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Everything posted by freddy

  1. I hope there is a simple answer anyway 8) Got an XP machine and a Windows ME laptop, netorked through an ADSL router. Both machines are using TCP/IP to see each other and share folders. On both machines I can see the other machine and it's shares. But if I switch off one machine, and leave the other running...or even reboot and leave it running...it still shows the shares of the other machine, even though they are not available, why is this? I should know but I cant think why it is Also on the ME machine it doesnt show its own shares or its own computer name in Network neighbourhood...which it should right? Thats my prob...simple solution I hope Thanks
  2. freddy

    Network shares, network neighbourhood

    Cool, I like your suggestions Alec, I will definately give them a try! If I dont get anywhere I might check out those little programs Dirty Harry suggests. Like the IF EXIST idea...will give that a go...let you know how it goes.
  3. freddy

    Network shares, network neighbourhood

    Ok thanks Alec and the rest of you for your net view reminder, but surely if I dont switch one machine on at all...after several reboots of the other, it should not still be showing shares of the one thats has always been off? And shouldnt ME shows its own shares in Network Neighbourhood? XP does... I dont suppose it really matters....I like things being just so, as you may have noticed
  4. Hello all its nice to finally be a member. Ive just bought a Draytek Vigor 2200USB ADSL Router, my ADSL modem is connected to its USB port and my XP machine is connected to an Ethernet port. Im using its DHCP. It all works beautifully but whenever I start my XP Pro machine with the router on, Norton Antivirus Auto-protect is disabled and cant be enabled unless I restart the service manually in computer manager. Ive checked that the dependant services are set to automatice and started, everything seems to be correct. If I switch of the router and restart the machine auto-protect starts fine. Ive checked for setting on the router's web based management console and cant find any settings on here. All thats different is the router, has anyone expericenced any difficulty like this with this router before? Got any ideas? I think it's service related, maybe the service cant be started properly because a service being used by the router. If so, what service? Appreciate any help on this. Freddy
  5. Thanks mate... I can put up with putting in a password in when I load up my machine easier then restarting the service everytime! The batteries in my cordless keyboard are soon to give way I think What a learning curve this has been, I've learnt a few valuable troubleshooting tips!
  6. I dont have task schedular on or live updates. Ive just tried somethings very crude to see if it solves it...and it does, not really a satisfactory solution, but shows we are on the right track.. I set a password for my user account (administrator supprisingly) so that XP pauses to select a user and enter password before it goes into windows...and this has done the trick. No DCOM error....no NAV red cross...
  7. Thanks for all your help! Symantec arn't as quick as you, I did a few searches and couldnt find anything relating to this so I left them a message...still awaiting a response! x) We have eliminated a lot, think we are on the verge of cracking it... It's good to be able to talk to someone who knows what he's doing rather then me experimenting alone and making a mess of it... Think you need a well deserved break from it anyway, I'll let you know what I come up with. One thing though...I havent really touched my router settings, not any rules or anything anyway...is there anything I should check or do?
  8. Very quick response Ok I deleted the other GUID's...and sure enough my modem would dial but not conect due to the "device not functioning correctly"....so I have put them back in place...
  9. I think I mislead you a little, I havnt had those other machines connected at all yet...but will have once I get this problem sorted. So they have not normally been there, but will be, hence why I have Client for Microsoft Networks installed etc.... Maybe I should also tell you that I have a standard 56k modem installed and 4 dial up connections in network connections... Is it still safe to remove the other GUID in /interfaces? The two that should be there for the NIC and microsoft client are there...and another four...which I assume are the other four dial up connections? If so...that does account for all of them...
  10. At the moment I only have one machine on the network, but there would normally be another two, so I have client for microsoft networks installed, and netbios over tcp/ip. I have one NIC installed, and two GUID's in adapters, and quite a number in interfaces. At the very first entry in services I have two GUID's, Im pretty sure which is my correct one as it has my IP address etc listed, whereas the other has nothing. How do I safely remove this then? Just delete the key at those two instances? I did have my ADSL modem attached to this machine, I have uninstalled it, noticed the connection didnt show in network connections anymore, perhaps it was not uninstalled correctly. Also disabling Network Cnnections caused half a dozen errors...which wasnt suprising as ICS is dependant on it and listing of NIC's etc. - I have re-enabled it
  11. Sounds like you work far too hard, but now I realise how it is your so knowledgeable! I did a search on google for this netman error and found a site, searching for the GUID didnt help much. You can take a look at the link below, one guys comment was quite helpful http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_Systems/Win2000/Q_20276655.html I searched through the registry, netman is the Network Connections service (Manages objects in the Network and Dial-Up Connections folder, in which you can view both local area network and remote connections.) but this is set to automatic and started. I didnt do the obvious...check the MS Events database, so I will restart and do that, might even disable network connections just to see what it does..
  12. Thanks for the advice, we are gettting somewhere. I first found that that Imapi error is relating to the the inbuilt CD Recording in XP, I dont use it so ive disabled that and that error has gone, but the second DCOM error (yes there was two errors) I have looked up in the registry and it relates to Network Connection Manager Class 2....listed twice in the registry, in local machine and classes root. I also started and set to automatic Messenger in computer managment. Upon rebooting there were no errors and the problem seemed resolved, but after another reboot there is the same DCOM error, not the Imapi one the "netman" one. Only this one to eliminate and problem solved... Event Type: Error Event Source: DCOM Event Category: None Event ID: 10005 Date: 02/09/2002 Time: 10:18:00 User: SDH\Sam Computer: SDH Description: DCOM got error "The service database is locked. " attempting to start the service netman with arguments "" in order to run the server: {BA126AE5-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E} For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. We are almost there 8)
  13. On every start I get an error in Event viewer as follows: Event Type: Error Event Source: DCOM Event Category: None Event ID: 10005 Date: 01/09/2002 Time: 19:41:04 User: SDH\Sam Computer: SDH Description: DCOM got error "The service database is locked. " attempting to start the service ImapiService with arguments "-Service" in order to run the server: {520CCA63-51A5-11D3-9144-00104BA11C5E} For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. What is DCOM? Could this have anything to do with it?
  14. Im afraid that didnt resolve it, and it didnt appear to slow things down at all...
  15. Oh ;( Forget I said that, that was short lived.... after another reboot the problem is back, seems a little intermitant...which would be evidence towards things not being started at the right time... so off to try what you said
  16. Thanks mate, Ive had a long week too I was actually napping aswell x) Ive finally made progress actually, maybe it will explain a few things...Ive just tried deactivating DHCP and configuring static IP address, and voila! The red cross is no longer But Im very interested in the solution you came up with, this will still be valuable if I enable DHCP again and for future probs like this, I think youve found what I was looking for. I will re-enable DHCP and try it and let you know what happens, Im sure it will interest us all. Thanks
  17. Those lines were not in my hosts file, adding them made no difference. And also I dont think its anything to do with the Live-update, ive turned automatic update off, and still the same. Here is the error that I was talking about when Ive switced on...auto-protect is displayed as disabled...I goto options...select enable...and click ok.... "An error has occured in the script on this page. Line: 29 Char:5 Error: Unspecified error. Code: 0 URL: res//C:\PROGRA~1\NORTON~1\NAVOpts.dll/optionsbtm.htm" Any other ideas? Guess its on to your other suggestion you had...
  18. freddy

    home networking

    No prob, should all be a piece of cake using the XP wizard with the correct cable.
  19. freddy

    home networking

    And by the way it's RJ-45 Make sure you buy CAT 5 Crossover cable.
  20. freddy

    home networking

    No thats your problem, they are intended to go from a PC to hub. You need a crossover cable, which fools the network card into thinking its connecting to a hub.
  21. freddy

    home networking

    On each maching try a loopback... ping to check the network card.
  22. freddy

    home networking

    Also check the computers have different computer names, but the same workgroup. And obviously different IP addresses, but all the other settings should be the same.
  23. freddy

    home networking

    Have you had any sign of communication between the two machines at all, have you tired pinging either machine -> command prompt -> ping (ipaddress) Are you using a CAT 5 crossover cable? Correct drivers installed for the Ethernet cards? File and Print sharing installed? Check these basic things, hopefully its nothing that technical. The wizard should work pretty well networking two machines directly.
  24. I will check the hosts file when Im home very shortly, and let you know, I hope that does solve the issue. I tired setting the service to manual but this makes no difference. Interestingly though, straight after reinstalling NAV the icon does show initially as disabled, but after a few seconds the red cross goes. After a couple more reboots and completing all the Live-updates, it stays disabled. (I tired not installing the updates but it still stays disabled after the second or more reboots straight after installation) This seems to indicate some issue with the service starting correctly, even though it does start. Maybe the router is taking some priority or something from NAV. Im a firmly established Norton fan This is the only problem Ive ever had with it.
  25. Maybe it's time for a change of AV, what are your opinions on Grisoft free AV? Is it as good as Norton, for a small home network?