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Everything posted by Int@rim

  1. Can anybody tell me something about the procedures that happen during Audio- and DVD-Ripping? Is Ripping likely to damage a DVD-Drive or is the loss of three of my DVD-Drives in just 11 months purely accidental? What the f*** actually does DVDx 2.0 when it rips a DVD, and can this be dangerous to certain drives or DVD-ROMS in general. Waiting for ya competent answers. Greetz! ;(
  2. Int@rim

    Ripping causes DVD-ROM to crash???

    It's not like I'm ripping ten DVDs a day, I think in a matter of a year I ripped about 25 Movies and 20 CDs with those drives. The used drivers are the normal windows xp stan. drivers, but there's also an adaptec aspi installed. The fact that brought me the idea, that maybe the ripping could cause the failures is the following: the special running modes that any drive has, lunsed for playing audio-cds, video-cds and dvds seem to be the most damaged parts of all. You can still copy data, but slower. And you can still rip movies properly. It just looks like the special reading-modes are damaged, which I thought are used for ripping in general.
  3. Int@rim

    Magic the Gathering

    P.S: it's the 1.25-patch you have to download all three files :x
  4. Int@rim

    Magic the Gathering

    listen, to get magic running under windows, you have to install a patch which makes it compatible to nt-based os, you can find this patch under www.gamesdomain.com if the error still occurs, try to install the game directly under c:\MAGIC\ that's the way it got it running Int@rim