/quiddities/norton_errors.html Turns out that service is one that NAV adds for some reason.
  5. freddy

    Windows XP DHCP

    Sorry to interupt the thread but as to my initial problem I have investigated further and found that the DHCP service cant start because a service it is dependant on can not start. The service that can't start is the SYMTDI service. I have no idea what that is, never come accross it before. The error in event log is: Event Type: Error Event Source: Service Control Manager Event Category: None Event ID: 7001 Date: 03/03/2003 Time: 11:42:36 User: N/A Computer: JAMES Description: The DHCP Client service depends on the SYMTDI service which failed to start because of the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. Event Type: Error Event Source: Service Control Manager Event Category: None Event ID: 7000 Date: 03/03/2003 Time: 11:42:36 User: N/A Computer: JAMES Description: The SYMTDI service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. Does this throw any light on a solution?
  6. freddy

    Windows XP DHCP

    It wont use DHCP at all, not upon reboot or "repair". Everything works fine manually, but set to use DHCP it doesn't retrieve any settings.
  7. This has been an annoyance of mine for a long time, but it's causing a real problem now. A link from Internet Explorer to a word document automatically opens in Internet Explorer...or rather a sort of integrated Word and Explorer. How do I stop Internet Explorer automatically opening this link in it's intergrated form of Word? I know you can right click and "save target as" but what I need is the standard download box to pop up asking if I want to open it or save it! Can anyone help? Thanks in anticipation.
  8. freddy

    LOL this is for real....

    A question... If someone was to change the XP Volume License key, would they have to use another VL key or could they go out and buy XP Pro OEM and use that key? Or would they have to use another corporate key?? ;(
  9. freddy

    LOL this is for real....

    What a compromise
  10. freddy

    Critical vulnerability in XP

    Is this true??! http://grc.com/xpdite/xpdite.htm
  11. freddy

    Critical vulnerability in XP

    Aha, a patch. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/?url=/technet/security/bulletin/MS02-060.asp Fred
  12. freddy

    Critical vulnerability in XP

    Really, is that all. So what exactly does that fix do then?
  13. freddy

    XP connecting to 2000 Share

    Hi, wonder is someone can help. Got a Windows 2000 machine acting as a simple file server, connected to a hub...inturn the hub is connected to a DSL Router which supplies DHCP for the network. 4 XP machines are connected to the hub, all of which can see each other. From 3 of the XP machines I can connect to the Windows 2000 machine using the 2000 administrator username and password, and another user setup on the 2000 machine. From one of the XP machines it eractically doesnt allow access to the 2000 machine using either username. When it doesnt allow access I can go to one of the other XP machines and connect easily using the administrator user.
  14. freddy

    XP connecting to 2000 Share

    I have tried this Any other known issues?
  15. freddy

    Critical vulnerability in XP

    Is it a real problem then? I haven't installed SP1 because I have experienced far more disadvantages then advantages with it. Is it something that needs addressing, if so is Gibson's solution the solution?
  16. freddy

    XP connecting to 2000 Share

    Some further info on this... Im logged on to my XP machine as administrator, no password. From my machine I can connect to the Windows 2000 machine no problem, without entering any password or username to access it, even after rebooting my machine etc. On the Windows 2000 machine I choose not to require any password or username for people to connect to it. Yet when I just tired accessing it from another XP machine it asked for a username and password. I entered the Windows 2000 administrator password and it connected fine. This doesnt work on the other problem XP machine, it asks for a password but doesnt accept the 2000 administrator password.
  17. freddy

    Adding Router to network

    Need a little help with this set up. Got a server connected to a hub. Then computer connected to the hub. The computers are all set to use DHCP. All working as it should. Ive got a router with built in Switch with it's own DHCP etc. How do I add the Router to the network so that the network will look to the router for internet access? I'm a bit confused about what uplink I attach to what. And how I sort out all the DHCP. Seems to be conflicting at the moment.
  18. freddy

    Adding Router to network

    Trouble is, think I might have to enable the DHCP on the Router. Something has kicked out the DHCP on the server. I havnt touched the server at all, all Ive done is attach the router to the hub and enabled and disabled the DHCP on the Router, now when I disable the DHCP on the router the machines wont pick up the DHCP on the server. DHCP only works now from the Router!
  19. freddy

    Adding Router to network

    Ah, XP system restore has come in very useful on this occassion, DHCP is working after the restore. No idea what happened there. Right this is the set up I have, tell me if it's going to work OK (waiting for ADSL to be enabled so cant test it)... WAN connected to Router...Router's uplink connected to a port on the hub...DHCP on the Router disabled. My XP machine on the hub can ping the Router... So I guess it will all work ok now then right?
  20. freddy

    Adding Router to network

    Is it safe to disable the DHCP on the server and just plug everything into the hub...then plug the hub into the uplink of the Router and get the Router to do the DHCP?
  21. freddy

    Adding Router to network

    Thanks for you reply. It's a DSL router. I have this plugged into the WAN port. The uplink port has a switch, either uplink or standard port. I need to use the other hub becuase the router doesnt have enough ports. At the moment the server is plugged into the hub and the server is doing the DHCP. I wont to connect the Router with a little disruption to the network. Also one other thing, after attempting a few things now my XP machine wont do DHCP with the server! I'm having to assign it all manually on this machine, DHCP simply doesnt find the server???
  22. Not sure if this is more a game question or a networking question, haven't had any response in the games section so I will try here with all you knowledgeable people Does anyone know if this is possible, and how? Grand Prix 4 multiplayer LAN game over VPN. You cant play GP4 over the internet but it supports LAN network play. Ive got a VPN router, which all works fabulously when my mate connects to me. But when either one of us trys to host or join a network game in GP4 no sessions show. We are both running XP Pro, and he has tried using an ME machine to connect to me too. We can browse each others computers in my network places etc. Thought it might be because we were on different workgroups, but making them the same didnt make any difference. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  23. Does anyone know if this is possible, and how? You cant play GP4 over the internet but it supports LAN network play. Ive got a VPN router, which all works fabulously when my mate connects to me. But when either one of us trys to host or join a network game in GP4 no sessions show. We are both running XP Pro, and he has tried using an ME machine to connect to me too. We can browse each others computers in my network places etc. Thought it might be because we were on different workgroups, but making them the same didnt make any difference. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.