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Everything posted by freddy

  1. freddy


    Hi, I wonder if anyone could help... A small company I work for get hundreds of email enquiries everyday... they need to distribute the incoming emails evenly among 3 different people as each email comes in, so that one person doesnt have to deal with the whole lot! How can this be done, is there some software that will do this? They are using a mail server called Magic Winmail, and using Outlook 2002 (XP) to pick up the emails. Thanks, FREDDY
  2. freddy


    No one got any ideas? :x
  3. freddy

    Mail Headers

    Hi, I've just set up a mail server (Winmail), and when sending email through the server the email show both the local IP and computer name of the sending computer, along with the local IP of the mail server. How can I stop the mail server attaching this information in the email headers? Thanks. FREDDY
  4. freddy

    Windows XP DHCP

    Hi, it's been a while since I've posted in here, but problems have arisen again. An XP machine on my network has decided to stop getting it's network config by DHCP, I have to manually configure the IP address etc. All the other XP computers on the network are still working with DHCP so it's not a problem on the Router (DHCP server). What can I try? Why would the XP machine just suddenly stop using DHCP? Any help much appreciated. Sam
  5. freddy

    MSN Blocker

    Hey, ages ago I downloaded a little utility that you could run on a computer and it would block chat programs like MSN, Yahoo, AIM... it would simply stop them running on a computer. To turn it off again you just ran the application again and it switched off. Ideal for blocking chat programs on a computer without having to fiddle with the registry, or install a program. But I don't have the program anymore... and can't find it. Does anyone know where I could find a simple program like this... probably the one I originally found. Was so useful.. dissapointed to have lost it, just spent a few hours trying to find it again without any luck! FREDDY
  6. I've got to install SP1 on an XP machine that's using the illegitimate VLK. They've purchased an OEM version of XP Pro, as a clean install isn't an option can I just change the Product key from the VLK one to the new one they purchased. I know how to do this. From what I've read I think it should work? FREDDY
  7. freddy

    Change Windows XP VLK

    Just to let you know, it didnt work. A Volume License Install doesn't seem to accept a legit OEM Key... so only solution is a fresh install ;( FREDDY
  8. freddy

    Change Windows XP VLK

    Excellent, thanks. The key is completely legit.
  9. freddy

    Change Windows XP VLK

    Does anyone know if this will work?
  10. freddy


    Got a problem with Outlook. I'm in the UK, got an XP machine with Office XP. For some reason Outlook shows all the email dates etc in American format (mm/dd/yyyy) not the UK format (dd/mm/yyyy). This is causing a problem, and is a big annoyance. I've checked regional settings in the control panel. Checked the Microsoft Office Language Settings. And explored all the options section of Outlook. Is there an obscure setting in the registry I could change? Every setting I've found in Outlook and Control Panel is set to English UK. Please help FREDDY
  11. Wonder if you could help me with a problem I'm trying to fix on my Bosses computer! His 3 year old son was playing on his computer at work... he noticed "loads" of windows open... IE windows I assume. Now when opening Outlook Express 6, the application comes up but it then just freezes... can see the folder list but nothing else. Can only close it by ending the task. The machine is Windows XP. I've downloaded IE 6 with Outlook Express, and installed it again, that didn't solve anything. I changed the registry to tell IE setup Outlook Express wasnt installed, then tried installing again. That didn't help. He's got 1.23GB of messages in lots of .dbx files in the Outlook Express storage folder, so I tried deleting most of them and then opening it... that didn't work either (I had backed them up so I reinstated them again ) Could it be a virus? I'm not sure of other fixes to try on Outlook Express with Windows XP. Thanks. FREDDY
  12. freddy

    Outlook Express freezes when starting

    No, no joy at all. This morning it did work for awhile, after I had done a defrag. (computer was very badly fragmented) I've tried removing any Ad-ware, removing cookies, virus scan, done a scan disk, a defrag, reinstalling... Anyone got any other ideas please? On another computer I'm getting emails forwarded from a Rule on that Outlook Express... so it is working (picking up emails)... just the screen hangs. The machine has 512MB RAM... and plenty of hard disk space so the 1.23GB of mail shouldn't cause it. FREDDY
  13. freddy

    Very weird recycle bin problem

    For a couple of days now my recycle bin has appeared to contain trash. When I open it there is nothing in it, no hidden files, no system files, no bytes. Heres the worrying thing, when I click empty recycle bin a confirmation box pops up asking if I want to delete "WINDOWS"? I haven't clicked yes because that doesnt seem a good idea! Any idea what's going on? Or how to resolve this? Shall I just click yes? My windows folder still appears to exist Would appreciate some advice. I've done a scan disk, no errors found. I've got antivirus software constantly running and updated, don't think it's a virus. I've also sent another file to the recycle bin - although it said there was one file in there, again when I clicked empty it said there were two files, so I just deleted the one. FREDDY
  14. freddy

    Very weird recycle bin problem

    Sorry for the delay in this reply! Thanks very much for all your help Alec. The most simple thing ended up clearing the problem! Very frustrating! I simply ran a Windows "Disk Cleanup" on that disk, and that emptied the Recycle Bin and cleared the problem! FREDDY
  15. freddy

    Dual Monitors

    Just a simple question. I have a Dell machine with onboard graphics, no AGP slot, 3 PCI slots. I need to add another monitor to the machine (just for office purposes so nothing that graphics intenses - just spreadsheets and the like). Can I add a PCI graphics card and still use the onboard graphics along side? Normally I would just get an AGP graphics card with dual output, but with only PCI slots and onboard graphics I'm not sure if I can simply add a PCI card and use both. If so...any recommendations on a good PCI graphics card? Or can you buy dual VGA output PCI graphics cards and disable the onboard graphics? Thanks for you help. FREDDY
  16. freddy

    Very weird recycle bin problem

    I've found something on this in another forum, don't know if it's trustworthy though, any adivce? http://www.cyberiapc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2837 Here's a direct link to the recycle bin fix someone suggests, could someone check it out to see if it's safe, I've had a look at it but I've no idea what any of it does! http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/regs_edits/restorerecyclebin.reg I've just noticed, with the Disk Cleanup in windows. I have two hard drives, C: and D:, disk clean up says the recycle bin on drive C: is 0bytes, disk clean up for the D: drive says 6,575 KB in the recycle bin! But when I click view files....nothing in there still. FREDDY
  17. freddy

    Very weird recycle bin problem

    I reduced the size of the recycle bin to 0%, for all the disks, restarted still with the same problem. How do I view the files corrupted in the recycle bin? It still looks empty when I open it with explorer. FREDDY
  18. freddy

    Very weird recycle bin problem

    Thanks Alec, I'll try the suggestions when I get home shortly. FREDDY
  19. freddy

    Very weird recycle bin problem

    I navigated to the recycle bin as you said and it still appears empty. Turning off the recycle bin does nothing. I only have Norton Antivirus running, none of the programs mentioned and no recycle bin protection programs running. Any suggestions? I could click empty and click yes on the confirmation box? Hoping it doesnt delete my windows folder! FREDDY
  20. freddy

    Dual Monitors

    Excellent! Thanks for your quick reply! FREDDY
  21. freddy

    What Printer?

    Some advice needed please. I need to get a good injet printer for a small office of 10 computers that need to share the printer. They wont be doing much colour printing, only colour documents not photo printing. The printer must be fast, and quick to initialize....the time between sending a job and it coming off the printer should be quick. I got a networkable colour laser printer, but this was just too slow the time between sending a print job and it coming of the printer, and the time between print jobs was too long. The print jobs are not large batches of printing, just many small jobs, hence the need for speed between jobs. Can anyone recomend a good, fast, reliable injet printer? Thanks. FREDDY
  22. freddy

    What Printer?

    The colour output is a neccessity as the company logo on the letters is in colour and part of the company image. The amount of printing isnt significant enough to have much bearing on the cost of inkjet cartridges. I've seen many black and white laser printers and they did not appear to have such a delay in printing, think it must be a colour printer thing. I think inkjets are more suitable for the requirments...a laser just would have been nice to have, but doesnt seem to work well in this scenario. Got any suggestions on suitable inkjets?
  23. freddy

    What Printer?

    The printer is an Epson Colour Laser C900N. Cost £560. Before we had one networked Epson injet, shared as an object on one computer on the network. Anyone printing to the printer could send a job and it would start to print almost immediately, so printing a couple of pages would be printed by the time they got up from their desk and got to the printer. With the laser it takes so long to warm up etc, that by the time they get to the printer it hasnt even started printing. We would prefer, like you suggested, having two or maybe three injet printers that dont take so long to warm up and initialize. The laser is set to start printing right away, and it has 16MB of memory installed. This should be enough, the print outs are only a couple of pages of text and a small logo. There may be faster lasers on the market but not within the £560 budget. The company would much rather have 2 or perhaps 3 inkjet printers. Thanks. FREDDY
  24. freddy


    I'm doing some work for a company, they have a database of over 5000 email addresses of existing customers, they've all given permission to receive email updates. They want to send them occasional newsletters. There is not the need for dedicated software to do this as its not going to be a very regular thing. It's proven more difficult then I thought it would be. I got all the addresses into an address book and inserted them in the BCC email field in Outlook Express (all this took quite some time!). When attempting to send (again, after some time!), it failed saying to many recipients. Is this a restriction on my email server maybe? Or is there just a limit to the number of recipients you can send an email to. Is there any free software or some easy method of emailing this number of people? Thanks. FREDDY
  25. freddy


    Need some advice. I've been using a DSL router for a year now, but I think it's on it's way out. It's a Draytek Vigor 2200USB, you connect your USB modem to it. It was working fine for nearly a year but all of a sudden its started dropping connection intermittently, and it's getting worse. It's not my ISP, or the modem, and I havent changed my setup. Reading the Draytek forums, many many people are experiencing just this problem after about a year of use. So anyone know of a good reliable feature packed DSL Router. With modem built in. I've found some that seem good, but what I like about the Vigor is the Dynamic DNS account you can enter. I have a no-ip DDNS account which I use to Remote Desktop into my machine daily. I need a router that offers this, but I can't see this feature on any that I've looked at. How do most people without a static IP use remote desktop or connect to similar services without a router that offers a Dynamic DNS setup? Can anyone advice this, and a good DSL Router that does this? BTW im in the UK so that may have some bearing on what Routers are available to me. Thanks, FREDDY